Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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The entire human race hasn’t got a fucking clue why they exist and is just pandering to their basic desires until they finally die. Am I the only one who is wondering what the fuck is going on on planet earth..? Not one person out there can give me a valid reason for my existence on this lonely little rock aside from to create some mini-mes so they can grow up to be fucking clueless too. I feel like i’m tied to the mast of a ship with no captain or crew going round in circles. Am I the only one
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Everything’s closing in on me. I feel like I can’t breathe, like I’m drowning and I can’t get air and I’m going to burst. I don’t know how much longer I can keep going on like this. I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to maintain. I’ll tell you something: There’s probably a quiet guy you know who doesn’t say much and just sort of smiles when life shits on him. That’s because he has taken just about every indignity and insult that a man can take and he still somehow keeps going,
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Lately my friends have not really been…well my friends. I was asked if I wanted to go somewhere today and then never heard anything back from anybody. I even cleared up all my plans for tonight just so I could hand with them. Show’s how much I’m wanted…
Holy J.C.! Don’t get all argumentative when I ask you to wash your goddamn dishes. Don’t ask me to provide reasons as to why you should wash your dishes, how about they have been sitting there for 5 freaking days and they don’t even fit in the sink anymore?
And dude no more passive aggressive notes about moving your magnets, I’m sorry I don’t like the fridge looking like it broke out in a rash of Disney characters. You are fucking 26 years old! Grow the fuck up! If you don’t mend your ways
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i am a forum regular
i was gonna put this up but my bf has an account so he would see if i made this in the forums so i thought i would do it here instead.
okay iv know my fella about 2 months, we have been together nearly a month, & in total he has slashed himself 3 times.
his chest is scarred, his arms, his face & im scared that one of these days he is going to end up in hospital or even worse.
i know im not one to talk because i have relapses every now & again, but im not depressed & that
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I don’t know what to do. On Monday I had a miscarriage and I didn’t even know I was pregnant. My boyfriend wasn’t there for me and when I told him what happened he started yelling and cursing at me. All I wanted was a hug from him because I was so upset, I didn’t get a hug. I made up with him and he still treats me like shit and I’m still with him. Now he says he needs his space or he’s going to blow up but he still wants to be with me. He confuses me so much and I care for him so much. I don’t
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I think 80% of what people say is worthless bullshit and should be ignored. But I smile and fein interest to fulfill the social contract. I’m a hypocrite.
I’m not a people person. never have been. never said I was either. So what makes you think you can come over to my house every fuckin’ day? WTF. Get OUT now!!!! Ughhh.
I just told a seven year old kid that Santa isn’t real. I thought it would be funny, but I feel really bad about it now.
I’m not even lying, I’ve basically said this before but its getting worse and worse. She’s so selfish and condescending. If its not for her then screw the entire ordeal. Its disgusting and its annoying. My other friends and I always drop things for her and do it when she wants to do it, but if there is a simple task/favor for one of us she doesn’t do it. She’s so unreliable, I mean forgetting yes that’s one thing, but when you just all together don’t care because it has nothing to do with you
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Sometimes I think about cheating on my girlfriend… I know I never will though. I haven’t had sex in over a year and she wants to wait until marriage. I love her to death, I wish I could get my sex drive under control
When people compliment me I feel very uncomfortable.
My math teacher babbles for a large part of class (2 hours long) without explaining a single thing. All she does is explain what problems are asking for and what they say rather than how to find the answer and solve it.
Mason, I think I love you. I know that sounds really dramatic but I think I really do. I remember meeting you at the beginning of 6th grade and you were the first person to say something to me. You are so funny too. I think I realized I loved you over 8th grade when it was you and me in photography class and I just felt really happy when I was with you. I constantly think about what I could have done and I’m always feeling regretful that I never told you. I think about you still, even though
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You know what’s great? The fact my one and only goddamn female roommate is so petty and dramatic and bitchy and passive aggressive that she has made me feel unwelcome in my own goddamn house. MY name is on the lease, HERS isn’t! She doesn’t even actually live here! She just happens to be dating one of my roommates who IS on the lease, but it’s so bad anymore that I’m about to fucking move out because she decided she needs to be a god forsaken cunt to me and I don’t even know why…
Bitch, if you
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