Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Why do guys always go for the sluts. The younger sluts too.
They say they want a real serious relationship and then bang some young honey.
I can’t tell, they say their girlfriend is an angel, virgin before they met them and doesn’t do drugs or smoke or doing anything of that nature.
Are guys really that stupid and naive ???
Or do they know and know care???
how can they honestly believe that bullshit !
gorgeous + snobby = don’t want
cute (or even notsocute) + genuinely sweet = wonderful
i do get so very sick of guys drooling over my gorgeous mean girlfriends and disrespecting my wonderful cool inner beauty sisters. Wake up guys. Those gorgeous girls who treat you like crap now (with you hoping it is just because they don’t know you) will ALWAYS treat you like crap.
so me and my fucking ex made a promise (which were big things in our relationship) to not have sex with other people because we broke up. while we were together, she told me she GAVE some guy her number at the restaurant she works at. i fucking told her right there that was bullshit because it shows interest but she denied it, guess what? SHES FUCKING HIM NOW.
i’d have given her the world.
but i’ll be okay. i just needed to vent.
i met this person on facebook, met them once in a capital city and now they have invited me to spend the weekend at their house, while their parents are on holiday.
The two off us being alone in a house, you think my rents would go mad, but no they have had no rant and rave at me, i am kinda getting freaked out by their behavior!!
but its cool, i get to share my weekend with a tall, blonde stranger, who is sex on legs :P
I’m turning 19 and I feel old. Is that normal?
my husband is a one minute man and almost always never finishes me off. i am starting to get very fustrated. i have had serious thoughts about cheating on him and getting the banging i want. but i know i won’t because i love him.
any advice?
Have you ever had a friend that, is talking to you then starts to ignore you, and starts talking to another one of your friends. And as your sitting there trying to talk to them, they act and ignore the fact you said anything, as they keep responding to another?? I find it soo damn rude, my friend does this to me as of late, and I’m getting pretty pod with her. I’ll be trying to talk to her, and then I find out shes’ talking to my friend (this is all txt wise btw) and I dunno, its so annoying.
I slept with my best friends mom when i was 14, he never found out, he’d hate me if he did, i dont feel bad though, she was so hot!!
I seem to have a thing for older women now though.
I wish you were gay. So so SO much.
That way I wouldn’t have to say no to you.
Or you could just not ask me out. That would be ok too.
I spat in my little brothers spaghetti yesterday, I’m sorry!!
Sometimes my sister used to make me so out of my mind angry I wanted to dig my nails into her face and tear some chunks right out.
I’ve calmed down in the past year or 2 though. Now, I only want to push her down the stairs.
Got a facebook notification. It’s some girl’s birthday. So I post: “Happy birthday!” like an idiot. Then hours go by, I keep seeing her birthday posts on my wall and it’s all “have a wonderful day!” this, and “oh thank you so fucking much!” that and “enjoy your kids” like that’s even about her? What? emojies of fucking koala bears with fucking balloons which doesn’t even make sense what is this…? Every single fucking person on that page got a comment, like a solid few word comment with an
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Men never hit on me. I am 22 and never had a bf before. I don’t go to bars or clubs. I see other women on their snapchat who talk about how their uber eats driver or how a guy at a grocery store hits on them but this never ever happens for me and I just feel so ugly. I am forever alone ))))):
she thinks she can belittle me all day, but when I speak up, I’m the bitch. I’m a negative nancy because I told her to stop mocking me. wow she must be stupid too if she thinks that’s what those words mean.
I used to be rly close to this girl, but this year we kinda grew apart. Anyways, I also started talk to this guy this year and we became pretty close (only in a friend kinda way). We talked A LOT and we were just great friends. Recently, that girl has started talking to the guy more and more. And now it’s like she just stole him all together since her barely barely even talks to me anymore. She’s always talking about how she’s talks to him, and the funny things he says, and somehow always
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