Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Hey, if you don’t like the pharmacy you were in today, pick a different one! Don’t start yelling at the employees, it’s not their fault you’re a gigantic ass!
Bet you didn’t like it when those little old ladies started cussing back at you for dissing their pharmacy, huh!
Laughed my ass off just thinking of it!
You want me to write a song well too bad
I’m gonna write words and make a song out of it
writing songs lead to trash rhyming is stupid
literature is pretentious and it leads to pompous assholes
well fuck me if i’m not deep and If words I write don’t resonate with you or make you think
these jerks’ expectations also lead to the opposites
you other people think you’re rebels? You’re ecstasy and lights?
You’re incapable of thinking
You think you’re individuals?
what you listen to is “what’s
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So long ago we met. I liked you. You liked me. You had your heart broken by this dude. We started talking. You were falling for me. You told me so the week before he died. After he died you weren?t the same. Let me remind you that he was your daughter?s father. I still loved you. And you me. But you became distant. I feel you are afraid of losing me so you are pushing me further from your heart. I joined your school. I didn?t like it, I went back to the capitol city. You didn?t talk to me for a
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I think there is something wrong with me. I seem to be addicted to the inappropriate, or just really self destructive. Whenever a friend starts dating someone, I become suddenly and irresistibly infatuated with the new person. Well… evidently not ‘irresistibly’ as i never act on these stupid obsessions because they’re so INAPPROPRIATE, but they make life very hard and are ultimately very distracting. In the past I’ve developed feelings for a boy two years younger than me that i was meant to be
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I hate 99% of my family.
I feel more comfortable when I can’t identify with anyone.
The most healthy relationship I’ve ever experienced is with a thirty something Portuguese man.
I used to cut myself.
I can’t even stand walking through a crowd anymore.
I never feel at home.
I just want to feel loved.
But I think I’m too afraid to ever be.
The love of my life died in an accident a few years ago, 2 weeks after we got engaged. It’s five years later and I still can’t move on. Every woman I meet reminds me of her. All my friends, my family, even her family have all encouraged me to start dating again, and I’ve been on two or three dates, but it always feels like I’m cheating on her. I haven’t told anyone I feel this way, I just say I haven’t found the right one yet. I get the feeling that none of them believe me. I think they can all
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Remember when you were in a relationship how when it was near the end, you walk on eggshells while talking. Scared of what to bring up for fear it will cause a fight. Remember what its like when there is one still holding on. How they mention things that before would have started conversation. How they try to remind you that they still want you. Remember how you handled that? How when they would mention sex you would divert the conversation somewhere else. Remember when they would call you on
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I am so bitterly single, I cant abide hanging around with couples. I hate it when my female friends end up with boyfriends, and I dont speak to mates either once they get shacked up with girls. I’m so pissed off jealous and frustrated that I’ve been single for 2 years and yet everyone around me is settling down, it makes me sick. They’re better off not knowing me when I’m like this. I have loads of female friends because I’m a good mate, but not really the sort of guy you’d want to get deeper
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Seriously, this bitch friend of mine need to come down to earth, and tell me to my fucking face all the lies she been trying to spread about me before I get seriously POD at her and bitch her out with all the shit that is ACTUALLY true about her and her pathetic hoe-ish life. I been nothing but fucking nice to her, despite how stupid I always thought her decisions have been, and helped her out. So seriously….Get a fucking life, and stop making up BS about me to OUR FRIENDS. I’m so sick of her
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oh my god, i’ve never been so embaressed in my whole life, i bought some of those balls, the ones that go in your pussy and roll around and feel nice? well i went out with them in and i caught a bus cos it started raining. as i was getting up though i could feel one slipping out, i clenched my muscles but that didnt work and stupid me, i was wearing a skirt and some loose pants. anyway, it fell out didnt it and made a loud clanging noise and started rolling around on the floor, i was bright red
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I have this friend and I know that she is in major denial with herself. I dunno what to do honestly. I’ve tried before in the past to confront but all she did was yell at me telling me to shut the hell up its none of my business, yet she always came to me for advice on him… him being of her ex, who I know are more than just friends, I would declare them fuck buddies for the fact that I know they are having sex….whether she tells us or not. But the thing is, she claims she loves the guy, but how
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I really really really hate christmas. I pretend to be all happy and jolly about it though, I dont want people to think I’m a freak
so im gay right? ya. and i have this really big crush on a boy in one of my classes right? ya. the problem you see is that hes the biggest homophobic person you could meet. hes also a big jock and would embarrass the fuck out of me if i told him how i feel, especially because im not fit. i lay in my bed at night contemplating whether or not to tell him and risk my reputation at the school. idk what to do anymore… :(
i’ve always been the type of person to try and see the best in people. a part of me believes that’s why i’m in the position i’m in right now, because i’m so forgiving. i’ve come to the realization that i’m not enough for anyone. i’ve had heartbreaks and i’ve had nights where i’ve stayed up until 2am crying my eyes out into the nape of my shirt and clenching my fists.
i’ve had nights where i lay there emotionless in bed staring at the ceiling because talking out my feelings isn’t even worth it,
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I had these two friends for over 4 years and everytime my birthday comes around, they don’t even ask me if I want to go out. They don’t even surprise me b taking me somewhere out to eat or anything. But when it’s their birthdays, they always want attention. They always want everybody to go out on their birthday. Never on mines. I just feel some type of way. All these years we’ve only gone out to celebrate their birthdays. I wonder if the thought even crossed their mind to take me out on my
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