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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Transgender people 2327

I know it’s not their faults, but MtF (male-to-female) transgender people almost never make pretty, cisgender-looking women. They look like hags. Before they transitioned, they were good-looking guys, and they turn into someone who probably will remain alone forever. A male body was not meant to be physically female. Most MtFs look like men in drag. Even after they get facial feminization surgery, they still don’t look great, since their shoulders, hips, legs, etc still look manly. And their …view more

fuck every guy who cheats. just fuck you. 2327

any guy who cheats on a girl is a worthless piece of fucking shit. I don’t fucking care what your reasoning is. you suck donkey ass. girls trust you and you just throw it away like it’s nothing. I’ll be a lesbian. cause any girl I know is capable of handling as simple of a task as NOT SCREWING SOME DUMBASS FAKE BLONDE WHORE WHILE DATING SOMEONE ELSE. I hate guys who lie too. “oh baby I swear I’m telling you the truth! I’d never lie to you!” ….. “okay well I lied I’m sorry please forgive me.” …view more

I wish he’d get a job already. 3027

Really! Were broke as fuck and right when I find a job to get us out of this rat hole you quit yours? What the hell is that, okay you can have time off, I get it, you’re tired. I’ll work alone for a bit, just realize that being a part time server isn’t enough to pay everything comfortably for that long which was the whole point. Now look, I know you don’t want a job, and I know you won’t go back to school or apply for financial aid, but damnit we need more income! Let me like clean someones …view more

rant about family and life part 1 2127

ok. im just venting. my grandpa pisses me off daily. he always has to be complianing about SOMETHING. and we recently got a cat. i have no idea why, but he doesnt like the cat in my room, even though he is MY cat. so he will barge into my room, almost every 5 minutes saying “the cat better not be in here!” or “DONT HAVE THIS DOOR CLOSED the cat cant get out!” and 75% of the time i dont even have the fuckign cat in my room. he also has alztimers so he forgets alot, so he does this every single 5 …view more

Cupid, you missed. 2527

It’s amazing… my life is actually good. I wish I could find someone to share it with, but hey, you can’t have everything, right? I feel left behind at times; three years ago was the pits, but now I’m in a good place. Still, I wish I could find someone that was worth sharing my life with. Either that, or I wish I could get used to this already and get on with life and not give it another thought. Maybe that’s the better option actually? Who knows….. My parents are thankfully cool, and won’t …view more

today 2627

I feel like it’s been so exciting wondering when we would actually talk to each other in person, but now that I have, I’ve made the wrong impression. I’m worried that I came off as rude, mean, and unattractive instead of everything I want you to feel about me. I just was hoping that you like me as much as I like you.

Going on for years, it has just about reached its peak. 2127

My anxiety has increased day by day recently. I suffered from low self esteem as a child, my family was very cruel towards me during my childhood. The reasons for the beatings were for menial things, my mother had a hard childhood and I believe she took much of her anger out on her children because of that. I don’t harbor any hatred for her anymore, but I do blame my self esteem issues and social problems a little on my parents.
The anxiety was new to me in middle school, I was quite socially …view more

Had enough 2127

I just need to rant somewhere, and I figure somewhere anonymous is good. I’m sorry if you don’t want to read this but, I’m going to say it anyway. My best friend has started cutting again, and I’m about 2 hours away from him and can’t get to him easily, as he’s always busy. My boyfriend is having trouble with his ex, she’s lying to him and saying she wants to be with him, and it’s getting to him and therefore making me upset. I don’t quite know how to explain how I’m feeling but I’m just …view more

EWW GRosS! 2627

Had a guy come in and drop a prescription off with his girlfriend/skank. As I’m typing up his profile, I didn’t notice until I glance back over to let him know it’s going to be a few minutes, that he is dry grind/humping his girlfriend against my counter. I mean really? You are in a public place! I promptly told him it’ll be a few minutes, we’ll call him if he’s got something better to do. What I really wanted to do is ask him if he was just going to fuck her against the counter, since that’s …view more

Christmas spirit 3027

All I want for Christmas is a small tree to put our presents under, and to be able to decorate our small tree. Christmas is in a week, I’ve been telling you for over a month. Sorry I want a cute fucking Christmas.

all this pay gap shit 2827

what the fuck are peoples problems with all this shit. “women should be paid more” “no men should be paid more” seriously… why the fuck… i thought all this male/female who is better ended in primary school. of course not.
take 1 man and 1 woman. each work at the same office on a same schedule. they should be paid evenly


Ironic 1927

I just commented on a post about rape culture on facebook and my rapist liked it…

Okay I need to vent and I can’t 2327

Look I would love to go into depth about it. I WOULD LOVE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS.BUT you don’t ask me. I am not talking about, referring to, or even hinting. @you online. My deepest desire is to be able to say what is on my mind, vent about RANDOM shit. And go on about my lfe. But everytime I put my thumbs to the keyboard, I gotta worry aboutvwhether or might possibly affect you. If you are going to clam up, if you are going to say a fucking stupid reply that others connect to my facebook …view more

A bitch named Jake 3227

This stupid whore has ruined my life for almost a year now.
Shes one of those girls who pretends they’re a “Guy at heart” to try and get guys to like them. She even has a guys NAME.
Shes a stupid bitch who, in all her profile pictures either; Turns the flash way up so it blocks out half her face, makes the duck face, OR puts everything in black and white/black and white with any random thing but her ugly face in color. Often a combination of two or three of the above.more of the above.

She …view more

I Sometimes Think About You 2227

When we were friends in the beginning it was awesome. We liked the same things and could talk for hours. Then we flirted and one thing led to another and you were my girlfriend. The first homosexual relationship I was ever in too. Then you got weird and possessive. I couldn’t take your moodswings or the way you yelled at your kid or your road rage. I didn’t like how you tried to control me by manipulating my emotions. You tried to make me feel guilty for having a life that didn’t involve you …view more

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