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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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My friend is controlling my life! 1827

To my dearest friend- Stop manipulating, lying, and trying to prevent me from dating other guys. Just because I rejected you months ago doesn’t mean I can’t date other men. Your stories of finding out that the men interested in me are just trying to hurt me makes me see just what a liar you are. I’m sorry, but I don’t bieve you when you say you know dirt on so many different people outside of your social crowd. I also don’t believe you actually have hooked up with “so many women”. The pictures …view more

shutupiamhealthy 2127

Okay here’s the thing. For about 2 minutes the media promoted thigh gaps. But then, since everyone is either too narrow-hipped (nothing wrong with that) or too fat, suddenly the media is saying they are unhealthy. Well I’m sorry lovelies but you’d better be consistent. Browsing the internet, I saw an article about declaring “war” on thigh gaps. Out of sheer curiosity, I clicked the link. Now there is some idiot ranting about how stupid it is for women to have thigh gaps, claiming it is …view more

Why can’t i just be me? 1827

Okay so i am totes opposite from my friends. I don’t want to be like them, but i would rather try to “fit in” with them, because ya know, yah. Well i’m trying not to be a complete h8er because i’m not a full blown “hipster”. Like seriously i’m trying, i’m even ranting to a weird website, common right? I don’t understand why i can’t be me and still not feel like i’m totally accepted into the “group”. I love all of them unconditionally, and i know they would so anything for me and feel the …view more



finish this fake friendship 1827

sometimes i just want to message my “friend” saying fuck you, sign off and unfriend her.

she doesnt care about me, this we both know.

but I can’t help but keep caring about her.

Over it 2927

I know we’re not in a relationship (friends with benefits who love each other… Confusing, I know) but its not really fair if you say you love me and then go hook up with a guy,you know I despise… I forgave you after you slept with him, but I’m really starting to get sick of this bullshit. It’s getting to the point where it’s either me or him. I hat feeling like a fucking second option, because you don’t want to stop fucking him… I love you so much, but I’ve had enough of it… Why am I not enough …view more

Your final words will never reach him. 2427

Before my husband and I were married, on two separate occasions a woman he had known since high school begged him to leave me and be with her instead. He refused her both times.

Not long ago, two days after she committed suicide, a letter from her arrived in the mail for my husband. He wasn’t home. I opened it and read it. It started with, “By the time you read this, I’ll be gone.” She went on at length about how she had always loved him, even insisting that she loved him more than I ever …view more

documentation… 1927

Can I just say that it really fucking pisses me off when people write amazing pieces of source code and then don’t fucking provide proper documentation on how to implement it!? Is that just like a thing? I’m gonna spend five years developing this amazing binary and I’m gonna release it, but am I gonna properly tell people how to use it? NOPE. Just gonna hope the gurus already know how to use it and leave the little guys to fend for themselves.

We all start somewhere, fags.

For Your Information, Dad 3127

Telling us that you can break as many tables and throw as much shit as you want, just as long as you don’t touch us, is not reassuring. It’s probably the most terrifying thing you could say. It lets us know that you’re never going to stop, and breaks the illusion that even calling the police won’t help us.

I don’t give a damn if we’re family; if I had anywhere else to go, I would leave this shithole. Family my ass.

Contaminated 2227

I just told my boyfriend that the person I tried to sleep with ( but failed as neither of us were into it) is now one of my best friends, someone he’s met. And although it was fine before he knew who it was, he now thinks he can’t be with me. He’s the first person to convince me I’m not damaged and disgusting. I just want to finally escape the past and if he can no longer convince me that’s possible, I only see one other way. I’m so trapped.

Going to Hell 2527

I’m in love with my best-friend (another girl) and I can’t say anything because she’s completely in love with her boyfriend. Not to mention I was raised in a very strict christian household and if my parents ever found out I even thought about liking a girl they would completely disown me and tell me I’m going to hell. For once, I just wanna be me and be happy

Unfair 2527

Okay, So lately my Mum has been really unfair and ridiculous.
I’ve known my best friend for 12 years and she is turning 15 this weekend. I haven’t been able to make a lot of her birthday parties and I feel guilty as she has always come to mine.
My Mum said that if I wanted to go I had to complete 3 weeks of Science and Math homework in 5 days and if not, I would not be allowed to attend her party. I feel like she is just making up excuses so I can’t go anywhere. Anyway, I completed one week …view more

Bullshit 2327

I am tired of playing this game….just come clean!!!!! I know what you did & who she is!!!!! Just fucking admit it!!!!! You were kissing that BITCH!!!! & I am pretty sure she gave you a Blow Job!!!! & Your lyin ass is just that!!!! Ive given you every oppurtunity to say I made a mistake!!! But FUCK NO!!! You gott look straight in my eyes & lie…It ends tonight!!!!! Dont fuck with a techno geek!!!!! I got my shit squared!!!!

Short haircut 2127

My wife just got a really short haircut and she looks like a lesbian from an episode of Portlandia. It makes her look so unattractive. She said she was on the verge of tears when the hairdresser first cut it, but I call bullshit. When you get a haircut, you don’t first chop the hell out of it. You take a little bit off at a time. Dyke hairstyling just in time for the holidays. Way to go, wifey. I think I’m gonna grow a big fucking beard and say it was an accident.

Im a little tired of this, but ill keep going. 3127

I have alot of friends who are always feeling down and belittling themselves.

Maybe they have a mental problem, i don t know.
I only know them online.

I try to cheer them up every time, i always comment when they feel bad and always will.

I just wish i didn’t feel so much responsibility; like if I dont comment they will think im a selfish asshole.
Maybe i am a …view more

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