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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Australia 2238

don’t get me wrong, i love this country, im proud to be australian but i hate to live in this country when our own priminister hessitated to legalize gay marriage… who is she to judge them, and think that it is alright to hinder there right to get married. im not gay, but i have gay friends, and if they were not allowed happiness because of who they love, i would pack my stuff and leave this country tomorrow.

Look At How Much I?m Crying 2538

Asshole. You think I?m gonna cry, because you played my heart like a card? Ha! Think again, bastard. I don?t cry over players like you. I get over you in ONE FUCKING DAY.

He found out I liked him, and for 2 fucking months told me how beautiful and amazing he thought I was. Then I log on to Facebook one day to see that another female friend of his likes him, and he?s saying he likes her, too. He never even fucking told me we were over (not that we were ever official).

Cue me posting a pic of …view more

It’s History 2738

This is a confession…
I looked in the internet history of my mother’s iPhone, and saw things like “casual encounter” and “suck my…” and “find adult friends!”
This is totally awkward and I’ve decided to not think about it, but I just feel that I need to say what happened SOMEWHERE. y’know?

Striving to conquer my gaming addiction 3038

I am addicted to a MMORPG game. It?s all I think about. However, I think more about the girl I met over the MMORPG game than the game itself. I want this obsession and addiction to stop! I am going cold turkey as of today (July 23, 2011). I will promise to myself no more of this MMORPG game.

I have never been truthful with any of my online friends. I am a pathological liar in this game. I do not want to be that person anymore. All I think about is the person I want to be and how else I can lie …view more

My struggle with art. 2338

I want to be able to draw. I want to be able to paint. I want to be able to sing and play guitar and piano. I want to be an artist. I like doing things that I am good at. This is why I like math. This is why I am a nerd, but this is aside from the point. Acquired skills such as drawing and painting and sculpting and playing instruments and writing music take an enormous amount of practice, but how am I supposed to practice and be satisfied with myself if I hate doing things that I am not good …view more

An…Enlightened speech. 3038


Secretly Bi 2938

I’m secretly just as attracted to men as women, if not more. I find their bodies much more attractive. Of course, I can’t tell anyone in my life - they all think I’m straight as an arrow and am gonna stay that way. The biggest problem is that I’m dating my best friend’s sister, but I really want to fuck my best friend…I can never tell him that though.

Too Young? 3238

I’m 23 and have been talking to a girl online for about 6 months and when I asked if she’d consider meeting up she said of course. So now, in October I have time off work and I might do the 2 hour train ride and meet her. Problem is, she will have only just 16. This means it’ll all be legal blah blah but is it weird? I find her extremely attractive, stunning actually and when I call her she’s able to have a serious, mature conversation but still knows how to have a laugh. She looks older than …view more

Stupid lovers 2838

Picture this: You’re in a secret relationship with someone for a year which breaks up when your boyfriend finds out. Then you don’t see this guy for a year. Suddenly, just when you start thinking about him again, he sends you a message. A simple message “Hi, what’s up?” Could mean anything. You weigh up your options, and respond carefully…. and then he doesn’t respond for three whole days. Why am I still waiting for a response? What kind of person does this!?

assholes 2338

why everything i say you have to take fucking offense to? are you that fucking sensitive? Am i not allowed to have an opinion? you make it so hard for me to say anything around here. you make it so hard for me to talk to you. thats why i keep most things to my fucking self. anything that i am going through, no i don’t talk to you, i will rather talk to anyone but you. i hate living here. i can’t fucking wait till my damn 18th birthday. Lucky for me that is just in 24 days. i can’t take it …view more

me me me…I’M SICK OF IT 3138

how do you get through and tell someone that they are being self centered, and all they talk about is themselves. you tell them something about you and they feel like its a battle for something so they have to say something thats better or worse depending on what your talking about? How d you tell them, yo, seriously there are other people besides you here. Lets hear about them, or w.e. ugh its just so frustrating. if you gotta problem and your trying to leak it out to them because they are …view more

Realizing… 3338

Well its about time I’ve come to pick up the pieces and truly see things for what they are. Instead of making up excuses and picking fights. I’ve finally open my eyes to acceptance. I have this friend and she is very sweet. She’s not the sharpest tool in the shead but she’s alright. She makes a lot of mistakes and majority of the time yes she does act selfish and like she’s 5 years old. She never seems to learn or give up when your really supposed to and takes things was to serious when its …view more

Friend that ignore you 2738

What do you do when your friends with someone and all of a sudden they act like you don’t matter or they don’t need you anymore so they’ll technically cut you off and stop talking to you but yet talk to all your other friends and on top of that tell them that they are mad that you aren’t talking to them. Its kinda complicated I don’t get it either. Knowing yes both of us are busy but when I had to have another friend tell me this I started to try and make the effort to fix that by talking to …view more

I hate stupid people. 4438

I’m sure that almost everybody feels this way at some point, if not at all times. Why must the world be bubbling over with idiots? Why am I asked an innumerable amount of stupid questions each day? Why does it seem that I am the only person on the fucking planet that has any common sense?

Dear ex, 3138

I used to lie awake at night, timing my inhalations to be the same time as yours, so I wouldn’t have to smell your breath when you exhaled.

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