Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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So I guess I’m what you’d call pretty. That’s what everyone wants to be right? Let me tell you the truth.. It’s not as awesome as you think. In fact socially, it blows.
First of all, everyone automatically assumes you’re a stuck up bitch. Just imagine for a second how it would feel if everyone you encountered assumed you were a stuck up bitch for no other reason than how you looked. It’s disheartening. No wonder it’s often true. The only way to dispel this assumption is to do all the
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Oh gosh. just found out that my celebrity crush has a girlfriend. This is probably the first time I’ve had my heart broken. I’ve never had a boyfriend (and I don’t really plan to at the moment), and I just developed a celebrity crush because it was just mostly for objectifying. But instead I legitimately fell in love with him. He’s handsome, talented, and totally awesome. I’m still looking for the right person, but looking at celebrities has ruined my life from any real life relationship. I’ve
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So, why me? That’s the question I’ve been asking ‘God’ for quite some time. And it was his response that I never received that led me to be an Agnostic.
So, what’s the problem? Well, it’s simple and complicated but I will try not to take up too much text space.
First off, I’m a 20 year old male. I live in Orange County, California. My parents divorced when I was 6 years old. My Dad never really gave me any attention growing up because he was too busy with work and such, and when I got older,
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I think I’m falling in love with my best friend even though he’s straight, and it kills me to help him out with his girlfriend trouble
So frustrated, so confused, so tired, so sad, so angry…grrr….Dean, I want to tell you how I feel, I really do. I want to tell you that when you don’t txt me back it cuts me inside because I feel like you don’t feel the same way as I do. I’m scared that if I txt too much you will get annoyed with me and I’m scared if I txt how I’m feeling it will just piss you off more because I’m trying to push you into liking me… I’m stuck in a rut of not seeing you for a month, giving you my all and only
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Part of me wants him to like me, and part of me really wants him to be totally oblivious so that i don’t have to think about being in a relationship again. I don’t want to have to worry about anyone again. Only myself. I’m tired of it. I was tired of having to deal with always wondering what’s going on in Mike’s head, and now, now my brain and heart want to take that on again? It’s bad enough that i’m crushing on him, but seriously… wth. I’m masochistic or something.
But i like him. He has
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I’m disgusted by the fact that I honestly loved you-or the you I thought you were. How you could hide who you really are for 10 years is really just…HOW COULD YOU?! I mean, you’re just so fucked up. I finally got a glimpse of who you “really” are and OMG. Seriously? Seriously? Did your mother leave you in the crib crying for hours? Did someone kill your puppy? Are you just naturally that fucked up or did something happen? Never mind. I really don’t care or want to know. I’m just glad I found
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I’m so fucking sick of people and all of their bullshit. Fuck professors and their aggressive attempts force their views on their students. Fuck the students who are so fucking brain-dead they can’t think for themselves. Fuck coworkers who will smile to your face while trying to get you fired behind your back. Fuck the dead-eyed drones that stare at cellphones and laptops for 12 hours a day but don’t take the time to look at the clouds or stars. Fuck people that hide their own insecurities by
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I’ve really noticed over the years how society is becoming corrupt and immoral… and how the majority of the population are mindless, retarded drones who do what they’re told and follow whoever leads them.
In short, this is a materialistic society that cares about nothing except themselves and will indeed be responsible for the decline of man in the future. This society is in another realm itself in that we are getting worse every day, we sell sex, violence, pornography, etc. Too many people
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I’m in love with someone 11 years older than me. :(
And I know I’ve got no chance.
It seems like everyone around me is happy and carefree. They hook up and break up so much. Then theres me, the one who’s been single most of my life. I both hate and envy them. Hate for the fact that they ignore all the pain in the world and focus on themselves. Envy because I wish I could be happy and oblivious like them.
Your a freak. You got that? A freak. Your like a stalker, except you haven’t quite gotten to the point of constantly observing my house. Or have you? Whatever, I don’t care. Just get the hell away from me and learn to stay away. I don’t like you like you think I do. I’ve told you that before. I don’t care what your delusional little mind thinks, I. Don’t. Like. You. I don’t like when you press up against me as we’re leaving class and walking in the halls. Yes, I know they’re crowded, but
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I am 25 and I still hate my parents. The cool thing is that after living with my fiance for two years (and AWAY from my parents) has taken me a step back and shown me that maybe I’m not being emo and maybe there are a few little legit reasons for them to piss me off so badly. My oldest cousin has excommunicated from the family because of her dad, MY dad’s brother, who was an asshat and made her feel like a worthless unwanted piece of shit, HMMM AND SOMEHOW I
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You guys are like my brothers, you guys are like my family. I’ve supported each of your endeavors. I’ve given you a place to stay when you were to fucked up to be seen by anyone. I’ve carried you guys through your lowest of lows. But what the fuck happened. When did I drop so low on your priorities. I’m no longer seen as a brother to you all. Sometimes I wonder if I’m still even seen as a friend. I’m not your tool, your fall back, your safety net. It wont be long till I get out of here. I’ve
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We’ve been friends for about a year now. Seriously. Just get the fuck over yourself. The reason why I call and text you is because I want to spend time with you. It’s fun. Or at least it was until you decided that I was psychotic for sending you text messages. Seriously?! Now you just give me the fucking silent treatment until you decide it’s worth your while to respond. I thought I liked you, and it seemed like you actually liked me much more than just “as friends” but now you’re trying to
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