Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I basically was 30 seconds away from telling my crush i liked him, but guess what my luck is? I’m about to tap him on his shoulder then he takes some girls hand and asks her to go on a date tonight! I felt so embarrassed and just walked around them, later my friend got pissed that i hadn’t asked her what was wrong and called me a ungrateful peice of shit.
My grandmom is upset with me and she hasn’t talked to me yet I’m actually happy because I’m finally able to have a quiet dinner without being bothered. Part of me is questioning whether or not to talk to her?
When I cry, I put sad music instead of happy music not because I’m dumb and want to cry even more but because I don’t want to feel even more pathetic.
I tried once with “I wanna get better” from The Bleachers and all that came out was a sense of guilt because why the fuck can’t I fucking cheer up.
I really wanna get better, I just don’t know how.
imma mechaphile
i was on
i fapped to 3 sex stories and 3 rape stories in the same day
one sex story where a car fucked a girl
another rape story with a bmw made by “some godlike creature” raping a girl
a rape story between 2 male planes and 1 female plane
a rape story of bumblebee (that transformer) raping a boy (yes gay) named sam
and a sex story of a lambo named eleanor and a guy named sam
eleanor forced sam into the back of a wall where sam eventually couldnt resist and had
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my girlfriend is really great i love her a lot but it seems as if she can turn on me at a moments notice about small unimportant shit i was trying to correct her spelling about something and she fucking attacks me about it because of something that doesnt affect me and how shes right and shit but the link i sent her has the name in the spelling i have so im actually right and shes being ridiculous and its not even like i corrected her in public in front of everyone this was over a text and she
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1. Watching and hearing him eat makes me CRINGE. He can be such a disgusting human being. I am constantly alerting him that no one wants to see the food that he is chewing.. He also eats his food as though it were a race to the finish line. When we eat I have to make it a point not to watch him or else I would constantly be bitching and repulsed.
2. He is a slob. I don’t mind picking up after him from time to time but the thing that gets under my skin most is that he will put his dishes in
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My boyfriend and I are poly and talking about moving in together in a few months. We’ve been together four years and he started dating this girl about 6 months ago who is the most dry, humorless, pedantic, nitpicky, negtive, pessimistic, condescending, stick in the mud, killjoy I’ve met since my ex-husband. He said he wants to get separate bedrooms “for when his other girlfriend comes over”. All I could think was “you can’t tell me you genuinely expect to still be dating her in three months?!”
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Not only do you want to hit your sonata threaten both of our nephews and not slap smack or swat but punch your son multiple times within three different intervals but you want to tell our grandmom that sometimes kids need to be punched and not because he was being rude or wrong to you but because he wants to talk to his cousins and mention that a shirt that his cousin is wearing looks like his. And you’ve got the balls to say my mother was abusive bitch get the fuck of of here my mother never
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My husband has stage iv cancer. My mother has always been all about herself. If I don’t spend enough time with her I have to hear a 100 calls about her loneliness and boredom. Lately I’ve been a little busy with my job, household work, my own kids and taking care of my husband so she has not gotten as much attention lately. My favorite comments so far are: I wish my husband had cancer so I could get some new things (referencing some fixing up around the house my husband has done in fear of
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Really I’m supposed to get up early to use the shower when if I do you rush me and complain that you need to use the bathroom. I get it your old and things should be handled in a way that makes you happy but at the end of the day I need to use the damn shower and you take forever a 10-15 min shower should not take over a hour you literally are in the bathroom for an hour but act like you’ve been in for 2 mins wtf!!!
I fucking can’t stand my friend anymore she’s been a bitch lately I want to cut ties with her it’s so bad. Maybe I’m just being dramatic and will get over all this tomorrow but right now she’s the fucking asshole screwing up my life. She fucking ditched me even when I asked her not to and she didn’t even say sorry this is in the first time may I add ducking dick
Two days ago, you said you were in love with me. “I love how you’ve made me fall so in love with you, that you’re always going to be in my mind no matter what I have/will do” No, I don’t accept the fact that you’re “in love” with me, one reason being, we’re both fourteen, another reason is that there is a difference between loving someone and being in love. If you love someone you love the way the eye’s twinkle when they laugh or the way the brush aside their hair when they’re uncomfortable but
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12 years of hearing “you’re too fat” “you need to lose some weight” why is it now after losing 95 Lbs I’m hearing “you’re too skinny” “you need to bulk up”
so im in a trio but then also a bigger group (including the trio) and there is a lot of beef atm bc 2 members are fighting and i don’t agree with either of them and one of them is refusing to be in the group if the other is and although the other is making them more upset on purpose i can’t help but feel uncomftorable when ever one of them is around bc its constant bitching about the other. the more upset one is making me and one of the people in the trio really upset by lying to our faces and
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I dreamt that I was in a Snow white costume and having sex on the chair with a guy. I have a fetish for dressing up in costumes or other people’s clothes that doesn’t seem “me”. So in my dreams I love it when I have the choice to get to go shopping for costumes or lingeries. But no matter how hard I try sometimes these dreams get interrupted and making me not dressed in the costume. Slurry costumes, Halloween costumes, lingerie, I love them. It makes me feel like I’m someone else. I also love
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