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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Spineless or Jealous? 2530

When I see her putting her new guy ahead of me, it really gets me down, and I always begin to resent her, but never say anything to her about it… Does that make me spineless?

Then the anger turns into sadness and I’m glad I didn’t say anything to her about it, because it’s all borne of jealousy.

You crazy ass hoe!! 2930

I am his freind!! I am NOT trying to take him from you! You need to get that through your head! I have known him a long ass time…longer than you knew he was alive! He has helped me through a lot and for that we are very close. I’m sorry if you don’t like it, but thats how it is! You don’t have to like me or even talk to me! But if you keep bitchin at me I will fight back and I will win!! But you need to understand that I am not trying to take him from you nor have I ever tried to so get over …view more

Grrrr. 3030

Why does she bother me so much?! He went on one date with her before we got together and I know nothing came of it because he didnt feel a spark. I know Im the only girl he wants and I completely believe him about how much he loves me. He’s the one, I will marry him one day, he’s told me all of this. Its just that she obviously had strong feelings for him, and she still texted him while we were together and left him comments the same as before. She didnt even acknowledge that he had a …view more

Groupie 2730

I’ve always wanted to be a groupie. How should I start?

You don’t worth my time 2730

You don’t worth my time.

You say how much you miss me, want me. Yet the first thing you do after you come back from your vacation, you go around and flirt with the girls in front of me. We have been seeing each other for a year now and you never tell me you love me. But today, when my friend busts out a joke, you tell her you love her cause she’s so funny. You know what? I’m glad that I never use the L word on you either! Why? because obviously I treat my Love more preciously than you do. …view more

stupid ex-roomate stuff I did 1930

I pissed all over my (now ex) roomates room, in her bed, in her closet all over her clothes, on her toothbrush. I also fucked her and hit her with a golfclub afterwards. And occasionally I would sweep all the dog hair, dust and dirt into her room. I also told people she had various std’s, and told her I had gonorrhea. Not to mention all the emotional/psychological trauma i probably caused her. Phew! Glad to get that off my chest!

what a jerk!!!! 2630

seeing some horrible news at school about some people who never had a lil bit of truth onto their freakin cold and dead bodies!
they’ve told everyone that everything’s gonna be alright, but then, you were just played around and be hurt all over again..

LIES are just stupid things that are made as an excuse for your weakness…i know everybody lies, including me, but, i hate the fact where, it can able to hurt almost everyone…and never noticing you are slowly tearing them apart…

i’ve been hurt …view more

argh 3130

i hate school
i am sopposed to be talented but i hate school the stress has been enough to give me
genrilized anxiety disorder

Crushed by my Crush 2630

I know you would not be interested in me ’cause…you’re playing for the other team, but I can’t keep these feelings I have for you.
I’ll still always be your friend, but I will probably always wish we were so much more.

sex. 2930

ok i promised to stop blaming myself, but maybe i shouldn’t have gone that far with her on bed? or maybe i should have apologised.
i was just so nervous, and i couldn’t believe that i finally dated her.
i think i took it fast when i took her shirt off immediately. maybe it could have worked, but i ruined it on bed :(

i’m pretty sure she got mad at me afterwards, and i probably turned her off by then…
it was really nice to hear her orgasm and watch her facial expressions though. I won’t forget …view more

Help needed! 2630

Me and my best friend got into drugs a few years back, we’ve tried to kick it a few times but it never works out. He O.D’ed a few days ago. I still dont think I can stop. Help!

Why are some people so toxic in game chat 2529

God, some people need to just get off the earth if they see everyone else as idiots of faggots! and for GODDAMN’S SAKE, IT IS A FUCKING GAMEROOM CHAT and the fucking mute button does not work…!

“”"”"”"”Artist”"”"”" 2129

Ok wow dear “”"”artists”"”" who use their shit art “”"”style”"”" as an excuse to improve, you are a disgrace to the whole freaking artist community. I don’t even post art on tumblr dot com anymore because my art gets as many notes as the shitty FUCKING ANATOMY DISASTERS THESE ASSHOLES POST LIKE THEY DO NOT CARE
I am skilled enough to see how much time they put into their crap art (not a lot) and i could slap a piece of fruck like this onto my screen in like three minutes. The particular artists …view more

Lost friend 3029

Ok, I have this friend, his name is Luke. We’ve been best friends for a long while now. But then he decided to ask me out. After going out for a month and his doing a complete 180 and acting like a total ass throughout the whole relationship. Then after he breaks up with me he continues to want physical shit, and then proceeds to hit on one of my best friends. I love the kid to death and would do anything for him but I can’t, he’s stressing me out so bad. I don’t know what to do, I tried …view more

Angry CUS of skimp reading lmao 2529

Wtf, told you I’m sick, replied me “so what if you’re sick?” HELLO? I fking tried not to disturb you when you’re sick so you can have rest, you know I’m sick, and you came complaining to me about your Father again, for the same thing, cus he switch the tv volume high. Okay I understand, but wtf, just because I accidentally skipped certain of your messages doesn’t mean I won’t go back and read again, like hello, I did say oh I read wrongly, and you were like wtf you skimp read my message. NO …view more

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