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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Most Condemned Posts

Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I hate lesbians 2531

It’s so pathetic when white knighting straight ~girls or lesbians themselves always go with the same old “Oh poor dude, you got rejected by a lesbian huh?” when someone rants against MAN-HATING (caps lock to fucking point this out) lesbians.
No dumbass, how about you stop assuming that only straight men hate MAN-HATING lesbians, when lesbians don’t differentiate and want ALL MEN DEAD or are always spewing hate for any man on sight.

Because what? Gay men aren’t men and can’t feel offended by …view more

Advice. 2531

Dear Anonymous people who read this,
I want to tell you that life will get better for everyone. If your depressed don’t give up on yourself right now. Things will start to look up. To all you happy-go-lucky folks out there, life only gets better. Remember that. I am someone behind a screen who loves giving advice to people who need help me. When I read your rants, I feel so much sympathy. It’s not pity because I know most of you guys hate pity. I try to comment on posts as much as I can. I hope …view more

Sexuality. 2231

I hate when people judge other people because their gay, lesbian, or bisexual. It doesn’t make the person any different. It doesn’t change the persons’ personality at all. It’s still the same person you became friends with. When people find out someone is not “straight” they act all disgusted. I wonder if they think about anything before they say it out loud. What if it was them who wasn’t straight. What if they were gay. How would it feel being called “queer,” “fag,” etc. I’m straight but I’m …view more

Friendship 1831

K here’s the thing. I have friends. I’m not the type of person to complain about not having friends when I actually do. I’m not picky with who I befriend either. But the friends that I have are all over the internet. When I say I don’t have friends, I mean friends in real life where I can see them everyday and hang out with them every day and not struggle on a certain date and time we can see each other due to distance and time differences. I love my internet friends though, don’t give me …view more

I’m tired of my Mom. 2031

My mom has been a lazy, rude person ever since I was little. She refuses to get a job, even though she has no way to support herself of me and my 2 siblings. She smokes constantly and the house smells disgusting. There’s mold everywhere in my mom’s house. I don’t even shower at my mom’s house anymore because it’s just so damn disgusting. The sad thing is, I grew up in that house. I’ve lived in my mom’s house for 12 years, but my dad recently moved us out of that house when my parents got …view more

Dear Mother-in-Law 1931

Dear Mother-in-law,

Thank you.

Thank you for being you.

I used to love you. I used to think, “wow. I wish I could be a great mother and wife like her.” I used to wish you were my mother. Now you’re just a nightmare that won’t end. You used to say nice things to me. I always felt better when you were around. But then you changed. You called me names. You gave me the cold shoulder. Then I never saw you again.

Thanks to you, my 5 year …view more

Can’t hold it in 3031

I’m just so done. I feel fat and ugly as hell and God I don’t know if I can do this anymore. I just needed to say that since I can’t say it to any of my friends

My roommate is annoying the crap out of me. 1731

I hate my roommate lately. Our internet has been on the fritz and I was trying to connect to the modem directly to see if the router might be the problem and she was like, it’s not the router it’s the modem. Now, I realize it is probably the modem but I figured what’s the harm in checking? And then she was like, the router always works, it’s the modem that’s malfunctioning. Which is a dumb thing to say because a router is hardware, it can absolutely malfunction. She was like, I know, it’s my …view more

Political Correctness etc 1631

I wish I were home and I could eat good food and I did not sweat. I hate having to go to a job with no purpose other than money. I also don’t care much for what’s popular. Give me some old fashion male dominated society any day to this shit although I’m not really into machismo. Reality shows should just die very quickly. I can’t stand all this stupidity. Soap operas should also die. Whatever happened to all those coming of age movies that were not all about striving to be some politically …view more

Self-harm 2031

What is up with all the teenage girls cutting for fucking attention, it’s not fucking funny and a bad way of seeking attention. If you haven’t noticed but there are actual people who had a god damn reason to and when they want to ask for help, they can’t because of your fucking asses. Because then they will get labeled an attention seeking when really they need the help and they need to get better and they are on the urge of suicide. They can’t ask anyone for help because you stupid teenagers …view more

Quasi Dating You Call It 2031

Why won’t you stop calling me fat?
Why won’t you stop calling me stupid?
You tell me you’re kidding but those words are starting to feel truer every time you say them.

Why don’t your hands stop even when I push them away?
You say that you like me
But why don’t you listen?
You say that you care about me
As you grope my …view more

I’m starting to hate you 2731

You always think you’re right, you think you’re better than everyone else, you think you’re so clever. Everything has to revolve around you, you can make fun of everyone else’s problems but your take your own deathly serious. You’re so depressing and lazy, you’re dragging me down. You’re the worst influence I could have right now. You make me so angry but I have to keep it all in. You’re the only person I’ve got right now. We’re best friends and room mates but I’m starting to hate you.

I just wish he’d realize.. 2431

Okay, so, here’s my issue. My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost a year and we have a VERY sexual relationship, which, I think is great. It’s very open and honest, which pleases both of us GREATLY. Here’s the problem though, we both have Tumblrs and my Tumblr is an outlet of expresssion for me. I don’t put anything super crazy on my blog, it’s really just to rant, or express anything that’s on my mind at the moment, without actually saying it. My boyfriend, has 2 Tumblrs, one is sexual …view more

Abi 2731

I want to let you know you are a total bitch. I hope you die in hell. You just kiss teachers’ asses so you can get what you want. Te while theater auditions- you only got on because you are best friends with the teacher. Really you suck at theater. Also, you’re a shitty friend. You backstab and size up people. Please stop trying to act nice, we all know you are a bitch so just cut the act. Along with all of that, you think you are so pretty. Let’s be really here, your face looks worse than a …view more

FUCK 3031

I just found out that the girl I’ve been trying to court for years is going steady with one of my mates. FUCKING HELL I HATE SAYING “I’m happy for you guys!” BUT THAT’S THE RATIONAL THING TO DO.

As a friend, that’s the only rational thing I can do.

Fucking hell.

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