Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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It’s been a year since I first met you. We have such chemistry together. Sex with you is so damn good. AND, I know you are not the monogamous type….
You tell me im your favorite. You tell me you love this and that about me. Then you ask me what I love about you. I get it. you want to hear me say, “I love you”, don’t you? The truth is, I do, just that i won’t say it… cause that’s like me surrendering…pleading…to have you. And i know you like the chase. And i know Im not done with you yet…. BUT
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I went skiing with my family when I was younger. After I came down the slope I used to cut in front of people.
Some adult guy said to me you never get in line dick head? I was like 11 years old and never heard an adult curse before.
I still remember that shit today, kinda scarred me. I really hope i find that fag now so i can shove my left leg down his throat.
Not a day goes by when I dont imagine my death or the death of someone close to me. I just like to plan out all the various ways and peoples reactions to them. Maybe it has something to do with my need to plan years into the future.
Every single friend I’ve ever made bar 1, I’ve gradually lost touch with and I dont even feel that guilty about it :S Every time I move schools/work, I make new friends, then I move on and make no effort to keep hold. Maybe I’m just not meant to have friends. Why does that not worry me more?
When an aisle at the supermarket is a bit crowded I’ll wait at the end with the trolley while my other half goes to get whatever.
So I park up where there is nobody.
But of course, somebody just has to come along and want to look at the stuff I’m in front of.
Fuck sake.
so i had this guy friend for three years now and we are pretty close friends.
me and him actually get along pretty well despite how an asshole he is to everyone, he would say things that either offend or scorn somebody, stranger or mutual associates.
but what frustrates me the most, is other people reacting to this friendship. at first they’ll ask “how are you even friends with him??” then it’ll go to “omg are you guys dating? how are you even coping with his shit anyway?”
heres the
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My dad is a great dad who spends countless hours trying to make my life better and I love him for it. But sometimes I just need a little space. He continually insists on spending “quality family time together,” yet he doesn’t seem to understand that every time that he tries that, someone ends up fighting. He claims that he won’t try to influence my views on world topics, yet he rants about stupid problems all the time THEN ASKS ME QUESTIONS ON MY OPINION AND SHOOTS ME DOWN IF I DONT AGREE WITH
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If you’re overly immature, please grow up. There’s nothing wrong with being a fun, vibrant person, or being a child at heart. But it’s seriously annoying when all you do is act like you’re five. And this goes for all people who act like children even though they’re way too old to be like that. People who bully people for the color of their skin, or the god they believe in. People who judge others because they’re brave enough to express themselves. People who laugh when they see two men holding
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I keep fucking up my life and i can never forgive myself. I’m such an emotional person and i get emotionally attached and because of that I do things i regret to feel like I’m worth something when in in the end it just makes me feel less and less about myself. I feel so alone, even though i’m surrounded by people who i know love me. I have family, but I don’t know what family is. I have friends, but they all leave me thinking everything is fine. I have myself, but I’m the person I hate the
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For a little over the last 3 months my husband and I decided to be nice to two friends who were on the verge of being homeless, we offered them space in our tiny one bedroom suite until they found their own new place to move into……….. Boy, did that ever quickly become the biggest f**king regret of our lives… =3=
Not only were they extremely annoying, but they were also lazy and completely ungrateful… oh, and did I forget to mention f**king lazy???!?
Neither of them had jobs, nor did they plan
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My ‘friends’ forget about me all the time. They forgot my birthday, despite the fact I try to make/buy something for them on their birthdays. On Dec 20th, there was a small party I was invited to, yet I was able to leave (I was sick) without anyone but the host noticing. Just yesterday they had a new years party and forgot about me. Everyone else in my school is the same as them, so I can’t find new friends. So I’m going into CyberSchool, because these people who claim to care about me don’t
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I basically just got a scold from my mom. I never understand my parents, they can’t just depends on me for their whole life. Two thousand fifteen wasn’t my best year and I could call it the second worst year. I had been my sister’s babysitter this whole year. My parents said they can’t depend on my brother since he just sleep around. They could’ve scold him. They are parents, they have the rights to scold him.
Two thousand sixteen, I wanted to join a boarding school. My parents won’t let me.
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it is only the first semester of school and I’m already stressed out. i have put so much pressure on myself that not even and 85% is good anymore. I feel horrible and anxious all the time. I also feel ugly. Im either too tall and skinny or I feel small and fat. And if i try and tell anyone that they laugh. As if i can’t feel fat. ITS UNFAIR. And why do all the girls my age have to be so so STUPID. Who do they think the are? Im sick of comparing myself to them all the time. Im also sicks of not
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Just cause we don’t have Louie Vuitton bags or diamond jewelry doesn’t mean I need help. Just cause I don’t buy overpriced sneakers doesn’t mean I’m gonna gladly accept your old shitty pair. Just wait… Just wait… Just because I don’t waste my money on simple material desires doesn’t mean I am willing to do anything or beg. Just because I’m not wasteful, doesn’t mean I’m charity.
Im so tired of my sister saying I stole her stuff.
I don’t keep track of what is hers. Shes really freaking out over fucking makeup brushes and a pair of shorts that ended up in my laundry and these bracelets I never knew were hers.
Its bad enough I don’t think my mom truly accepts me for being transgender, but seriously?
I can’t transition or anything because every time I try to talk to my mom about it, she ends up going out somewhere when I actually get the courage to bring it up.
My sister
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