Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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You know, politeness doesn’t cost you anything. Its very easy to say “thanks” after I back your bag for you cos you’re too LAZY to do it yourself. Stupid bitch.
That goes for all the other people out there who think its perfectly acceptable to not say a word to someone serving you, its not okay, its very very rude!
I have been seeing this guy for about two months. He is the first person since my ex that I have really felt this connection with. We laugh all the time, we text 27/7, we can talk about anything and everything and we do! We like all the same things, everytime he texts me or calls me I get a HUGE smile on my face, I feel like he is my best friend! I never thought I would connect with anyone like this. He is amazing! And since I have been seeing him I haven’t wanted to talk to anyother guy or be
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Dude, do you actually really like me cos it seems like I’m running around in circles for you!! you keep saying your gonna come visiting me but there is no sign off you for 2 weeks, i am only a hour away its not that hard to get to me. You say that you really care and you are not using me, but i kinda get the feeling you are, by asking for provocative photos of me, which btw are not gonna happen!!
Make up you flaming mind about where i stand with you and tell me so i can change your arse for
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I’m not even joking, I’m tired of always being so happy all the time when all I want to do is scream at the top of my lungs in how angry or depressed I truly am. I used to be able to write down how I felt in my poetry but lately it just hasn’t been coming to me. But seriously, I don’t believe that there is any hope for me. I’m not saying I’m a person that would ever consider drastic measures but I could surely wish to god for a way out of this horrid life. Nothing is ever right no matter what I
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I’m afraid of umbrellas, have been ever since I was little, I try not to let anyone know, its so embarrassing!
my 2 friends in my previous drama class were asking people if they shaved certain areas on my last day. i just sat there laughing. of course i stopped when they asked the guy whos ass was 2 inches away from my face that one time my friend and i were sitting on the floor (she made him apologize when i moved).
I didn’t want you know that im really needy, actually. You haven’t texted me in 2 days and im trying not to pick up the phone myself. But today by the mid afternoon, i just couldn’t hold it any longer. I drove by your house while checking out my new apartment. Twice. I wonder if you are hanging out with that new girl at the office. She IS very very cute and she does like you too, I can tell.
I am needy. I am paranoid. I am so very miserable….wait….aww….you just texted me!!!
I am also very
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Big City Bride is absolutely the worst wedding planning service in Chicago, if not in America. This place is all style, no substance; all talk, no walk. They have their employees, family and friends write glowing online reviews that are completely fake! And If you try and write a negative review about this business on yelp, it gets removed in a flash!
My fiance and I paid $25,565 to have this company plan our wedding. I either got the most mentally inept wedding planner alive or the entire
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i don’t care that you’re an asshole who kicked me and hit me when you were drunk, but for the love of god, why do you have to eat the crunchiest combination of foods - rice cakes, crunchy peanut butter, and apples - while I’m working on a very important job application!! get the fuck away D’:
p.s., not that you’d know because your parents pay your rent and you haven’t done a proper day’s work this whole year >:(
Need to get this off my chest.
I know of the historical injustices faced by women and people of color. As a white male, apparently I don’t understand it but I try.
So now I’m in law school, top 15% of my class and I can’t get a job offer to save my life. I try so hard to tell myself that my hard work will pay off yet I am a few months from graduation with nothing and student loan payments coming due.
Yet I know (for a fact) that some “diverse” students in my class got picked up by big law
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tomorrow school is starting again and i feel so anxious, even though i have no problems with people or with teachers at school? It is my last year, so I only have ca 4 months to go, but i don’t know what i’ll do after school either…
before the winter break I already skipped classes a looot and I expect from myself that I will not skip classes anymore until I graduate. I somehow doubt myself and that I cannot fulfill my expectations and that I’ll keep skipping classes. I wonder why it is
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I feel like I’ve been living in such a toxic environment because of my mother. She thinks everything’s about herself and constantly makes the rest of my family and I feel like shit. She says my brother and his wife are horrible parents, calls my sister fat to the point where y sister’s started to get concerned when she doesn’t need to be, and calls me a demon child along with other things. Hell, she gets pissed off whenever my sister and I wear clothes she doesn’t like or are somewhat wrinkled
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My best friend used to do everything with me… Now she has other people and seems more worried about being ‘cool’. HELP
I’m guessing I’m not alone in this: I’m a straight girl with a thing for everything gay. I mean, it’s extreme: I’ve seen soo many gay romantic movies lately, and whenever I hear that someone is gay, I automatically, unintentionally, like them more. I wish that I was gay myself, just so that I could say that I’m part of their community! And I can easily have a crush on gay guys. I’m in love with a very good friend of mine (who’s gay) and I can not get over it. I just recently acknowledged to
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I live with my parents and my brother and his wife and his two kids and whenever one of the kids makes a mess I’m blamed and I’m not even allowed to defend myself because if I do state the fact that it wasn’t my mess, my brother and his wife will get offended at this and I’ll end up having to fight both of them simultaneously with my hands and my words. I can barely handle it and am losing control. needed to rant to let off some steam so I don’t end up with charges of first degree murder on an
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