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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Ed Sheeran and Everything Else On the Planet 3131

Ed Sheeran is shit. One Direction are shit. TV is shit. Getting up in the morning is shit. Not being able to eat as much as you want is shit. People are annoying. Children are loud, smelly and shit and I hate every single one of them. I hate parents. Not my parents, but parents as a collective thing. They are smug and miserable and shit. The world is a terribly shit place. The news is full of utter utter shit. TV presenters are incredibly annoying. Noise is ridiculously annoying. Jobs are ALL …view more

so sick and tired of the same bullshit. 1731

i’m so sick and tired of the same schedule. i’m only 17 and i know i sound bratty but i feel like i am suffocating. first off, i’m sick of never getting to do anything. i am at the prime of my teenage years yet my parents don’t let me go out. if they do let me go out, they won’t drive me. they always tell me to “look for a ride from someone else.” they always complain about not having enough money, but oh sure they love to spend it all when they have their own friends. they work extra hours and …view more

Ok seriously fuck off… 2831

Sorry dad, that you come into my room bombarding first of all my space & privacy to ask me stupid questions about your parents. It’s 1 in the morning. I don’t have the energy or thought process to even go over the questions your asking me. Like I told you what she said to me & what I said in return like is that not enough. If you want to know so bad go talk to your parents yourself. Get over it. What’s done is done. & it’s like sorry your wife doesn’t tell you everything & everything is like a …view more

I hate my daughter 1131

Her father raped me at 15 years old. I went thru with the pregnancy because my father and step mother said they would raise her, and they have. She is now 18. She looks like her father…and I loathe her. Not only that, but she is incredibly stupid. I don’t know if she’s retarded or not but I just hate being around her. I want her to become a fat, ugly fucking loser, and soon. She owes me, that fucking little waste.

Prom 2631

Everything was perfect they keep saying.
I know I should be happy. And I am… i think. I keep telling myself that I am. My date was nice, if a little awkward, but that’s not his fault. Yet I felt like crying the whole time. Maybe its because he didn’t want to dance. Or that he was weird every time i held on to his arm because my feet were killing me. Or that when we went to Starbucks after he looked like he didn’t really want to be seen with me. Or that he moved from his seat beside me to …view more

Gym. Sucks. 2431

The teacher is a fucking asshole! I seriously try as hard as I can and he yells at me for it. I’m not exactly a physical kind of person and it isn’t my fault. I never have been. The goddamn dick just doesn’t fucking get it. He doesn’t give us breaks or let us get drinks during class, and he’s just so damn annoying. All he does is yell, yell, and guess what? Yell. Fuck him. Just fuck school in fucking general.

i wish i knew…. 3231

whats really funny is that i was happy with everything i had until you showed up and made me want something i couldn’t have you fucked up my life so much showed me what it was to fall in love then you mess with my mind knowing what your doing to me i have never felt like such a piece of shit until you showed up i also never felt so in love what is it that draws me to you even though your the worst thing i can have in my life those times we weren’t lying to each other with no one around to hide …view more

J 3031

Oh, no. That’s cool. Just essentially tell me to fuck off when I try to talk to you. Yup, that’s what friends are for. Simple solution for being an asshole: if you don’t have any reason at all to be a cranky little twit, then don’t be. If you absolutely insist on being a grouch, at least have the decency to not take it out on your best friends.

Dear God, What the Hell have I done? 2631

I’ve been an idiot. A complete fool. …and I can’t forgive myself for it,
My husband deployed for a year. He was in a hostile place and not allowed to talk about what he was going thru. I didn’t realize he wasn’t allowed to talk, I thought he didn’t want to talk to me…I got lonely…and started talking to a friend more often than I should have. We talked for months, and just over a month before my husband would be home, I messed up. My friend, became more than a friend. I cheated on my husband. I …view more

beautiful people 2331

nothing will happen but you’re so damn beautiful that it pisses me off almost makes me not want to live in a world in which i can’t be with you. you’re a really nice guy, single, buff as shit and you think i’m pretty, whaaat? people like us dont get on with each other. i wanna show you off to everyone i know just LOOK I KNOW A REAL MAN but i can’t! because you’re practically unreal. well you’re real but we can never meet fucking internet, the grand equivocator. you can’t be a teacher! are you …view more

To those of you who are looking for a job 2831

So I applied online for a job at kmart. It was all awesome until you get to the assessment part. I get through the first 30 then I realize there are freaking 96 question that practically repeats itself. This shit is stupid I wished I had a answer key because seriously I fucking don’t have a life because I can’t answer these retarted questions to get a job. The most fucked up shit is all the people I know that does drugs has a job they complain about how fucking crappy their job is and I stand …view more

Young Drivers Insurance 4031

Young drivers insurance is a fucking JOKE! I’m 20, and on my Dad’s insurance I get an average of £2,500 - £4,000 quote on any car! And that is per year, so all together monthly it’ll cost more!
Fucking rip-off merchant tossers seem to think that a young driver who spends money on a decent car will go out and crash it. Has it not gone through anyone’s fucking skull that buying a nice car might actually make someone drive sensibly?
Fuck you, you piece of shits ripping off young drivers. …view more

Dear Arrogant Idiotic Guys of the World 3731

Ok.. First of all I don’t see why you have to make things so incredibly difficult for yourselves and the people you contaminate with your dumbassery. If you like a girl, then like her, hang out with her, engage her in conversation…etc. DO NOT play this pathetic “hard to get” push-me-pull-you crap. You’re a MAN for goodness sakes, not some air-headed damsel. If you like a girl, act like it. If you don’t just tell her you aren’t that interested. Oh and do not assume that just because a girl shows …view more

I still… 2031

I still…

Watch cartoons, play dress up games, eat tons of sugar, believe in santa claus, play pokemon, watch pokemon(which kinda falls under cartoons), draw stick people, play with dolls, believe in magic, and want a kitten for christmas

My friend’s younger sister doesn’t.

My friend and I are in the 9th grade.

Blargh. 2731

What happened to the past? When everything was simple, people seemed to help out total strangers in need, and there didn’t seem to be so much drama everywhere. It didn’t feel like everyone was out for themselves…not to say that the present isn’t too horrible, it just feels like we’re missing something.

Maybe it’s just the depression talking.

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