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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Life 2927

Life. Life is not the easy dream that is implanted in our minds from a young age. Life will not hand you the world on a silver platter full of opportunities. Even if you work very hard, further your education, it makes no difference.
Life is HARD. Life is MEAN. Life is full of INJUSTICE.
People that you encounter will talk about you no matter if you’re doing right or wrong. Life is not NICE.

I have worked hard, furthered my education, knocked on businesses, phoned around. Yes i have a job…for …view more

irritated at best friend 2627

i am irritated because i had plans to hang out with my best friend on saturday and monday. well it turns out that she cancelled because her mom just decided to go out of town saturday, sunday, and monday. the EXACT days i was gonna hang with her and the EXACT days that i was free only. so since she couldnt hang out, my mom made other plans and stuff. but today she texted me saying that her mom cancelled the trip and now she can hang out. but then i cant because my mom already made plans.
it …view more

Gay Sex with Straight friend 1627

I had gay sex with my best friend last night after he came over depressed about his girlfriend dumping him for one of his straight friends. We talked about our exes and ranted while getting drunk, and then that’s when it happened. I don’t know what to say when I’m around him now. He keeps wanting to talk to me but i’m avoiding him. But all I know is I wanna have sex with him again. I’m gay, but he’s not and I think I may just be confusing him.

Copycat weakling, you are an attention whore 2027

You: Tall, gorgeous, thin
Me: Medium, gorgeous, voluptuous
Both: Artistic

However…you involving yourself in my projects so you can “learn” makes me feel exploited and the work you turn out after said learning looks like knockoffs of my work. You need to get off the amphetamines, get un-depressed, and travel elsewhere. My nest, and the hard work that got me there, aren’t yours. What really rubs me the wrong way is that you get noticed because you are so loud not because of the quality of your …view more

I hate you, you stupid pathetic dickhead…Piss off. 2427

I’m really pissed off at you Morgan. Before you were gay you were an awesome friend, now because your “gay” your an absolute,total and utter pathetic dickhead. All you talk about is sex,cock and random shit that mature people (like myself) don’t give a flying FUCK about and how fucking DARE you hate straight people. You were straight yourself, so what gives you the bloody right to hate us? Just becuase your “gay” dosn’t give you the excuse to verbaly abuse other people, due to your sexuality or …view more

I hate myself. I hate Them and I think I might hate him too. 3027

I will be the first to admit, I am not without fault.

- I am a hypocrite
- I lead boys on because I feel like I need the ego boost
- I am a slob
- I am a slacker
- I go through stages of feeling absolutely terrible about myself, then the next day, I think I’m awesome

There are plenty of …view more

fu@*&%k dating 2927

I’ve been very single, and very happy for almost a year. I been concentrating on many things that have enabled me to advance in my career. I had a bad break up last August, and I’ve been concentrating on bettering myself ever since. I hadn’t consciously made a decision to date or not. I finally decided that I’m open to the idea of dating. I was very happy to meet a guy at this bar that my friends and i went to. We hung out, went to another bar, i paid for the cab and drinks, basically because i …view more

Please just stop 2327

I’m so sick of you complimenting yourself. You make an appearance and the only thing you talk about is you. You belittle others and advertise yourself. You talk about how *you* make everything interesting, how your sense of humor is superior, how everyone loves you… and you think that you’re welcome everywhere. Which is not true.

When I talk with my friends and you’ve just finished with yours, you join my friends and I not even thinking twice about whether or not we want you there. True, most …view more

This Is Fucking Insane! 2127

This is absolutely fucking insane. I cannot believe you would rather be friends with some fake person posing as a celebrity online rather then a real friend who ACTUALLY GOES AND DOES STUFF WITH YOU. I mean seriously? I cannot believe you are that fucked up! I pointed out all the evidence in the world that this person posing as this favorite “actor ” of yours that you’ve thrown half your life away for isn’t really him. Anyways if he was really who he said he was I still cannot believe you would …view more

Stressed 2227

Too much homework assigned? Check
Mentally abusive older brother? Check
Diminishing social life? Check
No idea what to do? Check
Someone that I trust and can talk to?


Just Energy 2227

Thanks so much to Just Energy — — in Ontario for ringing my doorbell three times (at once) this morning. I asked the woman if she saw the sign on my doorbell that says “No Soliciting (even if you are not selling)” and she said “Yes, I read your sign, but we ring EVERY doorbell.” I told her that sign is there because my wife is on night shift and sleeps during the day, and she told me flat out “I really don’t care, that’s not my concern.” Who would do business with a company who’s …view more

I hate you, you little ginger vegan cunt 2827

You talk so much shit, you pretentious, ginger, vegan cockbreath faggot. Your skinny jeans make you look like a cunt, as do the thick framed glasses. As for the pretentious crap you post on Facebook, seriously man, just go fuck yourself. Also, Henry Rollins is an overrated dick. As if I’m going to pay good money to listen to that fucking idiot spout his half-formed political rantings. Oh, by the way, you really should stop labelling yourself as “music obsessive” wherever you go, because …view more

fed up 2727

i am totally, fed up with ex fellas, who think they can just text or turn up and you will welcome, them with open arms, why dont they get a fucking, life and let us get on with ours.

Older woman 2627

I’m 21, I’ve just started seeing a 25 year old
The people I’ve told don’t seem to be happy about it
It annoys me

cheaters 3827

while he is away, I get letters about how many of the guys there are being cheated on by their gf. i woldn’t do that ever. what is wrong with these women?? why the hell are they cheating on their bf’s?? the all aught to go to hell. support your soldier or get out of his life. fucken bitches….

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