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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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I can’t wait to move out of my dorm 1932

My roommate plays the same songs over and over again. I’ve kept a tally, and she has played the same song 10 times in the past three days when I was in the room. She has played another song 6 times in a row, and she has no shame in playing them on full volume. She doesn’t even have headphones/earphones. I’m so sick of this. It has only been a month, but I don’t think I will be able to contain my anger for long. I worry I’m going to become passive aggressive.

sex 1832

i had sex with my bestfriend 3 days before christmas but everything is fine we are still cool

Self Love 2532

Honestly this site seems to be for, negative things. But I’ve got to confess just how amazed I am because, I finally learned to love myself. I’ve realized I am beautiful, that I am wonderful, and that I don’t need anyone’s validation for that.
And feeling this after so long in depression and hating myself is just breathtaking and amazing and I feel so powerful. I feel as if the whole universe is within me just waiting for me to reach out at it and it’s all mine and no one else’s to take or …view more

Fake friends 2032

Isn’t it just great when life is going well and one day everything changes without explanation? You can be friends with someone for years and they can turn their backs on you in an instant. All my friends left me because of some bullshit rumor they heard. I’ve known them almost 4 years and they go and believe rumors that they should know aren’t true. they don’t talk to you about it. they just stop talking to you. they get everyone else to stop talking to you and you’re just left all alone with …view more

i fucking hate you 3032

i never fucking called you a fucking slut. i don’t want to talk to you, so what? because of you my best friend isn’t talking to me. because of you, all I can think about it the pain i get in my body when i step in the same room as you and your minions. because of you, i feel like fucking killing myself.

i don’t have a love life… 2232

I’ve been daydreaming about how i’m going to meet my future boyfriend for years and years now. the only thing I’ve ever wanted was to love someone who loves me back. but i don’t really have much luck when it comes to these things. the 2 past boyfriends i had… i didn’t even like. i just agreed cuz I’ve rejected so many guys that i just thought if i said yes i’d grow to like them more which didn’t happen. I’ve been liked by soo many guys but they are all really not my type. my standards are quite …view more

For my bitch of an ex-girlfriend 2432

Thank you, for breaking my heart. You, who had everything, who promised to be my everything. Thank you for destroying me. For taking all I had and killing it. You broke my heart, and begged to be my friend. To see me and talk to me again. But when I try to talk to you, you get mad at me. You accuse me of trying to hold you down. Fuck off. You begged for me to not hate you. Well guess what, bitch? I hate you. I hate you with all the passion I possess. I hate you because you had everything, and …view more

Deadweight, I am. 2132

I would like to first clearly point out that I am NOT suicidal.

But there is no point or reason for me to live. Nothing to do. I am 21.
I am not so good at studies.
I suck at sports. Not good at even one.
Co curriculars like theatre, dance, music etc? Nope.
Family hates me. They tell me how peaceful and nice things are until I enter the scene and ruin it. Though they treat me well and never wanna hurt me. I know for sure, they regret me existing, though they don’t show it.
Friends? …view more

Friends to compare 2032

I stay friends with a certain number of people on Facebook because their lives are like watching a train wreck, in slow motion. I can’t turn away! Especially when I know intimate details about them that they don’t know I know. I enjoy the hypocritical posts, the fake sunny dispositions, the perfect selfie I saw them shoot 25 times before getting it right, the huge purchases-making them spiral into debt. I really love the posts that are such a blatant call for attention. It all makes me know …view more

I don’t even know 2332


Why is life do hard? Girls are fucking horrible. The one i like loves another girl. Another girl likes a different guy. Another possible girlfriend is dating lots of people. Another possible girlfriend is too hardcore for me. I’m a sadist and I feel like turning into it why can’t I be like a normal Asian? Why is life so hard?! Why can’t I be normal for a change?! Why do I have to see the hidden stuff everyone hides? Can’t I be a little un-observative for once? Can’t like be normal with …view more



I hate my job and my husband 2332

I quit my job five years ago to go back to school and took a job working in my hubby’s office. I have since graduated and have been looking for work, but working for your husband doesn’t do much for your CV. I take care of every aspect of his business, of our kids and of the house. All he does is bitch at me and pile on more work. Currently I am recovering from the flu. Today I have to go into the office to answer phones, greet patients and make his “important” phone calls I lost my voice and …view more

I haven’t forgiven you yet 4032

How fucking dare you? I waited for you, patiently. I never complained when you drew back for no reason or ignored me. When I finally had you, after MONTHS OF WAITING, you treated me like shit. Sure, at first you were just a peach. Your Sheldon Cooper like personality was adorable and you kissed me like it was the last thing you’d ever do. You asked me to watch your favorite show, even though I didn’t particularly enjoy it, and I even asked questions and made an effort to like it. I was always …view more

Bitch. 2832

We dated. We fell in love. I bought you a fucking car. You start pulling away. I try to keep our relationship together. You fuck another man behind my back. And now you get pissed at me because I want my car back? Stupid fucking brainless whore.

My stepdad hates me. 1732

I don’t know what I ever did to deserve the hate that I get from my stepdad; I always do my chores, I get good grades (As and very rarely Bs, never lower), I always do whatever he says, and I try my hardest to respect him. I don’t know why I care what he says, since he’s a fucking cheater who’s hit my mom and been to prison before, but whenever he puts me down he makes me feel like the dumbest, most pathetic scum of the Earth. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve been driven to tears …view more

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