Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Me and you have been together for half a year but legitimately together for almost two months. It’s fading now and you show no interest at all. What’s the point of having a girlfriend you barely talk to or see? Yeah.. we do talk but it’s usually a couple bland uninterested text message or nothing at all. Why do you have a girlfriend when you have no time for one? We see each other at two week intervals which is ridiculous since we’re relatively close. Most of the time you tell me we’re going to
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Dear Boss
I am scared to come into work because of you. you make me feel like shit … first you misunderstand an obvious joke and take it very personally which was not my intention as it was in no way directed at you. Secondly, you aggressively ask me to find something I have no knowledge about and when I asked for more information about what I was supposed to be looking for you said “You’re here to help me!”. I know that the role I perform is a support role so being told that my job is to
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This is the second time.
What is the point of people holding contracts insisting on our giving WRITTEN notice if they never pay attention to the written notice we give them?
We gave our 1 month notice at our apartment by telling the property manager, calling and leaving voicemails, and sending a letter with our final rent check. They got the final rent check ’cause they cashed it, but must have ignored the letter inside, ’cause 2 weeks after we moved out, they sent us a letter,
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I really am sick of girls who (in a group of friends that my boyfriend hangs out in) dress like hoes everytime they go out and take skanky pictures with legs spread open with girls faces in their crotch, grinding everyone and dancing provocitively…there seems to be one bitch in particular that is always hanging all over everyone, including my boyfriend…u think i want to see her ass all in my boyfriends crotch with her booty shorts and hooker heels? I guess its just too fun to act like the group
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I am old enough to not give a shit about this kind of stuff anymore, but for some reason just knowing this chick exists online is enough to make me want to blow up unicorns. She’s passive-aggressive, only acknowledges you if you can do something for her (otherwise she sticks to her gaggle of butt-monkeys), and openly manipulates the game. AND YET: OMG SHE’S SO COOL AND SUCH A GOOD ARTIST AND SO FUN TO HANG WITH! WE LUV HER SO MUCH!!!!!!
AND YET: A metric fuckton of people left the place she
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I have never really enjoyed using the toilet. So whenever I want to treat myself and my family isn’t around. I put on elderly diapers and poop. The feeling of the warm, smelly goop against my big old butt cheeks. I then sit there and enjoy it as long as possible, then take it off, and rinse my ass in the shower. Once my husband found the full diaper and just looked confused. I played it off as a normal thing. He hasn’t asked any questions.
I’m 21, broke up with my ex about 4 years ago after a year long intense relationship. My whole life still revolves around the events of that year. Can’t seem to get over it, even although my ex has completely and utterly moved on, although all through the relationship, they told me how much they loved me; more than anything apparently. There’s no chance of getting back together, is it wrong to still be so attached?
I?m just sick of not doing what I am called to do in life. Im not married, I have been single for a good 6 years now? and nothing! I am serving God and I dont regret that a bit.. but is there something I am doing wrong!?!?!?!Im not the single kind and I have been patient enough I think. Not going with just anybody but truly waiting??? AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! And I feel stuck. Not happy. just living for others. I give so much of myself and not that I expect a pat on the back but there is no
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people in alabama apparently don’t know china used to be communist. has the world touched the insanity wood?
Ok I’ve got a bf who is really into me. He tells me he is in love with me already and we have only been going out for a couple months. I am not as into him as he is into me, I like him and I think he is a very sweet guy, but he is just not the guy for me. I’m really thinking about breaking it off with him. But I don’t want to hurt him, also he told me that he got me a Christmas presant already from Belden Jewelers. Now idk if I should stay with him untill after the Holidays or if it would be
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Do you ever feel that your just kind of stumbling through life, kind of taking things as they come and not really doing anything proactive to improve your situation? It’s not like my situation is bad, just there are some things that I would change if I could…but I don’t…I mean I don’t put any effort into making those things change in my life. When I was younger and in love, and had NO money, I used to think that money would solve all my problems. Now that I am older, not so much in love but
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For my TV licence. I don’t think it’s worth not having adverts. Adverts aren’t that big a deal - sell me some more stuff.
Waitresses/waiters are not your servants, they’re not of a lower class than you and it really isn’t their fault if your food isn’t up to scratch. They didn’t make it. They probably judge you based on your food choices and who you’re with, and if you don’t tip first time round, you’ll get shit service second visit.
AHHHH its of my first time doing it of course I will make a mistake….. IM ALR FEELING LIKE SHIT AND NOW MY MOM is screaming at me and saying that she shld have done it herself… fuck everything
Got a call from my Mom on my way home today. I was waiting for the tram, and the tram never came, so I walked FOREVER and I missed the 6 p.m. bus and at this point I’m hating my life and wanting to gnaw my fucking wrists open because I have to do this hellish commute every day, my Mom keeps calling so finely I answer the call. And I tell her “Mom, I’m sorry I’m just really tired and I had a shitty day, can we talk later?” and she goes “Oh I just wanted so say I miss you and lets get together
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