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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Lazy customers 3950

OHHH MY GOD! If I am serving someone on a till at the top end of the counter, why the hell do you go and stand at the till at the bottom end of the counter and expect me to serve you there!? Dont be such a lazy ignorant asshole and move your fucking feet!

Toto 6150

I stole a raisin once…the guilt has haunted me ever since

Assmunch 3950

…Why are you laughing at me? Did I do something amusing while exiting my car? No, I thought not. It’s like I’ve magically been transported back to the fun days of secondary school 0_o Grow up and fuck off back to your hideous yellow mini.

What else could I possibly do.. 3149

C, I never knew I could be so proud of someone and so upset with them at the same time. Planning an entire year long trip when we have been together for two years, and not telling me about it… trying to keep me and your “band life” separate.. what is that supposed to even mean? I am the one who let you live with me for two months. I am the one who supported you when you were out to fend for yourself on the streets. I am the one who believed you would make it when every one else said you would …view more

slap 2749

Said no to a babysitting job I kind of really need, because I promised I’d meet up with my friend that afternoon and I didn’t want to leave her hanging. My friend never called me to say where we’d meet, and didn’t answer her phone when I tried calling her. I had just given up on hearing from my first friend and was out on a jog when a second friend called me to ask if I wanted to go dancing with a few people. I ran home as fast I could so I could change, just in time to answer the phone so she …view more

Such a scum bag….. 3749

I’m so fucking angry at the moment. My best friend is having a long grieving process about getting over her ex fiance that up and left her for no reason. He was a huge scum bag that hurt her terribly for the past 2 years. I understand you know you love the guy and its only natural to cry. There is nothing wrong with that. But how can you not be angry so quickly. She poured her heart out to him changing everything about herself, stopped hanging with her friends, especially if he wasn’t around. …view more

virgin 7249

im a 20 year old guy who is still a virgin. It makes me insecure to be around my friends when they talk about girls

This is not about politics, this is about being FUCKING SCARED. 3248

Abortion was never a major issue for me. I doubt I’ll ever get one. Even if I was pregnant unexpectedly (and trust me, if I got pregnant now, it WOULD be unwanted) I’m not sure if I could get one. But what I’m seeing in Texas and Ohio and North Carolina scares the shit out of me because it’s starting to become a pattern.

I don’t just see restrictive laws being passed, I see ELECTED OFFICIALS show CONTEMPT for women. I see them walk out of the room while rape victims are testifying and shout …view more

Get Fuckin’ Real 2848

Hey, friend: instead of using other people’s more well-written opinions to formulate your own, why not try, I don’t know, THINKING FOR YOUR FUCKING SELF!!! It’s bad enough that you go on and on and ON about women and ethnic groups and religion and everything wrong with them, and I have to listen to every single fucking word and pretend it’s all fine with me. But now you’re going to judge MY taste in music, books, movies games, etc. on SOMEONE ELSE’S OPINIONS?!?! FUCK. YOU.

WTF is up with women?? 3548

Am i really that bad of a guy,

I got a good job, a nice car, a place to live, yet not flashing it to anyone. Yet every single fucking Woman I meet is intent on finding the absolute bottom feeding scum of society and claiming they are good person, They have no jobs, yet they are ‘in between work’, they play video games all day, because they are ‘creative’ they don’t drive because ‘mommy and daddy didn’t pay for my test’.

I got fucking news for you, the only in between work i get is weekends, …view more

I’ve got a question for you all… 2548

…What right does a person have to get mad for you if you apparently forget to tell them your not going to be home at your normal time and they can’t reach any of their friends? I had an eye appointment today, and I’ve checked my IM message history and guess what? I told him that I was going today, yet when I get home he accuses me of not telling him (why do I have to tell him anyways? I’m not dating him or anything, he’s just my friend and he knows what’s been going on anyways.) and then goes …view more

oh the chooices we make..what do I do?? 3548

lets see where do i begin? I’m dating someone right now and i really do like him, he’s actually the only guy that could break through the fact i really like one of my good guy friends. But see the problem is, I love being with my boyfriend but, I really love being with my guy friend, and I’ve always had a huge crush on him from before me and my boyfriend started going together, or even met. But I waited around for the signs of my guy friend to show me that he really does like me before I did …view more

Sad person 5948

I’m 17/f and I still have an imaginary friend :( Real life is too hard for me.

I’m the crapper 3648

I crapped my pants once. Blamed the smell on a nerd. I’m such a fuckin bitch.


I’m fucking fuming. As a 16 year old fast food worker i have learned to bite my tongue at a lot of rude ass comments customers have made to me such as “if you can’t do your job in here right you aren’t gonna go very far in life” aye and it wasn’t even me who got the order together hun. Anyways i had one of my worst tonight. Anyone who works in a drive thru can tell you that we ourselves don’t like making you park as we have to take the food out, we understand its frustrating but when you order …view more

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