Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I’ll admit, I’m not the only fat girl in the world, and by far not the US, which is full of fatards like me. But I am one of the few fatasses in California, which is why I’m such a loser. Literally all my friends and everyone I know looks nice, and ten there’s me, the worthless lump of lard. Whenever I see myself I’m reminded of that character Dudley from Harry Potter, Jabba the hut, or similar characters. I’m technically obese, but I am overweight, ugly and stupid.
I’d really like to be able
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can’t you take care of yourself?! QUIT BORROWING ALL MY FUCKING THINGS AND GET A LIFE YOU DIPSHIT. you’re just a little faggot. are you satisfied with what you’ve taken from me now? i hope you die while you have all this stuff of mine.
‘So what do you do in your spare time?’
Well I like to write explicit gay porn…
It soothes me.
For God’s sake. Some people have the worst taste in men ever. Know I liked them and instead went for the one with questionable personal hygiene, riddled with STIs and acts like a complete tit the entire time. He’s even worse looking than me! Plus has never been momogamous to anyone and regularly sleeps with people with ‘friends’ are seeing! I concede his stomach is bit slimmer than mine but when that stomach is infested with scabies I consider that a moot point.
Everything’s closing in on me. I feel like I can’t breathe, like I’m drowning and I can’t get air and I’m going to burst. I don’t know how much longer I can keep going on like this. I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to maintain. I’ll tell you something: There’s probably a quiet guy you know who doesn’t say much and just sort of smiles when life shits on him. That’s because he has taken just about every indignity and insult that a man can take and he still somehow keeps going,
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Why do guys always go for the sluts. The younger sluts too.
They say they want a real serious relationship and then bang some young honey.
I can’t tell, they say their girlfriend is an angel, virgin before they met them and doesn’t do drugs or smoke or doing anything of that nature.
Are guys really that stupid and naive ???
Or do they know and know care???
how can they honestly believe that bullshit !
Holy J.C.! Don’t get all argumentative when I ask you to wash your goddamn dishes. Don’t ask me to provide reasons as to why you should wash your dishes, how about they have been sitting there for 5 freaking days and they don’t even fit in the sink anymore?
And dude no more passive aggressive notes about moving your magnets, I’m sorry I don’t like the fridge looking like it broke out in a rash of Disney characters. You are fucking 26 years old! Grow the fuck up! If you don’t mend your ways
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i am a forum regular
i was gonna put this up but my bf has an account so he would see if i made this in the forums so i thought i would do it here instead.
okay iv know my fella about 2 months, we have been together nearly a month, & in total he has slashed himself 3 times.
his chest is scarred, his arms, his face & im scared that one of these days he is going to end up in hospital or even worse.
i know im not one to talk because i have relapses every now & again, but im not depressed & that
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Ive lost interest. Theres nothing that makes getting out of bed worthwhile, and ive been in love with my best friend for so long that now im exhausted and worn out and never want to fall in love again. Though of course, i still miss him every. single. fucking. day. I am SO TIRED of all this bullshit and feeling like some hollow non-character. Ive never felt so numb and lost and out of place and im completely out of hope and motivation.
I dont have the energy. tomorrow i am staying in
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my mum died a few months ago really suddenly, i miss her so much, it hurts all of the time. i want to kill myself and follow her but i cant because i have a little brother, we have no other family so its just me and him. if i didnt have him, i would be free, im starting to resent his existance, how awful is that. i really dont know whatto do.
I think 80% of what people say is worthless bullshit and should be ignored. But I smile and fein interest to fulfill the social contract. I’m a hypocrite.
I’m not a people person. never have been. never said I was either. So what makes you think you can come over to my house every fuckin’ day? WTF. Get OUT now!!!! Ughhh.
seeing some horrible news at school about some people who never had a lil bit of truth onto their freakin cold and dead bodies!
they’ve told everyone that everything’s gonna be alright, but then, you were just played around and be hurt all over again..
LIES are just stupid things that are made as an excuse for your weakness…i know everybody lies, including me, but, i hate the fact where, it can able to hurt almost everyone…and never noticing you are slowly tearing them apart…
i’ve been hurt
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I’m starting to believe my open personality is getting the best of me. I used to be quiet and shy up until high school, but it all seriously started seeming like it was most out of hand when I went my own way in college. I’m just getting this feeling that I’m to honest with people or let things get to the best of me. I know everyone has their moments where they do stupid things or have bad judgment’s. I mean even I do myself, but in the end I think that my opinions and what I thought were
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I’m not even lying, I’ve basically said this before but its getting worse and worse. She’s so selfish and condescending. If its not for her then screw the entire ordeal. Its disgusting and its annoying. My other friends and I always drop things for her and do it when she wants to do it, but if there is a simple task/favor for one of us she doesn’t do it. She’s so unreliable, I mean forgetting yes that’s one thing, but when you just all together don’t care because it has nothing to do with you
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