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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Foot Fetish 3429

I once let my ex rub himself off on the sole of my knee high boot. He was a bit weird, I didnt like him much.

Fucking Employment 2329

I need a job. Like, who doesn’t? But I started a great job late last year and then lost it thanks to the current financial crisis, then got a christmas job but now thats over, and I’m moving soon and I’ll basically take any job that’ll have me. I know hundreds of thousands of people are probably in the same situation, but I’m still pissed off about it. Blech.

Overworked…I just need to disappear 2829

I honestly havent had a day off to do nothing and not be bothered by anyone in over a year! Even those days when I dont go into the office, there is still usually someone at home whining at me to clean. (I really dont feel like fucking cleaning up everyone elses’ mess!) Also this past couple weeks I worked a small mindless holiday job on my holiday days off and know that I have started back up here at my office job I am dead tired. All i really want to do Is travel to some exotic location and …view more


Ugh.. sometimes I just seek to wonder..What if? What if I had done things differently in the past? What if I choose to be with someone, how would that have played a different part in my life? What if I never left my friends and family? What if I told a friend off and went to actually recognize my honest feelings? What if I had done things completely different back then, and my friends and my own life came out so much better..

I hate what ifs….it only make you dwell in a hopeless life of …view more

Friendship 3329

Sometimes it seems like I’m the only one who puts some effort on keeping our friendship. In a year we’ve been together once… I look at our pictures and realize things are not what they used to be and that makes me deeply sad.

Helping a blind friend? 3429

I have a friend that is keen on going back with her ex boyfriend, thinking that they will be more than friends. She tells me and others they’re just friends. Only, I know all he wants to be is friends with benefits (fuck buddies), which me and other friends of hers have told her in the past, yet she still has sex with him. I know she’s well aware of what she’s doing. I really want to help her but she never listens. Do I try to confront her telling her what she’s doing will not end well and is …view more

Unloved 2329

I’m sure that feeling “unloved” starts with me if I don’t love myself enough who ever will…..but I feel very unloved at the moment.

For most of my life I have been rejected for one thing or another. My spirituality has caused me enough rejection, isolation, and alienation that it is difficult for me to be in relationships, let alone start one.

I was teased as a kid in 3rd grade up into college for being an uglier and dumber version of my beautiful twin sister. Then I started to grow into my …view more

Tax & Vat.. Work it out? 3129

Why is it that today, while I was at work cigarettes cost fell by 15p, Booze whent up by 30p-£1 :(

Shouldn’t they be the same price?

Its ment to be said prices will also go up in pubs and clubs.

Feeling crummy 3229

Ever have those moments of deep realization when you wish you could undo something you just did? I got an e-mail from my dad today thanking me for agreeing to take some pictures of his local choir before their performance, which I do every year. this year I told him I wasn’t planning on attending, and don’t remember telling him I would take the pictures.

I left him a blunt, rude voicemail telling him to find someone else, three hours before the concert.

He called me back, saying I had made a …view more

How to trust again 829

I have dated this guy for about 3 yrs and we have been broken up for almost 2yrs. The thing is we keep coming back to each other no matter who we have dated and well we are pending getting back together but how can I trust him though? Don’t get me wrong I love him with my entire soul and I do want a life with him and vise versa, but I a terrified to be given empty promises agian. We have been taking for about two months now from not speaking for 6 months no contact what so ever. Ne suggestions? …view more

i miss my ex boyfriend 3429

i act always annoyed when my exboyfriend calls me, but secretly, i miss him when he doesnt.

SISTER. 3129

My sister is evil at times but i kind of love her… she annoys the hell out me.

Society 3228

What’s so freaking special about the Kardas sisters.

Someone please explain why they are famous.

sick of you and your Bs 1628

Its my assumption that cells are behind my misery.This is consistant with their methods and madness.They love using a technique known to our members as family foxholing.They go to different states with a rolodex of different shit to keep tabs on and torture their targets.its called family foxholing for their propensity to hide behind deceased family members or someone you have lost touch with including but not limited to your exes[if they are in the transportation industry its a plus for …view more

Happiest News 2828

I can graduate early.

but my parents won’t let me.


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