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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Human snails 3835

Arg move your goddamn ass out of my way, how can people move sooo slooowly right in front of you? dragging their uglyass shoes along the ground, pick your fucking feet up and get out of the way!

Then they huff at you when you have to go out of your way to walk around them?! What the hell…

Yeah, I dislike walking behind slow moving people, its a constant annoyance.

And people that come from the side and walk right across your path 0_o I do not like you at all.

Hatred and confusion 2634

You believe that anything goes don’t you.Lie cheat steal its ok.Just as long as you get the money right.Torture that’s ok too according to you.You are desperate and that should allow you to do anything your little depraved heart desires doesn’t it.All the while wrapping it in a cloak of misunderstanding.I have to listen while you tell me I just don’t understand.The idea was to drive me to suicide.I am not stupid despite your false beliefs that I am.You are arrogant self entitled depraved and …view more

Mild panic wtf is wrong with me? 1834

To start im almost 30, i have NEVER had a licens as such my controling mother has been capable of usig that to my dismay to controle and manipulate, I now have a one year old (father not in the picture) Due to My mother refusing to take me to work on the few weekends schedualed i am in the thret of loosing my job have not been paid in the past two months, my “oh shit” cushin of saved up money is bled dry, and my rent is due in less then a week…
With my mother Having me pretty much watch Her …view more

tired of you 1434

I have had it with you trying to drive me to suicide you filthy whore.You want benefits you won’t get.I have had it with you and the people you lie to.I have had it with no one asking me a damn thing and simply acting on your lies.I have had it with your jealousy.You are a first class retard.I am not going to give you anything for any reason get that through your hard retarded head.Your spiteful ways won’t accomplish anything.Well except make me hate you even more than I already do.You wanted …view more

Dodging questions 1634

So I’m madly in love with my girlfriend but she has this bad habit of dodging questions and changing topics when she gets uncomfortable, excuses being “it’s late I’m tired” or just getting upset even though I’m the one who is hurt. Like I asked if she wanted a naughty pic over Snapchat and she comes back with “I’ll see plenty of you this weekend”, like wtf is that? I tried asking her to be clear but I got nowhere, like damn if I could dodge bullets like you dodge questions I would be Neo from …view more

Didn’t know 2334

So I didn’t know that if they lay hands on you against your will that it can be considered sexual assault until 8 months ago. I always thought that penetration was the determining factor. From when I was in 5th grade to graduation of college I must have been attacked by 15+ people. Never mind when i was attacked then I was 4. Now I have a panic disorder and an anxiety disorder, but no one in my family seems to take me seriously. I have worked so hard to recover from depression, and to just …view more

My Boyfriend 1934

My boyfriend is treated like absolute shit. He is honestly the nicest and most respectful guy i’ve ever met. Literally his parents make him clean his whole house, even their bedrooms and bathroom, call him names, have hit him, his brothers a complete dick, people at his school bully him. I can’t even explain how angry and sad this makes me. I mean we are both going to be out of our houses in two years so if he lasts that long i’m going to be happy. But he’s thinking bad thoughts and wants to …view more



More of my insanity. 2934

To calm my anxiety and depression, I go for late night walks. Like 11 pm or 2 am walks. I often sneak out, but my brother found out and told my mother. To a normal parent, this would raise a red flag. Your teenage daughter sneaking out at night. Not my mother. She merely acknowledged that I sneak out, then yelled at me about being in my room too much.

Just a few moments ago, she told me “You self diagnose yourself with all these things and none of them are real.”

Oh really.

Suicide isn’t …view more

So confused 2534

I have just mustered up the guts to ask this girl out but I can’t help feeling scaired. I don’t know if it’s because of the way she answered or the fact that I’m afraid that I will just get my heartbroken again. I mean it’s not wrong to feel that way is it? The last girl i dated turned out to be a lot less then she said she was. From the fact that she was almost always drunk ot the fact that she tried denying that she cheated on me. I geuss it’s just that she left me with a couple of scares …view more

Fuck You. 2134

You fucking gas lighting, self righteous Cunt. I hope you choke on every eggshell I’ve fucking had to walk on these last years. I am fucking brilliant, and you allowed YOUR insecurity to dump your shit and guilt on me. Fuck.You.

It’s not my fault you hit ME when you get angry. Deal with your fucking shit.

My Bipolar Friend Uses and Abuses her Illness 2334

I’m in my final year of university. My friend and flatmate, who has been with me now for three 3 years, was diagnosed with bipolar at the beginning of this academic year, which would explain her erratic behaviour. She has to be sectioned almost, she was taken into hospital for around a month to see which medications she should be put on etc. I was so upset, as was my other flatmate and friend who also lived with her. We were so worried about her, tried to go and visit her but she pushed us …view more

Shut up. 2534

Alright, I have a friend who I do love very much. They are great and funny and hella fucking attractive and practically just amazing to be around. I would do practically anything for them because they would do the same for me, too! The downside is that they are depressed and have anxiety and they do cut (a lot!).
And I get it! depression is very serious and I feel very bad for my friend. I do everything I know how to do to get him to understand that I care for him.
But really.
Sometimes I …view more

My boyfriend gets stupidly annoyed at everything 2234

My boyfriend gets annoyed at EVERYTHING. Like, the most random things too. Things that I would never know how to predict. For example, tonight we were having a really fun, pleasant conversation at his apartment and we were flirting a lot (we’ve been together for a while and our flirting involves a lot of teasing and crude jokes). He had some dollar bills and he started reaching towards me with them. My legs were slightly open and it looked like he was reaching to put them between my legs (I was …view more

Do you like me only because of my race 2334

Phew. So there’s this girl I’ve been friends with for about a year. We had similar interests like video gaming and anime. About six months ago, I began to grow interest in k-pop and dramas. I eventually introduced her into it, and soon, she was on board. Fast forward a few months later, she likes all of the bands I like, and whenever I get into a new one, she immediately downloads all of their songs. She constantly tells me how obsessed she is with certain bands and tells me all of these random …view more

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