Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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After finishing work i came home to find an empty house and a note from my partner saying she was going to her parents and would be back in a few days.
I decided to go out for a few beers with some friends. As the night went on, people started to go home, and there was just this woman and myself left. Last orders were called and she said i could go back to her place for a nightcap, my intentions were to just sleep over and leave, but she started to get flirty (I’m not going to blame her as it
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I steal things even though everyone thinks i’m too perfect to do it
This is fucking ridiculous. I hate the way you never listen dad… I want out! I want out of your house, I want to get away from her. You don’t even see…. You’re so goddamned BLIND. She sits on her lazy ass and screams at us! Fuck you. FUCK YOU! Go die in a fucking hole, I’m DONE. You whine and moan about how much of a bitch she is and then when we cry because of her you call us a pussy and tell us to suck it up and deal because she’s here to stay. I wish someone would just shoot me dead. And
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Yeah, sometimes life fucks you over with your parents. My biological dad is shit. He never wanted anything to do with me. My ex-step dad is also shit. He was abusive before he got kicked out. If he tried shit like that now, since I’m 18 and I work out, and he’s 40 something and fat, I’d kick his fucking ass. My mom tries sometimes but she got messed up by the abuse and divorce and she’s stuck in the same rut as before but too fuckin blind to see it. Not to mention her mom’s the exact same way,
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I hate when he starts acting like he know everything and that he is doing the right thing when it is really the wrong thing. I wish he would stop acting like this. He is being an arragent son of a $#@!%.
Well… I mean there’s always a lot of tension in people lives especially being young like myself living the college life..but I’m always the person that my friends come to for advice, as much as I love to lend an ear it kinda bothers me with one of my friends…I’ve known her for awhile and we’ve had our tiffs, but in the end I don’t think she really listens. I understand advice is a word of opinion to help guide you, but when your constantly going to someone with the same questions after you
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I am moving to Miami and kind of want to leave all of my friends.
I don’t really like any of them except for 3 people maybe.
I’m worried that I’ll be tempted to cheat on my girlfriend in Miami.
I absolutely loathe when my parents or somebody else says “other people have it way worse than you” or “children are starving in africa” when I’m upset about something but like does that make me feel any better??? no. Telling me not to be sad because other people have it worse is like telling me not to be happy because other people have it better. TELLING ME OTHER PEOPLE HAVE IT WORSE DOES NOT MAKE MY FEELINGS MAGICALLY DISAPPEAR! IT DOES NO HELP WHATSOEVER. Yes, I acknowledge that other people
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You come in expecting to fill your narcotics whenever you like, which is your right, with exceptions. We pharmacy types can only fill as the DEA and the state we practice in allows!
If we tell you “according to the law, since you just got a 10 day supply of Narcotic X yesterday, we can not, by law give you any more until 9 days from now” then fucking listen to us. If you’ve taken all of your Narcotic X and have no more, that’s your problem, get help for it. Don’t take it out on me or my
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Why the hell can’t people just come out and say what they really mean, rather than posting stupid, double meaning messages on facebook or twitter especially when you know it’s directed at you. If I’m annoying you, fucking say it. I’m not fucking stupid and I can’t be arsed with your immature attempt to be subliminal and sneaky while you post publically about what’s annoying you. Just get to fuck. It’s utter bullshit. I’m so sick of it. And then you’ll act like nothing happened and if I bring it
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Judge me on my actions and how well I treat others. I’m not a murderer or a liar or a user. You have no right to ridicule how I treat others when I treat them with the same respect I give to you, the person ridiculing me. Keep your damned cynicism. Don’t taint me with it. Even if you don’t agree with my methods (as long as they don’t hurt people) say you understand how I feel. Don’t talk down to me or insult me or ridicule me because you don’t have the mental or emotional capacity to understand
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Long story short a grey and white cat comes up in my window he’s pretty skinny I feed him my cats check him out and stuff he hangs out and all that good crap. Then two stupid kids run up try to beat him with sticks and throw dirt at him the cat runs away almost into the street but turns around and stays under a car. The kids try and get him out but he doesn’t budge and they go away.
WTF is wrong with some people?
My father’s significant other likes to do things like throw out your stuff without telling you. I hate her guts. She has this old cat that she always talks to in a really high-pitched voice - like she’s talking to a baby. She loves that cat like it was her child. Now I want the cat to die. Not a bad death though. I want to put her outside one day, and have her die peacefully - then have a pack of coyotes come around a rip apart her lifeless body, spewing hair and body parts all over the back
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I think I might be gay. I have a wonderful girlfriend but all I can think about is my best friend :( hes so amazing and so straight.
My family will hate me.
Dear LGBTQ Society,
I am an active member of the LGBTQ society however, I must confess that I am slightly anti -LGBTQ terms. First, there is no “They” “Them” pro nouns. You cannot be both. Pick a gender and stick with it. Still on the topic of Gender Identity, THERE IS NO AGENDER. You can be one. There is no option C as none. You are not an ‘it’. You are a he or she. And finally on genders, pick a fucking gender. Gender fluid if you haven’t heard of it is where on a daily basis your gender
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