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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Shy man 2739

I am such a shy bitch!!! I never set any of my own boundaries, I always speak in absolutes, and feel like a fucking a nightmare!!! I am so unclear in my communication. So afraid of what people will think of my real intentions. I am afraid they will know that I really just want to rule over them with my dark powers. Hahahhaa. That seems funny. I guess I have always felt like a terribly powerful killer, and I am afraid to act because I will hurt them.

I think now i can look differently at my …view more

Affair 2239

I am married. I am lonely. I search online for companionship. It is easy to find. I am simultaneously emailing or texting five different men on a daily basis. I’ve had sex with two of them. I can’t stop. I crave their attention and how they make me feel. I feel horrible for breaking my vow, but that doesn’t stop me.

bile-letting 2839

If you’re bitter and you know it, slap your hands
If you’re bitter and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If your’re bitter and you know it, slap everyone around you.

I’m so pissed off at this chick I’m working with who can’t draft a business document if her life depended on it. She sent me stuff that was so awful, that I fell sick just looking at it. After trying to edit it, I gave up. I’m rewriting them from scratch now. FML.

I hate the people I work with. I just hate em, hate …view more

You think I’ll let you back in?!? 2939

My best friend, out of the blue, tells me that ?We need a break, because I don?t think I can do this anymore.? She tells me, ?You?re too controlling.? When I ask her to elaborate, she won?t give me an example on HOW I?m ?too controlling?. After I tear her, my best friend of TWO FREAKING YEARS, out of my heart, I find out she?s talking sh*t about me behind my back!! This is after she, AND her mother, told me ?It?s just that you?re/we?re both leaders, and sometimes you need to let me/her lead. …view more

Rant. 2439

1: I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I cannot stand you. I hope you die. I honestly hope that you die. You piece of shit.
2: What the hell is wrong with you? We haven’t talked in forever and when we do, it’s about you. All about you. I tried coming to you to show you that I would do it… you barely fucking responded. What the hell? I told you that if I ever needed help, I’d come to you. I told you. And what do you do? You text me back ‘I’m sorry.’ Yeah …view more

Grr 3639

I just got out of a serious relationship a little over a month ago. I’ve already hooked up with my best friend. We went all the way, and we wants to do it one last time. I don’t. He’s in a relationship, and i owe it to my ex to not do anything sexual. He’s taking the break up really hard, and is still acting like were in a relationship. But I’m okay with bein broken up. It’s all so confusing!!!

Twisted Pron 4139

I change music video titles to twisted porn ones then upload them to limewire. I think it’s hilarious, today, so far, 310 people have tried to download ‘man sex dog’ and gotten Eminem’s We Made You instead.

It makes me feel accomplished.

The Big Douchebag 3639

A while back, a girl tried to make out with me at a party. She was really drunk and I wasn’t gonna go for that. Too much, too fast. Not really what I look for in a girl. I never really held it against her personally and since that night we be came semi-good friends, but over the year that followed, I found out that she was actually a really cool person in every way I can think of and I had just misjudged her that night. I had been kinda passively ignoring her for a year like an idiot. So now …view more

SHUT UP 3539

Oh my god, why bother even coming to the lecture if you’re just going to sit there and chatter every single time the lecturer opens his mouth? I know with your I.Q. of 7 it may be a bit over your head but please, shut the hell up!

Cheap assmunch 3539

Stop asking for discounts on perfectly good stuff, we’re a dirt cheap shop anyway, just pay the extra 10p and stop being such a scrounger!

family stigma 2639

I am in love with one of my cousin’s friends….
we have really good chemistry and whenever we are together everything just clicks. unfortunately he is about 9 years older than me and when he found out that I wasnt at the drinking age he kinda acted strange (1st sign)…also if anything were to happen between us that would just be awkward with my cousins and our mutual friends…we are kind of in a weird place right now

The most annoying thing ever…to me 3239

Me: Would you like a bag?

Moron of the nth degree (i.e. you): No

*Blah blah you pay, I pack*


*I wait for you to fuck off, you …view more

idiot friend 1938

i tried to relapse last night and today i told my friend and she got mad at me for not talking to her then. All i wanted to do then was hurt myself, but now i’m mad at myself for not trying to get help like i should have. So now i feel like a jerk for not telling her how i felt. I totally hate this. I need someone who will tell me it’s okay and tell me to talk to them next time if i can, not someone who will get mad for me not telling them the first time. And i know she would get annoyed if i …view more

fuck you parents 3538

my fucking parents
its all them
they dont give me any personal space, freedom, anything
they dont even beleive it when im depressed
or have an anxiety attack
or anything
if im stressed and crying they call me a crybaby
if i want to die and they hear me even mention it or whisper somthing or seem expecially different my mom …view more

My wife is making me miserable…. 1838

The moment I even think things are getting better they get worse again. I have no desire to stay married to her besides the fact that we a have a kid together. Don’t ever get married or have kids with the wrong person. You will regret it and contemplate suicide. Know who it is you’re sticking your dick in! There’s no amount of therapy that can fix your marriage if your relationship was already fucked from the beginning. It’ll turn you into someone that you hate.

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