Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I’m due to have baby in two week’s. My baby daddy who I’ve lived with years has been obsessed with a comic and its forum for a few months. Xkcd or something. We can only get dial up at home so when he goes out he stays places to use WiFi. Anyways, Ive been sad n asking for attention this week. yesterday was my birthday, he doesn’t work, had nothing else to do. I got home from 8 hours of work n get a text he’s still (or probably finally) in town with my 10 year old (to get my present). He gets
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you used to be a great mate, but you treated your girlfriend like absolute shit and then go psycho when she came and talked to me about it, because i was somewhat nice to her.. now all you do is call me a retard and a fuckwit, and you dont even have the balls to fight me about it, because your a fucking keyboard warrior. you think your better than everyone, and i have no fucking clue why. i used to consider you a great friend but peices of shit like you make me want to vomit. you insult
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I was just telling someone they looked good but you decided I was flirting and stopped talking to me. You answered only because I wouldn’t stop calling, and am now giving me the silent treatment over the phone. We’ve been together for almost 3 years and you’re still like this???? What the hell?!?!?!? It’s not like I’m going to cheat on you. I never have. Just because she lives closer to me doesn’t mean that we’re going to meet up and fuck every weekend. Why the fuck does this happen to me?? Why
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I had sex with and came inside my best friend’s girlfriend. They were on a break back when it happened and not dating or anything, but I guess I shouldn’t have agreed to go for a drink with her.
Whatever, at least she was on the pill and it has been two months already and her period is not late or anything, so she didn’t get pregnant.
Thing is, she was a great fuck. I kind of want to do it again with her.
Yeah, I’m a sick individual.
Am I angry? Am I mad? Am I pissed? You be your fucking ASS I’m pissed! To think I believed your bullshit for the second time in a row. You tricked me back then, and led me on and told me that you would leave her for me but instead you fucking sobbed and let her trick you into staying with her. And now just recently, you told me you genuinely wanted me and you DID break up with her, and we were together. For less then a week, though, of course. I should have known you’d take her back because you
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I was wrong to believe, as I did for a while, that desire is something that we have to resist in our lives. It is only an obstacle if you are too afraid to sate it.
Indeed, the fear IS the obstacle. It’s the stone that I am forever carrying and it gets heavier every day. It saps the joy out of every task and it makes every friend seem like an enemy. I have become paranoid, insular and afraid. I have dug a hole to hide in that is so deep that I can barely see the goddamn light anymore.
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Ok well when i was younger i was made to do things to my step father, he also touched me up when i was 18 and heavily drunk the only reason he stopped then was because i was shouting “No No No” and my mum may have heard, i finally screamed it out just after my 19th after they kept calling my bf a pedo because my sister who lies said so, since then my mum and my sister and brother believe i am telling lies and that they wont believe either one of us (me or my step dad) until one of us owns up,
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I hate the fact everyone in my life is in a relationship while I’m not (actually I’ve never been in a relationship or anything like that).
I’m feeling really guilty because sometimes I just wish everyone would break up, does that make me an awful person?
I HATE exam results. Every single time I have a passing grade that’s not that high my parents get so fucking triggered to the point that they would start insulting me in public, and they would even hit me with the remote at times. Why the fuck are high exam results a thing. What are they even here for? Just for asshole parents to compare you to that guy who scores top dollar? EVEN IF HES A FUCKING DOUCHEBAG?!? Look. I dont care that you guys do this shit to me. But if you keep compare me to
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Sooooo let me start from the semi-beginning. One of my best friends, lets just call her slut friend, was in a relationship. It was pretty long then they broke up and because she’s “hurt” and things were “complicated” she’s on this fuck guys movement basically where she doesn’t want relationships and just fucks whoever. Mind you she cheated on her ex-boyfriend and even when he wanted to forgive her and make it work she was like nah but I digress. So me, slut friend and another friend (she’ll be
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1) i have always been laughed at or made fun of for being a loner. I often go to movies or dinner alone. Im just too lazy to even ask if anyone wants to join me. They will either be busy, too lazy or have no cash. At this point, im used to being alone but that doesnt mean i like it. I have thought about being in a relationship but..
2) i have been single for the whole 20 years of my life. Im just too afraid to come out of the closet. I have thought about it countless of times but the first
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HYPOCHONDRIAC…you’re always sick all the time..and Im not buying it anymore
How come adults are allowed to yell at you an make you feel like crap just because they’re grown ups!?! Then when you stand up for yourself you get in trouble! It’s not fair! They tell you to stand up for yourself unless it’s against them.
my dad is an alcoholic, who at every moment finds a way of insulting me or making some kind of snipy comment…. we go through stages of not talking - usually because now I’m 25 I refuse to be spoken to rudely, and since I’ve had depression for 10 years now because of him I figure it’s better for my health. I now live over 200 miles away, we haven’t spoken since probably january/feb this year.
my grandparents think I am out of order and stand by him all sympathetic - even when he put me through
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Today I’ve come to the conclusion that my roommate is a total imbecile. She’s gone from being a petty annoyance when she first moved into my apartment, to someone I loath & now, someone I completely pity & can’t help but laugh at. I won’t go into too many details, but this girl is the most disrespectful, self-righteous, childish BITCH on the planet, I swear. Here, I’ll give you a brief, incomplete list of the shit she pulls/has pulled:
- made me pay the bill & tip when we went out to eat
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