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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Maybes 2230

i’ve tried to set up dates, hangouts and other events with people, yet alaays end up bailed on. It’s not even the fact that the plans fell through, it’s that whenever i fucking ask i don’t get a yes or a no. I GET A GODDAMNED MAYBE. Then after i check it’s “sorry i have other plans” i try to set up a dfferent day, and the same MOTHERFUCKING thing happen. It’s like giving false hope that something will happen, just give a damn yes or a no. I’ve been rejected manny times, and i’m ok with that. …view more

My “Sister” 2730

I’m “best friends” with this girl, we’ve been friends for a long time on YouTube and we’ve never missed a day talking to each other until she grew bigger than me, she started ignoring me, and forgetting me. Stopped calling me her best friend. We called each other sisters because we loved each other like sisters. She now always looking to get something that probably cost $100 for free, she’s using crack versions of apps to cheat her way to popularity, and no one even knows it’s all cracked, …view more

room for rent 2330

Been living in a shared house with four other girls for a month now, and whilst I get on great with three of them, the other one is driving me fucking insane. She doesn’t seem to have a concept of personal space or privacy, and will often just barge into my room and lounge on my bed whilst I’m trying to work. She even gets under the duvet with her bare feet, yick. She leaves her dirty dishes piled up in the kitchen for up to a week, and regularly goes through my cupboard and uses my pans, …view more

I am sick of everything right now 1530

i am sick of absolutely everything right now!!!!

The whole pointless jobseeking malarky, getting a load of rejections and getting absolutely nowhere with searching for a job.

I am getting sick and tired of Graham, being a bastard and constantly putting me down for absolutely everything and does absolutely nothing at the weekend. The going on and on about his poxy agoraphobia and his whole negativity towards everything and sluggish attitude towards life.

I am sick and tired of my parents …view more

My so called “best ” friend 2630

I have recently told my friend that i’m gray sexual which basically means i have low sex drive so today they were talking about how their boyfriend kissed them. I then said i am going to be forever alone and then they said “too gray sexual for you” . I know its not that big of a deal but I am actually offended by it.

Fuck the army 1830

I have been in the army for 12 years and I still can’t get over how fucking incompetent some officers are. The organisation is so fucking archaic and stuck in its ways it’s failure is systemic.

Why do I keep serving you ask?
Because if people like me don’t serve the whole organisation would just consist of retarded people, and retarded people with guns is bad…….

i miss you baby 2530

i miss you so much already my baby, i love you forever and ever!! these two weeks without each other will be tough but i will be waiting right here with a J when you get home. love you babe

TMI but I’m constipated and I just want to cry 2230

Ugh, I’m just so frustrated right now. I’ve been constipated for three days now but my stomach hurts so badly! I need to go to the bathroom but when I do I just waste my time sitting there. It seriously makes me want to cry.
I was on this special program for a month in a boot camp and I could go TWICE there. We ate a bunch of vegetables and what not and the bathrooms were actually really low and wide so it was sooo easy to poop there. When I got home I realized just how high my bathroom is! I …view more

Fuck you. 2230

Women, go fuck yourselves, I hate all of you. Why do you have to be so damn hard and fucked up? Like we talk for so long and all of a fucking sudden you never talk again. And it’s not even like I said anything controversial or fucked up! So FUCK YOU. All of you. I can’t believe, 9 months on a dry spell chasing after women, looking for a LTR, just to be turned down or ignored multiple times. I even have a fucking big house of my own, with no roommates, I’m NOT fat OR ugly, I have a fucking car …view more

This goddamn boy 2830

I met this guy a while ago. We were best friends instantly and we really hit it off. He’s funny and nice and adorable, and we share the same interests. Almost immediately, he told his friends he was REALLY into me, and it got around to me (we share a lot of friends). He said I was his “future girlfriend”
Originally I considered keeping him in the friend zone. He’s hot and I like him, but I wanted to be free. Then I started hanging out with him more…
We very gradually began to flirt. I was …view more



Fuck man-hating lesbians 2030

Social Justice Warriors, white knighting ~straight girls and politically correct morons LOVE defending militant *man-hating* lesbians, even if they’re LITERALLY calling for the genocide of all males.

Because that’s what idiots like them do, always assuming them (minorities) to be innocent fragile flowers who can do no harm or that if they do in fact hate their “oppressors”, it’s always “justified retaliation” and never plain bigotry.

Is this a lesbian specific thing? YES. Because they’re …view more

UGH 2130

Whenever I am trying to do homework with my friend after school, she always decides to bring her boyfriend with us so then I never get homework done because I am always thirdwheeling and because when I try to they go “M/N YOU ARE THIRD WHEELING JOIN US SO YOU’RE NOT ALONE” Which makes it worse bc I just got out of a relationship

bisexual problems. 2330

ok so i used to be with this girl (lets call her destiny), we were thinging (im a girl) and i fucked it up cause i assumed she didnt like me cause thats what everybody told me. and i lost lots of friends because of it. she started dating this rena girl and she honestly, im not even saying this cause i hate her looks like a monkey and everybody thinks destiny could do wayyy better. destiny always complains about how rena never kisses or cuddles her and their relationship is awkward. everyone …view more

broken heart 1430

id like to talk about my heartbreak… im thinking this will really help me out. i started to date this guy around 6 months ago. we hit it off great! we could talk to each other about everything. we were even each other’s first. a few months later, my boyfriend’s ex contacted him and told him she still loved him. i was so upset, but he promised nothing would happen. the next month, him and i got into a really bad fight and he called me all sorts of names. then, he told me he loved his ex. i was …view more

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