Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I have spent over 2 thousand dollars on treatment (rubber banding Yay!) and have not been able to take a decent shit for 3 fucking years. I’d like to be able to shit just once in the morning, not 5 or 6 times with a fucking BURNING sensation and itchy asshole for the next 3 hours. I’d like to be able to sit comfortably at dinner, and not worry about having to shit right after I eat (kinda makes going out to dinner a fucking chore as opposed to a fun evening) I’ve given up drinking alcohol
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In the middle of studying for my huge history test tomorrow, my sister comes in and tells me my dad wants to talk to me. Apparently, it’s now acceptable to take your kid out of studying time to tell them that at 10:00 pm they need to vacuum the house and clean the bathrooms. Now, if he judged yelled at me I would be fine, bit if I don’t he is going to take $50 and ground me for the week. You would think that as a teen recently out of anger management classes he would try to not piss me off so
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I’m a girl, I don’t think I’m gay but I have a crush on my English teacher. only because she helped me a lot with my problems at home. she is caring funny kind and went through the same horrible problems I’m going through and I think I see her more as a mother figure but I think that’s still a “girl crush” i think…..
I enjoy English now which is good but every time my mum screams abuse at me or hits me i wish I was with her so she could care for me, hold me and tell me everything will be ok
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Couple of girls at work need to either jump in front of a drunk driver going 120 or quit. You annoy me and if no one was around, I’d destroy you both. Get off your god damn periods, whores.
My fucking roommate…INCONSIDERATE, NON-DOMESTIC, SO INCREDIBLY FUCKING DIFFICULT TO LIVE WITH. Always getting in the way, doesn’t clean ANYTHING EVER, no respect for my or my other roommate’s lives. Talks and laughs loudly RIGHT outside my bedroom door early in the morning when she knows I’m still sleeping (or trying to…).
Doesn’t know how to stack a fucking dishwasher or rinse her dishes before putting them in there. Our trash can and recycling bin are DISGUSTING because she doesn’t rinse
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you think you’re winning but you’re not. i know a little something you think i dont know. and since you’re a social network bully, it shows how pathetic your nasty ass is. you can use my friend, and treat him like shit, and come at me for what you think i did… but if i post up one thing that i know about you on my profile on that social networking site.. i will have you wrapped around my finger and YOU WILL SHIT your pants after. And all that shit you say behind closed doors… i bet you wont say
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Who do you think you are? You break up with your girlfriend who you were just stringing along for the last few months, and then you definitely started treating me then more then a friend, unless you cuddle and hold your friends hand while watching movies. Then all of sudden for no reason or explanation you act like I was never more then that girl that lives a few doors down. I deserve an explanation.
Sometimes I remember why, but most of the time I don’t. You know, I didn’t personally cause every problem you had in your day, and just once in a while, it would be nice if you rembered that. I don’t want to talk about the kids all the time, and especially not on those rare occasions we’re having sex. I don’t call it making love, because it’s not. It’s just a duty for you, that much is obvious. From your anger at me daring to slow down and enjoy it to your angry shouts of “Hurry up and finish”
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Oh please. Don’t.
You’re not even my real Dad for the love of goodness.
So please do not care for me or try anything to make me like you.
I grew up without a dad and I don’t need one now.
So back the
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Some guy calls (as we are walking out the door) for his kid’s prescription, he got the front store person, since it’s 5 minutes after our closing time. Tell the front store manager it’s something that’ll mess up his kids system if the kid doesn’t have it……it’s for his kid’s acne…not a freaking lifesaving med.
So guy wants us to stick around so he can come get it…..heck no.
Also, come to find out he’s in another CITY right now, 2 hours away! HECK FREAKIN NO!
How many of our chain
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seriously way too frazzled. tired as hell to work on a team that will throw you under the bus when they need to.
We’ve been flirting pretty heavily since we met at the office. I don’t care that you’re leaving for a semester in Spain in less than a week, and I don’t care that I have a boyfriend (I’d leave him for you). Grow some fucking balls and SAY something, or otherwise, I’m never going to see you again.
Also, FUCK YOU. I fell hard for you.
There is so much to say, and I can’t believe I put it off for so long.
I applied to a lot of jobs, trying to get someone to give me my first job ever. I applied to your store on a whim, not thinking that I had the experience needed to get a position as a dog bather. Yet you took me in and gave me a chance. Take note that I am very thankful for the year and some odd months I spent working for you. But it was not easy, and you never attempted to make it so. In fact, you did quite the opposite. I
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Look, everyone knows you’re gay. You look gay, act gay, walk gay, TALK gay. Hell, you’re so gay that I’m surprised that spunk doesn’t fall out of your mouth every time you talk.
Yet you try to tell us all that you’re straight.
I know that there’s such a thing as metrosexuality where you only seem gay but you’re not, but this is not metrosexuality. You’re gay. You like men. Deep down inside you want to have sex with men. You want to put your penis in the mouth and/or ass of another man. You
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I hate my mom, even though her man’s “okay”.
People just don’t get it — she’s exactly the kind of person I hate and yet I still have to deal with her!!!
I’m 17 and she treats me like a kid, but when she want to vent or discuss some shit with me, all of a sudden it’s okay to pretend I’m an “adult” all of a sudden.
For the first time i my life, I have my own room and she refuses to leave it. Why can’t she understand that I-DON’T-LIKE-HER!!! She constantly tries to destroy my self esteem and
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