Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I lied to everyone about my ex boyfriend raping me because he hurt me so many times and he always makes me out to be the bad person so now i made him out to be the bad person and now everyone hates him!
This really is going to play out like the movie I know what you did last summer.I found your illegal adoption to my exs family.It happened about a year after our divorce.First you played that they adopted you then took my old married name and went to town.Nothing was off the table was it you gold digging cunt.If you couldn’t have what I had, more specifically cash, you figured you would make me spend it fixing your tortures of me.Your redemption you thought was your ability to drive me to
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I live with my older sister and her two sons that are aged 5 and 2. The 5yo was at school and my sister was at work, so it was just me and the 2yo at the house. I had just laid the 2yo down for his nap and gave him about half an hour before I decided to go outside and play in the yard for a bit. The weather was nice, so I figured eh why not? I am outside for all of fifteen minutes before coming back in and finding my oldest sister (not the mother of my nephew’s) dropping the 5yo off from school
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I ordered some Chinese food and something that I ordered wasn’t available and they were going to give me my money back and what I didn’t know was that they put the money in my bag and I asked the driver if he had it and he went back to the car to get it opening my ba buried mind you I didn’t see it until I took it out now I don’t know what to do about it I’m scared and embarrassed to call not to mention I don’t know if they would come back for $3.00 but if you do read this I’m soooooo very
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Get your head out your ass please.If I were subject to extradition I wouldn’t be where I am.
I actually was the victim of ID Theft.I am not will not and will not be forced to take responsibility for something I haven’t done.I also won’t be forced to support the ID Thief.Its called adult adoption/guardianship/life insurance fraud.She created a false adoption to my exes family.The thing may be subject to extradition to Fla New Jersey or Cali.I am not.I was in west Virginia when the thing did
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Went to see my counselor the other day and have decided to stop going there because of saying one thing; then switching up later. Ugh! Can’t any professional be honest instead of telling me to send an email expressing myself; then she tells me that all that is going on in my life gives her a headache. What the heck? She tells me now just to pray about it, but I’ve been praying for years and thought talk therapy would help.
Well, that’s my one big rant for the day! Hope the day goes better
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So I had a moment when I got a stress induced panic attack last week and told my dad then this week we went to the hospital for an evaluation after he called around just about all day yesterday and I was only back there for like 30 mins before the doc decided to refer me to outpatient so now as a depressed anxiey riddled girl i feel worst and like i wasted my dads time i want to cry and slit my worst it’s moments like this that make me want to die like im a waste of time and space i think my
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It’s New Years Eve and I’ve decided, once and for all, to say goodbye to some people and things in my life that don’t align with my goals. First, I forgive and release my parents from all the anger and bitterness I have held for them. Why you chose to have children, I’ll never know. But, you can’t hurt me anymore. You’re both dead to me. It was your choice. I don’t understand it, but I’ll live with it. I hope dying isn’t too painful for you. I hope your memory loss is easing that pain. I never
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okay so I probably sound completely mad and it may seem like I’m overreacting. BUT IM NOT. I have younger siblings..who are a lot younger than me. one is 5 and he is the one I would like to talk about. he is also my half brother and for some reason my step mother has this overwhelming obsession for him . no one is allowed to tell him off even when he’s in the wrong and everyone must obey him and I’ve really had enough. I spent a lot of my younger years being screamed and and shouted at because
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You can stop dropping items on my ex inlaws floors hoping we know what you want and will help you.After what you have done to all of us we wouldn’t piss on you if your guts were on fire.Get it through that evil little head of yours I am not jealous of you.I absolutely hate your guts.You are the epitamy of every thing I learned not to be growing up.Poor little you, too stupid and child like, to even provide for your own cycles.Always wanting needing attention no matter how negative.Yet to stupid
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I must admit one change I now have an odd affection for my gang rapists.Its all because of you.At least they looked at me before raping me.Unlike you, they groomed me, though at that time I didn’t know what it was called.Just like you though it was all about there control and what they needed and wanted.Looking back it was one of the best training exercises there ever was though it wasn’t what it was.Did you enjoy the entrance into my groin with the needles every month,.Bet it was better than
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I really hate old people, I dont know why :(
Im in a relationship with my Girlfriend of 6 months, I have also been having sex with my ex (that i was with for 2 years) the last few weeks. The other night I also got talking to my other ex (that i was only with a few months) and we ended up in bed shagging all night…
I still love you, even when I see you fucking around with that asshole. You’ll come back to me one day, you’ll come to your senses.
I’ll make you.
when i was 14 I started sleepin wiv my mums bf it went on till i was 15 them eventualy i told my mum but them she was blamein me when it was him he was obviously a total pedo and when i say blamein abit more than that shed just go on an on an on an on it was drivein me mad! Plus i felt gulty for not sayin out so i told he i got raped and abused by him all my friends and that think i got raped
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