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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Most Condemned Posts

Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Am I too paranoid? 1430

So here.. I’m nervous about almost everything. I’m afraid that I could have diseases. Because our family have this freaking disease called.. diabetes. It flows in the blood(?) And I love to eat sweets. Add the fact that I always sleep late. Can’t help it. Staying up late and reading keeps me calm. And my Mom keeps reminding me that sleeping late can give me the DISEASE called Leukemia. I’m afraid of those things.I don’t want to go to the hospital or what to have a check-up because I’m afraid to …view more

R u my friend or not 1530

One of my BFF’s from high school is the most frustrating person ever. She always expects me to be at her beck and call to hang out, but when I’m busy at that moment or have plans for another day she gets all offended that I actually have a life too and then proceeds to sub-tweet “why do i even try anymore”. Like HELLO I’m not dumb you tweeted that the same time as you were texting me. Then when I ask if she’s free to hang out she gives me a FUCKING TIME SLOT. “I work until 4 and am busy in the …view more

birthdays 2730

So much for the term “Sweet Sixteen” because there was nothing sweet about this birthday at all. After my parents told me that I couldn’t go over to a friends house to celebrate because we would be having a ‘family celebration’ they made me spend my sixteenth birthday at home, they moved my dentist appointment up so I can’t even eat cake on my birthday (not that there was any cake since everyone thinks its irrelevant to get me cake while I always make sure cake is there for everyone else). My …view more

Thank You Dad 3130

My dad isn’t a bastard. He did not sexually abuse us. & he isn’t a psychopath which is why I still like him. He also did not abandon us, paid for our expenses up to high school. For that I’ve respected him, made sure not to upset him & constantly follow his orders. He was & is verbally abusive, manipulative, & he used to be physically abusive. All that would have been fine. Him being controlling, cheap with mom, & constantly putting us down would have all been fine. I would have still been his …view more

Cool. 2130

I was at work since 5 AM. I’ve been sleeping cause IM TIRED? What do you expect?? I can’t text you back in my sleep?? Goddd I don’t understand girls sometimes

I Love You 2430

27 years have just passed me by thinking I had my share of love until I first laid my eyes on you. I have always thought that it is stupid not to actually say how you feel; it is the other person’s right to know that you have feelings for him/her, and you have the right to speak up, until I met you. Do you know how it feels when your heart starts ridiculing every emotion you ever had because this emotion is like nothing else? I started defining the word beauty by you, every beautiful tune that …view more

Just A Vent 3430

Okay. I’ve been moved from a city in Virginia to this weird little county in Mississippi in my step aunts house and I feel like i’m expected to just adapt. I tried talking to my mom or my best friend but I think both of them are just blowing it off thinking i’m just being dramatic/spoiled and maybe I am. She has twenty cats and a nest of mosquitoes living under her house, two kids that have threaten me or want to be in everything I do, they make jokes about the squirrels they shot in the back …view more

Boyfriend trouble. 2630

Idk if I should break up with my bf or not. He’s really sweet and caring and nice but he’s also very over possessive and clingy. I’m so torn. He gets jealous easily and wishes i did too over him too so that he’d feel “wanted”. I’m not that type of person and I’ve told him but he doesn’t understand. And when I mention a break up he says things like “I need you please don’t leave me you’re all I have” bc he goes through quite a lot at home. Then I drop the topic bc I feel guilty for having …view more

People are FUCKING MORONS 2730

I saw a meme on Facebook today. The meme was of a baby wearing a shirt that looked like real tattoos sleeves. You could totally tell they were NOT real tattoos.

I see all of these comments saying, “It’s a baby…how could you do this to a child?” and “Even if it is a shirt, it is wrong to put this on a baby, OMG I feel SOOO bad for the baby!”

Really you fuck faces? It’s a FUCKING SHIRT. What makes it any different than a baby that is wearing a shirt with hearts or a sports logo? Nothing. It’s …view more

worthless girlfriend 2330

Sick of it. Its been years now, and I’m doing the same thing week after week. Sick of having to do practically all of the cooking, the cleaning and raising HER fucking kid while she sleeps in all fucking day and does nothing at night! This fat bitch has drained my savings because her fat stinky black ass can’t find or hold a job. And she does smell, but if you bring it up she make you out to be the bad guy. All she does all day is create a black cloud in my living room while she watches stupid …view more

I’m a liar with a reason 1930

Well… we lost our phones/internet like two days ago because we couldn’t pay the bill. I alerted my friends online (including one friend who is really more of a pain in my side) that I would be offline for an unknown length of time. Well, someone helped us pay the bill so we have internet back… but I haven’t told any of my online friends, especially the pain in my side one. I have plans this weekend and I know if I tell her I have internet but I’m not going to be at home she’ll have a pissy …view more

I’ve had enough 2030

My god where do I start.

I’m sick of being taken for granted in my life. I’m willing to do so much for others, but get nothing in return. No matter how much care, effort or support I show I never get it back.

Recently I had my first serious relationship, it was going well, I didn’t know anything was wrong. Then the phone call comes, he dumps me and the person I loved is gone, haven’t heard from him since the new year. Oh and the joys, months later I find out he’s given me an STD. And I …view more

My rant about sexuality 2430

For all the people who call someone gay or bisexual to try put them down is just darn right rude and disrespectful. Not only to the people you are trying to hurt but to the people who actually might love someone of the same sex!
Judge people on their personality and not on who they are attracted to.
There is no right or wrong choice in whom to love whether it’s a male,female, both or neither. It is your decision and yours alone.

people are being …view more


‘Best Friends’ are a joke. I have never had someone treat me as bad as this person did and he is supposed to be my best friend. Yeah right!

Motherfucker. 2030

We’ve all called our friends freaks out of humour and knowing that they won’t take it to heart because it’s happened to us and we haven’t, but the moment someone who you don’t know too well calls you a freak it destroys everything inside you and makes you question the whole time if your friends were being serious when they were saying. I fucking hate people who criticise people when they don’t know them at all. That comment has made me feel so shit and I was on a high for a long time and that …view more

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