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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Inconsiderate 1731

If you plan on going home early in the morning and everyone asleep, putangina naman be considerate and be quiet, not only in talking but also in moving around. Fuck, every monday 5am na lang. Im getting sick of this routine. Tried everything to be not awaken by you and yet parang it has been your mission tp wakee up at 5am hwen i should have been asleep until 7 am. Fuck you fuck you fuck ypu

what family? 1931

Fuck this world, I hate my family. I know you are supposed to love them, but also they are the ones to protect you and love you and care- it’s hard to love them when they just want to bring you down and use you as an escape goat. All of them are cunts. My father is an abusive alcoholic who has abused me the most out of everyone because I fought back- no one can hurt me and get away with it, he has held me down while I had panic attacks and my mother told him to- she wouldn’t protect me when I …view more

ABIGAIL!!! 2231

She is so disrespectful towards me and im her so called friend. And she hates everything, thinks everything is a joke, and all she cares about is making more drama, and complaining to others about her so called sad (privileged white trash) life. That’s how I became her friend. She was always sad untill i got to know her and she will male your life a living hell if you back away from her. She alsoways says she is accepting and cares about someone but all she does is complain. Her version of …view more

Fuck it 2031

All I do is work and come home to lay down. If I’m not doing that I’m cleaning. I’ve tried playing games and watching shows but nothing interests me anymore. I have no friends because I hate everyone and I can’t trust anyone, let alone the fact that I find most people grating. What’s even the point to life anymore? Work until you die.

Boyfriend sucks 2531

I first dated a guy last year, he was one year older than me thus he was a senior at school. My friends always say that he is the perfect guy for being so gentle and nice and sweet. But I’m sorry, that is just boring to me. I feel like he is way too clingy and desperate for attention. Not to mention his breath smells awful from time to time and his mouth is always dry and yellow. I can never bring myself to kiss someone like that. The reason as to why i broke up with him was because he’s …view more

The Problem With Dating A Younger Guy 2531

My boyfriend is 6 years my junior. 85% more mature than most guys my age… Except.. When he gets mad at me he blasts me with the silent treatment

Can’t Let It Go 2131

I developed feelings for someone I had become good friends with and we shared some pretty weird stuff with each other. Now she almost if not completely ignores my existence. I tell myself that I’ve gotten over those feelings and that she’s really not a good person, but every time I see her or her name pops up on Facebook, that longing is still there.
And I fucking hate it, and it absolutely ruins me every time.
But I also fucking love it.

My home situation 1631

Sometimes I just wish my mom would just shut up and leave me be she is so freaking annoying on Sundays when I ‘m just trying to catch a break. I just got back from a choir tour, wanted to relax and play some league of legends and now she bugging me on how I have to go out and do something. Are you kidding me? I just spend an entire March break on the road when I could’ve chosen to stay and just do homework and MAYBE play some stuff when my parents aren’t home. Do I need to lose weight? …view more

check you friends 1931

Your best friend is sleeping with your married son. In your house. That fat ugly whore cow deserves all the karma she has been handed lately.

Men marrying whores 2831

Like the title says, men marry whores, and when the relationship goes sour because she cheated or cleaned out his bank account, the guy will inevitably jump on to Twitter and blame every woman on the planet and proclaim that we are ALL whores and two-timing bitches. Free clue: That’s what you get for marrying a whore. Don’t blame decent women for your poor choices in a mate. You don’t want us, remember? You don’t want a woman that truly loves you. You marry with your dick instead of your …view more

Ugly, creepy guys! 2931

It’s not “creepy” if he’s hot. I freely admit it. When a very attractive stranger approaches me and tells me I’m beautiful, it brightens my day. When a guy who is short, fat or balding does it, it makes my skin crawl no matter how tactful he is about it. I just want him to go away. I’m not alone in feeling this way. Most women feel the same, but hide the true extent of it when the guys are around.

If said ugly guy doesn’t pick up on social cues that I’m not interested in getting to know him, …view more

Hate you 2531

Fuck you, C****. You’re nothing but a horny boy who likes to fuck with my feelings. I knew I shouldn’t like you, and I tried not to, but you KEPT FORCING YOURSELF ON ME, even though my precious boyfriend is more of a man than you’ll ever be. You’re such a shallow prick, I hate you. Go back to fucking Hawaii and fuck your new whore of a girlfriend. Let’s see how long she lasts. I can’t believe I actually considered leaving him for you. I would be pregnant and heartbroken right now if I had. …view more

Tumblr Bullies 2031

On tumblr, in the twdg fandom, I was bullied by bluewalltack and hanndigo (formally lillycaul, then lillycaulproskater) to the point of almost committing suicide. Both of those people are some of the worse people I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with. They act condescending, holier-than-thou, have no self-awareness whatsoever, and act like certain people in the fandom are inherently worse than other people just because they like certain characters, even though bluewalltack and …view more

go to hell dad 2331

i hate my psycho abusive dad. im 21 years old and he still wont stop belittling me and making me feel like shit every second we are in the same room. it seems like his rage only makes him healthier and i have developed eating disorders because of him. i hope lightning strikes you dad you dont deserve me or mom and anything you have in your life.

Daddy Dearest 2731

I’m an adult and I still allow myself to be bullied by my father. He’s always been emotionally and verbally abusive, a few times it crossed over into physical abuse, but I thought maybe when I moved out we’d be able to have a better relationship especially after I got some therapy. He’s still as awful as he ever was though, I want to cut off all contact with him, but he’s really the only family that I have, and his health is declining, which makes him lash out even more. He doesn’t have any …view more

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