Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I’m falling too deep. This is bad. I got that jealous hurt feeling in my stomach for the first time today. Like…why should I care? He’s not my boyfriend. He doesn’t want to be. He doesn’t want to be in a relationship and dammit I’m not supposed to want it either. I don’t know how it changed. I think it’s because he’s doing everything that makes me want him. He’s staying at just the right distance. Enough to piss me off and make me crazy. Enough to make me swoon when he finally gives me
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Fuck you. You are a worthless piece of shit mother an I resent for all the shit you continually put me through. You think you are some great mother when in actuality all you ever do is treat me unfairly and try to guilt me. Honestly you are the example of how i shouldn’t raise my kids. I can’t wait in a year when that fucking cunt of a sister is all that you have left to help you and you realize what kind of shit parent you are honest. Honeslt both of you should just fuck off. You are both
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So like everyone in this world is depressed. Well not everyone, but it seems as if once I befriended the popular crowed, everyone got depressed. I found out the school golden girls are both depressed and cutters. They hate themselves and their lives and cut on a regular basis. I was shocked, but of course I helped them. I talk to them when they need it, and am always there for them. But now it seems like they blow things out of proportion. They get so depressed over things you shouldn’t get
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So I am friends with two people I volunteer with. One is a guy and one is a girl. I have been volunteering with the guy for longer than the girl, in fact, I was the one who invited her to come volunteer with me. Later on she starts disscussing how attractive the guy is and such, and I told her that he was like a brother to me and couldnt think of him that way. Which is obviuosly not true, hence my rant. I like him, a lot in fact. She of course gets all crazy about him saying how much she likes
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I’m what you would call a literal starving artist.
I draw (quite well, I might add) and I’ve been an animator for several years. I’ve worked with a lot of people who made Nicktoons back in the 90’s and I’ve learned a lot of tricks since.
It’s hard to be a struggling artist when no one gives a happy horse shit about me. I get ignored literally wherever I go, and when I try to post things onto my blog I get literally no feedback (and I have over 8K followers) because I guess it takes too
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i like you. you like me. and we have a great time whenever we go out.. actually you are the only girl i enjoy spending time with. but you don’t want anything more from this and its killing me… is it to much to ask for that i find a girl that does want more? and is as amazing as you? and actually makes me happy? maybe happiness is just a crazy delusion in my mind.. maybe i am destined to feel nothing.
hopefully someday you will get over what happened with your ex and be with me.. i can only hope
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How many times have I tried to figure out what the fuck we are supposed to do here. As if there was a right way to live life. And there was some God who had a plan for us. WELL THERE IS NO DAMN GOD!!! My religion was a fucking cult designed to repress my spirit and make me feel like shit!!! I served it for over 20 years!! ! DAMN SHIT LIFE!!!
I even served a church mission and told people bullshit to make them realize
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Okie hey, so there’s this guy.. well actually a few guys I am like crushing over. But there’s been a lot of drama and confusion with one in particular. Well he told me, he liked me & such. & I was shocked & confused. Then I told him I liked him & I did for a bit but then it past like I was just caught in the moment and now I believe he’s all pissed and stuff about that cause I’ve been ranting about another guy on twitter on how he’s amazingly cute and such. & it’s just so frustrating I’m stuck.
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I hate people who think they’re young, want to be old, but still want to be young and then realize they need to do things once a month/week/year to make them think they are young. Like fuck off, stop thinking. Just be whoever you want to be in that moment. When you’re a father, be a father, when you’re kid is not around be whatever the fuck. When you’re wife/girlfriend is not around be whoever the fuck. Just stop thinking there is some rationalization to having these days when you can do what
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I am so tired of lies. Everyone I know has lied to me. He tells me he loves me. I love him. He is my world. But he is a player and I know it! He flirts with every single girl he sees. The only person I could trust, likes him, and lives down the road from him, and hangs out with him, and tries to kiss him. Sigh. And he would let it happen. I don’t have any friends. because i’m shy. But i’m not shy, i’m just upset. I hate my life. I used to be afraid of death. The idea of it all being over was
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My mother got divorced 13 years ago. When she remarried she did so with an ASSHOLE. This ASSHOLE degraded my siblings and I along with my mother as well. A couple years into their marriage he started to abuse me verbally and borderline physically. My mother was to preoccupied by her own problems so she ignored mine and focused on her her own by trying to have the little girl that would fix there marriage.
They are still married and still looking for that little girl.
This ASSHOLE still
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There’s a girl who sits at my lunch table who barely eats lunch. She’s skinny, and she always says “Man, I really need to put meat on these bones, I mean look at me!”
I agree that she is probably underweight and needs to gain some. But she says it, like, every day.
And it makes me wonder if she’s insecure about it, so she makes fun of it, or if she’s drawing attention to it and bragging, passive aggressively, or somethin’ like that.
I’m really busy with work now, my boss has gone off on vacation and people are hounding me instead of him. Also he said he would pay me before he left, but that hasn’t appeared yet. But my parents keep calling me. And I know they are my parents, and they gave me life, and put up with me for 20+ years but I know when I don’t answer that call they become upset and it’s something to complain about when I follow up. But seriously I just wish I could say to them, even though you don’t respect what I
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Okay, if in case you’re wondering why you’re not getting hired, let me illuminate you.
1) You rocked up at my counter in a tank top and tight jeans–oh that’s professional. And you’re fat anyway, I don’t wanna see any of that shit!
2) You CAME BACK to my counter for another application because the one I’d just given you “flew out the window”–if you’re that careless about a simple piece of paper, how much more irresponsible and clueless will you be about your job duties?
3) You asked for a
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I know that you have issues with depression, and I know that you like poking fun at yourself for it for God only knows what reason, but joking about dying in your goddamn sleep is -not- funny, and I’m getting sick and fucking -tired- of you -totally ignoring- any kind of concern I have for you. You make me -hate- you sometimes, even though you’re my best friend, and that just makes me hate -myself-. I’m not telling you to shut up, I’m just asking you to have even the -tiniest shred- of sympathy
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