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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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FUCK 3031

I just found out that the girl I’ve been trying to court for years is going steady with one of my mates. FUCKING HELL I HATE SAYING “I’m happy for you guys!” BUT THAT’S THE RATIONAL THING TO DO.

As a friend, that’s the only rational thing I can do.

Fucking hell.

Terrified of work, terrified of poverty, terrified of love 1731

I’m dreadfully terrified of attempting to hold a job. Even though I have straight-A marks and can clearly qualify for most any kind of career path, I just crumble under sustained time spent in self-supporting drudgery once my depression flares up. I’ve fouled up one career attempt in nuclear engineering mostly because I became chronically depressed with the schoolwork and ceased to make regular efforts, though this was exacerbated by things like death in the family and a police raid on my …view more

ARGH! Why Does No one Listen! 2131

You know what really pisses me off? When people don’t listen to “Reserved” signs in parking lots. Said space was reserved for a specific reason! Perhaps for certain people of importance, or even handicap spots in general. But, just parking there because you couldn’t find any other place to park? Now *that’s* just ignorance and unwillingness to read the signs. And, then, when people are like, “eh, if someone wasn’t is said spot, I’d of taken it myself,” or “Why does the (insert certain person …view more

too much of a pussy 2031

id kill myself if i wasnt such a bitch about it. I have nothing, mean nothing to anyone and am just a huge pile of nothing. Im tired of feeling worthless and useless. Everytime i see someone has died on the news i think why couldnt i have been there. why couldnt it have been me instead? i just need to swallow those pills, slice a little deeper, squeeze a little harder, tie a little tighter. Theres so many ways, but im too chicken shit to do it. fuck! and im tired of listening to these little …view more

I hate my ”life” all I feel is emptiness or anger. 2031

I hate everything about myself. I hate how I look, I hate where I am at in life. I am a jealous hypocrite. I lie all the time to everybody, I steal I deal drugs. I am frustrated sexually and emotionally, I masturbate to all these women I can’t have on Facebook, Because I can’t fuck them for real. I fantasize about vengeance and crime.

I really love to destroy people’s lives, because mine sucks. I am a con artist. If I can steal from you and get away with it I will. I think I am about to snap. …view more

My parents love to bully 2431

It started when Guild Wars 2 came out. I had been so psyched for the game and talked about it constantly. Then my parents bought it soon after it’s release. My step-dad got two copies for about 110-120 dollars. One for him, the other for my mom. He promised at Christmas, I could have a copy of the game. Christmas was months away.
After I got the game (at Christmas, as promised, but my parents already had 2 level 80s) my family’s “game night” became logging into an MMO and playing together. This …view more

All-Caps Yelling 2231



fuck this shit. 2231

I swear everything is falling apart. My future is falling apart without me even choosing what I want to do. THIS FUCKING SUCKS. Nothing is lining up, it never has and never will. I’m sick and tired of having my future picked out for me. Fucking sick of it.

Why Religion Is A Fucking Lie!!! 2631

First of all, in the Bible, god killed so much people. Satan killed only 10, but god killed so much people that I’ll give no shit trying to describe it. And why would god damn people to hell just for being enough of an ass to believe in a different religion. It’s just plain bullshit. That makes god an asshole. Plus, there are so many fucking, flaws in the shitty rules or blah blah blah of Christianity. Atheism for life!!! Can god draw a shitty looking square circle. Your god isn’t who you think …view more

Cant Take High School Anymore 2831

Not sure why I’m even posting this to be honest. I guess I have no where else to express these feelings. I’m 16 years old and a sophomore at a fairly large highschool. I FUCKING hate it. I don’t hate it for the normal excuses such as homework, difficulty or rules. No, I hate the people there. The people I have to call my peers, all though I consider them no more than animals. Modern day society has molded them into these mindless zombies that feel the necessity to join every clique, be an …view more

There laptops, not chest tops, roomie. 2431

Okay, so this is just a small little nitpick, but my roommate always lays his laptop on his chest when he’s doing just about anything related to it. Not at the nice college provided desk, not in his lap, but his chest as he lays in bed, falling in and out of sleep the entire fucking day as he browses Reddit or netflix. How lazy can you get? I mean, I’ve seen him do entire fucking reports like this, and not be nonplussed by it. At least try to look busy, damn! I suppose I’m more just upset by …view more

If only… 2731

I really like you. And I mean REALLY like you. I think about you often. My heart beats fast when I see you in the hall. I get butterflies in my stomach whenever your name is mentioned. When you smile and say hi to me, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I wish I could be with you, but I know you’re not interested. If I even alluded to the possibility of my feelings, you’d punch me in the face. I mean, what straight guy is actually cool with another guy liking him? At least other people …view more

Why am I so angry…? 2531

Why does this country make me so angry? I’m speaking of the US, BTW. Everywhere I look, people here are so uncaring, so selfish. They have no interest lending support to their fellow countrymen, as they cry bloody murder anytime ANYTHING involving a use of their tax dollars comes up to HELP people. This attitude that anyone who’s fallen on hard times is lazy, stupid, and wants nothing more than to be a drain on the economy makes me sick. Yet people buy into it. “Anyone who’s poor is poor …view more

You used to be fun 2731

I thought you’ll be a cool housemate,but i was completely wrong. I, in fact we, all of your housemate are freaking annoyed of you. Fuck off. You’re not our mom and this house is not yours alone! We paid our half so why did you bossed all of us. Nobody liked you anymore. It just sone stupid pretend. We’re thinking of moving out already. We had enough of your judgment to everyone like you’re so perfect. You can’t call me sloppy, you can’t call my friend fat! Hell you have a heavy bottom and you …view more

Fair Weather Friends 2131

High school is over. I wish I could say the person I was then is the person I am…but that’s a lie. I have always been hateful, spiteful, greedy, and out only for numero uno. The people I met at my school were so obviously superficial and contrived, I floated among them daily, somehow managing to never lose perspective of who I am. If I had the chance to, if i was not so afraid of their hive-minded scorn, I would tell them all just how useless they were. I would make mention of how I trucked …view more

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