Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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My wife of way too many years has stopped fucking me. We have fucked 7 times this year.
She said “when we both want to” but does not realize that means when she wants to because if I turn her down, I may not get another chance for 8 weeks or more.
I am seriously thinking that it is time to have an affair. Her not having sex with me IS the same thing as cheating on me.
I legitimately hate my fucking family. Every chance they get, they will take a jab at me. Whether a its a subtle or obvious I always know they’re talking shit about me. Sorry I’m not “perfect” which is bullshit! I am who I am whether you like it or not. So fuck you and everyone else.
I have more homework than I have time to do it. I have to choose which assignment is not getting done. I have one professor in particular that is irritatingly condescending and assigns more homework than everyone else. Unfortunately, I cannot drop any of her classes. All of her homework assignments are hidden, so you really have to read into the syllabus to figure out what the hell to do. I am currently doing an assignment for the third time because she never gave clear instruction and just
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God dammit. they’re in n out of my apartment day n night stealing fishsticks outta my fridge. WTF? !.
n don’t tell me they’re ghosts cause that’s just a dumb ass idea.
And don’t even get me started on the God damn muffin bugs. I mean, what the fuck is THAT all about. Bet they’re God damn liberals as well .
The moment I gave her the fucking ring she turns into the biggest conservative bitch i have ever met. She knew what business I was in before we got engaged I guess now she feels she has the right to tell me how she thinks i should run my Business. But guess what I just dont give a fuck. I dont want to be part of your “high society” and I dont give a damn about what you or anyone else thinks. I could care less. I am so tired of having to walk on egg shells to make you fucking happy. You are not
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Three years ago my mom told me that if I ever wanted a sex toy she would buy me one. At the time I didn’t want to hear that from my mom so I ignored it. When my birthday came I grew the balls to actually ask her to get me one and her excuse was that she didn’t know where to get them. Ok, I took that because I didnt know where to get one myself.
Then the next year I found out about Spencer’s and when I told her about it she told me she was too embarrassed to get it for me.
This year I’m 18 now
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I’m struggling with the feeling of utter futility with my music. I’ve been making it for 20 years, and sharing it, and doing most things right, people hear it and emphatically let me know it’s amazing, and yet, I put a video on youtube and get all of 7 views. It’s just pathetic. It’s really pointless. And yet I do all the things, make the videos, update my facebook, blog posts, press pictures, send outs… WHY?! NO ONE CARES. NO ONE FUCKING CARES ABOUT MY MUSIC. So it’s your dream? Follow your
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ME 3340
I’m sick of people, seriously… to an extent that I don’t know if I’m surrounded by assholes or I’m actually one myself. I pretend that I don’t need them and I show the independent and confident side, but to tell you the truth, I’m extremely insecure.. I got my own group of friends, but that’s just so far! I go to college and when I’m there, I’m not really myself. People think I’m unsocial. But to hell with them!
I don’t know if I should do something about my silence or just go on like
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What do I want? I want you to admit to your ‘friends’ that just like you hurt those people and almost ended up in jail, you hurt me the same way. TELL these people that you’re so friendly to that you HURT me. Abused me. Ran me through the ringer. Physically, mentally, emotionally. TELL THEM! I want you to realize that it’s unfair to make me out to be this ‘crazy bitch’ and TELL them how unfair and hurtful and cruel you’ve been to me. Don’t just gloss over it and say ‘well, I was in a bad place
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I went on a three day long “date” with a completely unattractive wealthy man, prompted by my extremely shallow mother’s demands. I slept in a separate bedroom. He was a complete catastrophe of utter social awkwardness and patronizing comments. I was so irritated, I actually faked an email to myself saying that if I didn’t fly home immediately, I was in trouble with work. It was complete with Cc’s and FWD’s. I’m thanking heaven above that it actually worked. I have never felt so damn trapped in
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boys are pricks! theres this one guy and we’ve only met a couple of time as friends.. and he always telling me how much he likes me and that he think im gorgeous and he reckons we would make a really good couple.. he texts me, emails me, messages me on fb and mingleville, he calls me and asks my friends how im doing and stuff.. he tells me he’s fallen for me and that it would be perfect if we got together.
so. the other day we was talking.
he says; i really wanna get with you..
i say; why
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Seriously, for anyone on either side of this debate, there are better verses to illustrate your point and your repeated invocation of the story of Sodom makes you sound like an idiot who didn’t bother to do a lick of
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In today’s so called ”enlightened” society I am disgusted that I am not allowed to declare my complete and utter devotion to the love of my life.
We are inseparable…she is always there when I need her, and the sex is absolutely the best.
But the registry office reckons you most definitely cannot marry your own right hand.
I think I’m a boy trapped in a girls body, I’ve always felt like this but in the past year or so, its making my life miserable, I cant be happy because I dont feel “right”! I need help! I’m too scared to tell anyone though, they’d think I was crazy.
After finally getting over a long, tough break up, I’m finding it all too easy to cut someone very important out of my life completely. I feel like I could never talk to any of my friends or family again and within a few months, I’d feel perfectly fine with it. I could make new friends and then disappear again whenever I needed to. I don’t know who I am anymore. I feel so detached from who I was and what I thought human emotion was supposed to be. After losing someone I loved, love, friendship,
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