Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Since I’ve been in Highschool all of my Friends have gotten more and more stressed and I feel like I am pissing them off whenever I say a single sentence. But, my heart is just so big that I can’t help but try to help them with their issues in life.
But each day it’s getting harder and harder…. One of my close friends who lives around the country from me tried to kill herself, and I am so panicked. Everyone thinks I’m the smartest kid alive, I’m not, I cheat I lie… It’s getting harder and
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Being cheated on hurts. I’ve never been cheated on so I don’t know how it feels. I don’t know how a guy could ever cheat on a girl. The girls did nothing wrong for the guys to do this. I guess guys do it for satisfaction that we won’t give them right away like the slags do. We aren’t some bimbos on a corner you can just pick up in a car. We have dignity. We are people too. We have feelings, a heart, and courage too. We don’t just walk around sleeping with every guy that passes by. I hate it
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It’s been four months since I had gotten laid by my boyfriend. And damn, it sucks. I’m at my wits end. But cheating is never an option so I have no choice but to masturbate and wait for him. (We are in a long distance relationship btw)
Here’s the problem: I came into high school with no friends because my friends from grade school were horrible to me and during the summer I finally told them to leave me alone. I was sad until I met my three best friends. My issue is that they all are still friends with their grade school friends which is so understandable, but sometimes they make me feel so left out. I consider myself good friends with their grade school friends now but they literally hang out all the time and never invite.
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In a little over a month I’ll be done with school. Till then I’ll have to go on acting like I’m not as stressed as I am.
I have to much to do and not enough time. Between homework, my parents, my kid and my lover, I’m feeling overwhelmed.
Dad lost his job because he was careless. The lack of income has made life harder than we are use to (and I know it’s not as hard as other people have it, but it’s difficult because we aren’t used to it and have to relearn how to do shit). Suddenly I’m
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I’m in a class with complete idiots.
I’m stuck with them until December.
They all have a complete lack of respect- not only for the teacher, or their classmates, but obviously to themselves.
I fucking hate them all.
I get through every unbearable hour and 1/2 class just by fantasizing about going up to each one of them and saying a big “fuck you”.
Personally, I’m always looking for the light in people, but I just can’t find it with these guys. They are loud, rude, disrespectful, STUPID,
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I’m totally sick of writing rpgs with you. It used to be fun, but now I realize… your writing sucks! What the crap is this stuff? You don’t use proper grammar, your organization of dialogue is awful, and half the time you use words the wrong way. You’re a 50+ woman. The bad thing is you COULD be a better writer, but you’re in this stupid rut of wanting to write the same old story over and over. Boy meets girl. adventure, kidnapping, rescue, they get married, they have a kid, the end. It’s
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Yes Mr. Jerk suburban driver in the parking lot of the minor league baseball stadium in redneckville, NC, we got the message that you would gladly scrape all the paint off the side of our small car if we didn’t let you push us out of line. So glad we were forced behind you so we could be treated to your Christian bumper sticker! You are indeed accomplishing your task of evangelization…not!
Say im exaggerating, i dont mind. So I really hate those people on the streets who have just had a bad day and start raging at you for no reason. So today I was getting home after class, and this woman was flinging her arm around, and i was getting around her bc i was trying to get home ASAP. So her flinging arm hit me, and i was thinking ‘whatever, people are just rude, ill deal’. But instead, the bitch started raging at me, she was like ‘YOURE SO RUDE, YOU SLAPPED ME AND YOURE NOT EVEN
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K, so today was my last day of High School and our German class got our teacher a bottle of wine and a card to say ‘thank you’ for the past two years she’s had us even though she was probably the most sarcastic condescending bitch I have ever come across in my life. So we gave it to her and she gave us this speech about how nice it was of us and how she’s here if we need any help with our exams, she even had a few tears welling up in her eyes.
After these awards in our school, a girl in our
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Okay so I liked this boy for he longest time and my guy friend and my crush and I were all having this like 20 questions night. We ended up playing for like 7 hours straight on skype and it made me like my crush more. I went to the hospital a while ago and they put me on a weird med and I got loopy and I messaged him saying he was hot. He sent me so many fucking signals making me think that he liked me back. Then he gets a fucking girl friend after literally flirting with me for a year. Now
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I don’t even know where to begin. Short and sweet, my SIL is a bitch, and I’m tired of it.
All day long all I hear is bitch, bitch, bitch. She enjoys the pleasure of looking for things to complain about, one little thing and you’ll get bitched at.
She prances around the house all day bitching and crying, I do everything around here and no body helps me. Oh, fucking please. All you do is sit on your ass all fucking day long watching TV and fucking off on your phone. You don’t do shit. Poor
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So, I was visiting my mom this weekend, and we were having a pretty good time! Like, we hadn’t gotten along in awhile, and this weekend was pretty good. I got back home sunday, and when i got home, i found out my 1 year old sister died that morning. Lets see someone pass this shit up. Life fucking sucks right now. I’m the oldest of 6 other siblings, what the fuck and who the fuck do i get to talk to? I’m stuck “being strong” for them all. Like i said, life fucking sucks right now.
You bitch. I told you I liked him and you told me he was a player. You said he is like that with everyone. K so I listened to you and now look? You told some other girl to bring him to our prom?! Really, really????? You fucking knew I liked him! Now what?
It’s not like this is the first time you’ve done this with other guys that I have liked. Just because I don’t like the guy you suggest doesn’t mean you have to go around ruining shit for me.
There’s just no use with you, is there? Fuck sake,
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I feel so alone… my friends are all realy busy or well enough for me to dump my problems on them… My BF..(hmm,,) has been sort of distancing him self from me. no more “how was work?” “are you okay?” “can i come see you next week?” … always waiting for me to text him first…
i dont know what to do.. i’m stressed out with stuff for university, and he hasnt even tried to calm me down. told him about getting an interveiw to my FIRST choice uni… not even a well done.. i bet he forgets about my first
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