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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Change 3038

Okay idk just wanted to get this off my chest

So ever since I was a child I was told I am a fun, outgoing kid who loved everything. But as I grew up to be a gullible person I ended up making friends and getting attached to people who eventually threw me in the trash and claimed I had bullied them. It gave me a bad reputation to all my other friends and they left me alone. I was so upset and since that incident I was closed off from everyone. I startes getting depressed and anxiety issues …view more

Decisions. 2838

I hate having to make a decision when people ask you things. Like, for example, I have to go somewhere this weekend but my friends birthday party is this weekend. I don’t know which one to go to. I can’t make decisions at all. It sucks. Especially since I want to be a Lawyer when I grow up. Someone please give me advice. Thank you.

Boss Rant 2138

Just need to get this out so I can continue my day. I work alone at a business where my boss is in another city. They pay the bills for everything to run here but I take care of everything. My boss keeps paying things late and I have to be the one to apologize to vendors and clients, and he won’t take responsibility and it pisses me off. We get deliveries of a certain product monthly that must be paid monthly, and this is the second month it wasn’t paid and I didn’t get my delivery (which I …view more

boyfriend part 2 2138

Boyfriend is an ass…. He wants me to cutt all contact with my family. He hates my dad and sister.

He wants are son to grow up with his parents only being the grandparents. And if I take are son to seem my parents he gets pissed…. I could only spend 20 with them. And with is family about 5 hours…. Not right.

Before we moved out of are parents. my parents only got to see him like 30mins(15 in the morning,15 at night some times they didn’t get to see him at all) a day while his mother saw him 8 …view more

Friends with Benefits 2738

I got drunk three weeks ago and spilled guts to my brothers best friend about how I’ve liked him since I was 16. He said he already knew and then we cuddled on my couch for a few hours before he helped me get in bed and then he kissed my forehead. My birthday was the next weekend and I got trashed and kissed him. We were making out for a while and then he put me to bed again. Last friday I again got drunk at a bon fire and we ended up making out again and going a lit farther than that but I …view more

Feeling Confused 3338

About two years ago I saw a woman burn to death in an automobile crash. I was the second one on the scene. She had stopped for a school bus, and a girl who was texting and driving smashed into the back of her pickup truck. Her truck was sideways in the road and She was knocked unconscious with a gaping head wound. Her door was wedged closed and the truck caught fire. There was no extinguisher or anything to try and put the fire out. I had to just watch her burn to death. One minute she was …view more

Dear Facebook friends 2338

The 4,000 picture of you revealing your cleavage in the same angle? Not sexy. You’re trying too hard. Also, sister, your “sexy” pictures that I came upon when scrolling down? AWKWARD.

Oh my god you annoying prick 2138

So for the most part I love my friends but I can’t stand how if it doesn’t resolve around them it isn’t worth talking about. Ummmm no! You don’t actually have to hang out with me you dumb cunts! Like stop being assholes and fucking tell me you don’t want me around or you don’t want to hang out. Like no it’s not some big ass deal to me, I’m not going to stop being your friend and I’m not going to stop talking to you. I’d rather you be real with me and we’ll figure it out from there.


that’s three of my friends who either have attempted suicide, held a razor in their hand for their wrists, or just plain out wanted to to kill herself because her friend didn’t want to talk to her anymore.
in addition to all the fucking crap i have in my life, i have to go and be their goddamn psychiatrist and convince them that they shouldn’t fucking take their life.
i don’t know where i’d be with my family or friends, so you can imagine the fucking trainwreck i am at this fucking state.
i …view more

School 1838

I don’t even know where to begin with this. School literally makes me wanna kill myself or kill someone else. It stresses me out so much. Do the teachers not think what they are doing when they give us so many dumb projects to do? It kills us on the inside. We have to get that all done and not to mention that we have much much other homework to do as well. And some students do sports which is worse. And above all of that you expect us to be nice to one another at school and to respect you. …view more

My Depressing Teenage Life 2838

I dont know if this is the right place for me to vent but here it goes. Im 14 and i have been going through things that shouldnt be wished upon your worst enemy.

Ive always been the type of kid thatt was content and kept their opinions to themself. I didnt really have any friends up until grade 4. I gradually started making friends and becoming an outgoing bubbly child. This was great at the time but i had always had that small part in my brain full of social anxiety which kept covering me. I …view more

a dead end at every fucking turn… 2238

ok so go back to august with me my gf and i both work at a gas station ive been here for 8 yrs shes been here for 2 and we’ve been together for 4 yrs this coming august we live together in 2 br apartment with a room-mate and split bills and whatnot i wont get into too many details here but the landlords a fucking scumbag from hell we took in my girls cousin and she just had a baby shes 17 whos gonna put a 17 yr old and 1 month old baby on the street and just look the other way even tho i …view more

Stay Out of My Marriage 2538

Why the hell do guys have to assume that just because I don’t go out partying and I have my own separate hobbies that I must have a miserable marriage?

I don’t enjoy going out and getting wasted every weekend anymore. I have a job, I’m in school, I have bills to pay and responsibilities. I’m a grown ass adult. I’m over spending half the day in bed nursing a hangover.

I’ve ALWAYS been introverted. I’ve ALWAYS enjoyed my alone time.

Also, what if I was unhappy with my husband? Do they think …view more

You bastard….. 2638

That shit you pulled with her sent me into a major depressive episode that effectively ruined my life. The next several years were spent with mild but long-lasting depression and anxiety. I’ve got trust issues, anger issues, and borderline Avoidant Personality Disorder. You’re a fucking sociopath, you know that? Maybe most people don’t see it, and a few can tell there’s something off about you, but I know first hand what a sick, broken, individual you are. I fantasize that one day you’ll do …view more

Baby Drama 4938

My sister-in-law got unexpectedly pregnant about a year and a half ago. She was and is not married or in any kind of steady relationship. She was in no position, financially or maturity-wise, to be having a child, but decided to keep it anyway. The guy she determined to be the father, who was likewise not financially stable enough or mature enough to be having a kid, was oh-so-excited that he was going to “be a daddy”. The in-laws immediately poured out overwhelming support for them, and …view more

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