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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Fecking facebook! 4258

GRRR I’ve been meaning to upload pics from traveling abroad, but since there are so many I have procrastinated quite a bit. today I finally started working on it, and Facebook has decided it just doesn’t want to upload my pictures! just says “upload failed, please try again,” over and OVER… I have restarted IE and my computer as well and it still won’t work.

I’m about ready to throw this goddamn laptop out the window!

Facebook blocks me from sending anymore emails due to so-called ‘overuse’ 2458

Full story. I’m a member of a theatre group and we’ve decided to purchase some hoodies to act as a ‘uniform’ - give the group a bit of an identity. Anyway, we’ve been discussing the design (colours, what it should have on it etc) using the email feature on Facebook. It’s rather handy - you can send the email to a group of people and it acts as a ‘thread’ where everybody replies and everybody sees the response, so it’s more like a conversation rather than a standard email.

So I got a warning …view more

Thank you for souring my day…. 4456

It’s true, my day didn’t start off perfect, but it was quite palpably shitty emotion-wise after chatting with you this morning.
I merely ask how you are. YOU say you need help. Like a fool I ask you what you need help with. YOU say you need help with your personal life and bring up the fact that you’re still reeling from your latest relationship terminating, and that it might have done more damage than you thought. Fine. It happens.
You tell me about reaching out to your ex to ‘bury the …view more

Addicted to gambling! 4455

I’m addicted to gambling online, I lost $400 this week!

Can’t tell the wife.

WHAT! 5254



A sin 8754

I played spin the bottle when I was 12 and felt up a girl in the closet. My parents are mormans so that was a sin. It felt good!

A silly little crush or more? 4153

Well…I like this guy, I met him about a month ago and well we’ve become very good friends I think. I mean I love being with him and talking to him, even if its just sitting around his apt watching movies or outside talking. I had just gotten out of to me my longest relationship which was a little over a year, and its been 3-4 months since its ended. I’m pretty picky sometimes when it comes to guys I like, but this one particular guy he just takes my breath away and leaves me speechless half the …view more

Am I thin enough yet? 5453

I throw up every day…I still want to be thinner.

strap on fun 5152

I want a woman to put on a strap on and fuck my ass. I don’t want a man, I’m not gay. It would turn me on so much to have a woman screwing my ass while jerking me off until I cum.

Bullshitter 3752

Sometimes I talk absolute bullshit, even stuff I know probably isnt true. Just to fill up awkward silences in conversations, I hate those damn things.

Why? 3151

Why did my dad leave? Why did he put us in a falling apart house and just leave, threatening to put foreclosure on us every day, whenever we went against his will? Every time we try to leave why would he threaten to hurt us? The house is falling apart now. All my friends are getting sick and dying, or getting in trouble and dying in accidents or fights. Every day I tell myself, “Some day, I’ll put a stop to all this, and make the world a better place.” But who am I but one man? Why can’t I find …view more

Scared to come out 5251

I have gender dysphoria (male to female) and I’m scared about coming out to my friends, and wonder whether they’ll accept me or not.

It’s all so bloody confusing.

I hate you sluty hoes 3850

To all you sluts who get knocked up and then have abortions, you dont know how precious that life is to someone like me. Someone with PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome) someone like me who has been trying to have a baby with my husband for over 3 years. We’ve done pills, we’ve done shots and now we’re running out of options. Adoption is thousands of dollars and so is Invitro (which has failed twice now). I feel like a failure as a woman and a wife for not giving my husband children. So before …view more

Trying to be sneaky really? You aint that good 4150

You think people would get that you know them pretty damn well, especially when they try to hide shit behind your back. I mean I have this friend, I know her very well, been friends for a long time. And she’s had a very rock life with guys, its just not her thing, but how can she think I’m stupid? She’s trying to get back with her ex, cuz she claims she loves him, and well I’m actually all fine with it ya know? I mean sometimes you can’t help it who you like, and well if the guy grew up let it …view more

i hate porn 6350

i am a 14yr old christian and i cant stop looking at porn its eating me up and i want to stop but it jut not happening yet

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