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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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I dunno 2644

It bugs me how I have to go through life in some stupid routine until I die. I don’t even have a desire to live so why even try? I just wanna sleep forever. Can’t I do just that????

White guys 2844

Since the first step of recovery is admitting you have a problem, I admit: I have become racist.
I didn’t plan on it, I didn’t want to, and I didn’t expect to. But when I studied abroad in Japan, I found out something about myself.
I fucking HATE white men.
They’re rude, selfish, immature, and all of the white men I’ve met here generally talk about three things (in order of frequency): Whining about how much they hate America (even if they aren’t American, but the Americans went into “AMERICA …view more

You ruined me. 3244

Thanks to you and what you did to me I lack the ability to completely trust people. Not only that, but I over-think everything. I worry that what happened between us is going to happen again with someone completely different. Thanks to this, when I’m not with her I feel alone and abandoned. I’ve become this needy and obsessive person, someone I never wanted to become. And now I have no idea how to over-come this… you’ve ruined me.

CHEAP ass customers 2644

If I get another $5 dollar tip for massaging someone for an hour or more, I am going to blow my lid. We live in a country where it is an accepted practice, so if you can’t afford the tip, stay the hell at home. This also goes out to restaurant customers, 15-20% is standard. If you can’t tip or those ass clowns who “Don’t believe in tipping”, stay home and cook yourself a grilled cheese. And don’t lie about it either; “I left it on the table” or “the room” Karma my friends. Now I feel better.

I don’t want this. 3344

I hate this.
I really don’t think I’ll ever find anyone that will fall in love with me.
On the outside, I come off as so confident, so beautiful, so intelligent, so everything, and I am-a truly amazing woman. I am enjoying life. But inside, it hurts. It’s not that I won’t ever find anyone, but the fact that if I do, I don’t think I’d ever be able to accept him. If he were to offer his kind hand to me in my time of need, I would shove it away, curse him, and run far away!… I always told myself …view more

lies in jealousy 3944

I lied about being in love with my best friend when i wasn’t. i did that just to make my ex feel jealous. and now my bff thinks it was real and she’s acting all weird and making me feel horrible. and some guy has a crush on me… and pressure…the whole world knows about him and me and keeps pressurizing me..why do i have to do anything right or wrong..its my life…why do u keep tellin me how to live it..oh n top of it all im a lesbian teen…nobody knows except for my bff and she’s acting all weird …view more

Hate my fucking life. 3944

My fucking mom moved me away from my life in my home country when i was young only giving me 2 weeks notice, so in 2 weeks I had to say good bye to all my friends, family and my dad.

They divorced because he was physically abusive and would hit and threaten her with weapons as well. I am honestly glad she is out of this situation but I have so much anger towards her and everyone in my life. I don’t feel anger towards my friends, but to my family I just feel so much HATE towards them.

We moved …view more

To the gay basher in our lives.g 5244

Dear Uncle who thinks we’ll all die because the fairies have taken over the military:

Wow, this must be quite a shock for you. First they allow women in (gasp!) and now the gays have taken over. Wait.. have you ever served in the military? Oh, I almost forgot. You dodged the draft. Yes, your son did serve in Iraq. He is a war hero. He is also GAY. And guess what? Your darling niece that’s joining the army, she is also gay. We fight for our country and die for our country the same as straight …view more

It’s not my ego, it’s YOU. 2544

A big, hardy FUCK YOU to the person who doesn’t know what the hell they’re talking about. If you can draw, why the hell would you think you know better than the artist herself. You have a lot of nerve and a lot of jealousy. I have no problem taking criticism, I do, however, have a problem with criticism with an intent to hurt.

You’re a sad person, and I’m done with you.

Stupid Boy! 4144

So there’s this boy that I used to kinda like. In August, I sent him a message saying I kinda liked him, but wanted to know if it was worth my time, and he said no, so I was fine. Then he started kinda being an ass, and I forgot why I liked him.
Then today, we had to go to something for chorus, so I got a ride with him, and we were the only ones in the car. It was SO fun! I remembered why I had kinda had a crush on him: he’s fun, goofy, quirky, and nice.
And then we were around the handful of …view more

Friends. 3044

I bailed on my friends birthday. Long story, but I don’t have any ID, and she wanted to go out clubbing. I didnt want to get refused into places (and then for everyone else to not be able to go in too) so I told her I was ill. I was trying to make sure she had a good birthday. She later saw me… clearly not ill. And now refuses to talk to me because ‘I’m a lying whore’.. slightly melodramatic I thought.
Apparently I’m not the same person since I got with someone, and she thinks I’m ‘always’ …view more

Heehee 3244

You know that dress I told you looked great on you? I lied, you looked like a big summery pudding. Very amusing to watch you wibble about though :D

I can’t stop telling lies 2343

Everyone lies. But I can’t stop. I just got in trouble with my parents yesterday. I feel like total shit. I told my dad I was working all day, but I wasn’t even working half a day. I just spent the whole day with my boyfriend. And this isn’t the first time I told that lie.
The first time this happened I was actually supposed to work the whole day, but my boss told me she over scheduled people and to not come in. I didn’t wan’t to tell my parents because I knew they’d have a whole bunch of …view more

bad habit? 2343

im in my first year of college, i miss classes every once in a while, but i tend to bail out on days where assignments are meant to be submitted. i feel like an asshole to my groupmates.
and im not sure whether my roommate moved out because of me or what but something tells me something is tied.. and two nights ago i was sexcamming(first time in dorm room) while roommates were sleeping(it’s a 4-person room). minutes later i realised there was a shadow of myself n the wall. not sure whether …view more

Cold turkey 2743

I’ve been addicted to hydrocodone for about a year today I decided to quit cold turkey guess I wanted to shout in the dark that I’m finally tired of getting high and want to actually do something with my life.

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