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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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I am SO TIRED of being a trained info-monkey for idiots and drug addicts and jerks! Get your own goddamn phone number! You’re sitting in front of a computer, LOOK it up yourself! I have a fricken MASTERS DEGREE! And I am NOT the phone company! I am not your PERSONAL SHOPPER! I am not the complaints department of the store you are pissed at! I do not CARE why you want the lame and stupid information you want! If you had written it down the other twelve times we looked it up for you, we wouldn’t …view more

life, man wtf. Money won’t buy happiness but it’ll make my life A LOT more bearable 2928

I’m just tired. I feel like I should have stayed in Las Vegas sometimes, but then I’m not sure if that would have turned out too well either. So it’s better to have loved and lost right? Bullshit. I couldn’t done just fine without this one. All she was good for was a good fuck and a false sense of security. tells me I’m all she ever wanted them she gets tired of me and charts on me after 8 months and less to me about it till I put the puzzle together myself. it’s been months and I can’t stop …view more

Racism 2028

As a young African American girl, I have faced so many racial slurs that no one should be put through. I am constantly told that I’m unattractive because I’m black or I’m not as pretty as someone with lighter skin whether this is said indirectly or straight forward this is VERY offensive and tears down someone’s self esteem. I’m also 6 feet tall so people m are constantly telling me how being tall is equal to being a man and that I have man hands and feet. I also have my hair braided up which …view more

I’m worthless, I know 1728

I already know that i’m worthless, a waste of space and if I died they would all celebrate. Yet when I hear my friends saying it to my face even if they think it’s just a joke it makes me feel worse because it just proves that it’s true. It always makes me wonder about killing myself but I know I can’t because i’m too cowardly to do it when I know it would be better for everyone if I did. I don’t even deserve to be thinking these things because some people have it worse and they still carry on, …view more

Over it. 3028

I’m over this bullshit. There’s no use dwelling on shit that I have no time to give a rats about. I have way more important things to be sorting out instead of your childish antics and comments. Unlike you I’m going to be an adult about this and I’m going to take the higher road even if it makes me look bad. I don’t care who you complain to saying all this shit about me cause I know it’s not true.

Singing people 2228

To the fat woman singing under my apartment:


I hate it when you start singing to yourself! It disturbs the peace and quiet I want to get after a loooooooooong day. Plus, your singing is bad! You sing like a sock that’s been marinated in piss and horse shit for 3 weeks! And even then I think the sock is a better singer than you will ever be!

Spare everyone’s ears, put a stop to your singing pseudo-career while you can!

…Also, get some exercise in or get a liposuccion, …view more

Do I deserve to be happy? 2128

I’m 21 and live in Asia. All my peers have already graduated college a year ago, and I’m still floundering around. Heck, my little sister graduated college just this year, and is on her first year of med school, where I should already be in, but is now an option no longer possible for me.

I had gotten kicked out in my first college, an elite college in my country and am on the verge of getting kicked out of my second one, a local college and the only college that would take me, both times due …view more

Second Best 2328

I doubt anyone will actually read this… But my “rant” is about always ending up second best to someone. I always lose my “best friend” to another person who comes around after I have been friends with that person for a while. Then I get dropped on my butt. This has happened countless times. Right now, I feel like I am losing my best friend to his new girlfriend, who also is stealing my big sister. My current best friend is slipping through my fingers too. I always feel like there is someone …view more

If they want to live like animals, let them die like animals 2228

Working at a hospital USED to make me feel amazing…like I was doing something worth living for and making a difference in peoples lives. NOW….I go to work in the constant fear that I will be physically attacked or shot ( we have had non-stop lock downs due to walk in gun shot victims). I am SICK and TIRED of picking you off the ground, being covered in your blood, hurting my back throwing you on a stretcher and saving your fucking life for your family and you to treat me like shit when you dont …view more

I Hate That You Left So Soon 2528

Your a bastard for just walking away without even trying. I put so much of my time into making you happy. Did you ever stop and try to do that for me. God our relationship was a joke. I wish I hadn’t asked you out… or I wish you hadn’t said yes. Yet I still want you back, I still miss you, and i wish you would just fall back into my arms.


I hate it. You hate it. We all know the feeling. When our small group of our three closest friends, Me, my best friend and best guy friend became a couple and a plus one (the plus one is me), the two of them were too nice to tell me to go or to tell me not to be around them. I can’t stand it. They ditch me all the time, they go off and are with each other ALL THE TIME. Listen, I understand. I wouldn’t be as upset about it if they hung out alone more often, but at parties where I don’t know …view more

Unbelievable 2428

My *entire* next year of school is basically paid for, something I’m ecstatic about, and you say *nothing*. You’re ignoring me because I was distracted when you interrupted me as I was doing homework. How childish can you be? Throwing a hissy fit because I was more focused on getting my homework done instead of talking about a stupid television show. Finishing school is *important* to me. Of course, that should have told me right away that you wouldn’t give a damn. You never care about anything …view more

Alone, even when you’re there. 2328

I’ve spent years of my life trying to get you to like me. It eventually worked out. I’ve done everything in my power to make sure our long distance relationship can work out. I’ve flew, drove, took a train, spent money I didn’t have to make sure I could make you happy. We’ve been together almost two years, and in that two years, I feel like we’ve become further apart than when we first met. I know I messed up a couple of times during our relationship, and I hurt you emotionally. That was never …view more

Complete Inbeciles, and why? 2328

What the fuck is wrong with everybody in the entire world when it comes down to common sense and mistakes. Earlier today I had make an admittedly stupid comment, and some bitch started laughing out loud because of that, and so did a lot of people, and this stupid dumb fuck i am unhappily forced to call a bullshit friend also laughed at me. Fuck you Louis. You think you’re so smart and cool. You’re just a retarded hipster with nothing better to do in life than hide your own insecurities by …view more

It’s Complicated… 2628

You invited me to be a part of a group project. I accepted. Now, I participate, not because I have loads of free time – not even close – but because I was aware immediately that you were someone that I needed to be around. I wanted to get to know you. I did, and you totally shattered my expectations. You’re positive, smart, and beautiful, but most of all, you’re strange. You say things that make people feel uncomfortable. You say things that my dream woman says. You’re the first woman that’s …view more

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