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Latest Comments

I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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FUCK getting married at 23. 1737

I know no less than 6 couples who are engaged now, and I’ve only been out of college for less than a year. Maybe I’m a little jealous. Okay, maybe I’m a lot jealous because these people seem to have found a committed, fulfilling relationship so early in life, and I can’t seem to hang on to a decent guy for three dates. I KNOW, I know, that these people will probably all be divorced in five years, but I’m having a really hard time seeing that schadenfreude-based silver lining.

AND now that …view more

I Hate My Father! 3737

Yeah, I get that I’m not “supposed” to hate my father, but guess the fuck what? I do!

He has verbally abused me and my mother ever since I can fucking remember. He’s overly-religious, homophobic, and racist.

My parents got divorced last year, and it was the best thing that has ever fucking happened to me. But it was also the worst. Now my father wants to “restore our relationship.” But he doesn’t realize that we never fucking had one to begin with. Sometimes I just want to tell him that I’m …view more

When empathy is away nihilistic tendencies will play 2637

Oh world…Why are you engulfed in suck?

What about having a shitty day/life compels you to pay it forward? Why do you think that the new deli worker deserves your vitriol because she misunderstood you? Why does the poor kid with a stutter deserve to be censured because the power went out in the theater where he earns minimum wage? Are these the only people in your dismal pathetic lives that you have any control over? Has society bred all altruistic tendencies out of the population?

Waking up …view more


WHY DO I ALWAYS FALL FOR THE ONES THAT ABSOLUTELY DRIVE ME INSANE?! The worst part is that he knows I like him and he keeps teasing me, saying “Sorry I’m taken” when we both know he’s not just because he loves tormenting me and is trying to get me to confess! He drives me up the wall because he teases me in ways that makes it seem like he is dating somebody, even though we’re good enough friends to where if he was dating somebody HE WOULD HAVE TOLD ME! He’s messing with my feelings and it’s …view more

I’d love to… 2437

I’d love to be a groupie. Sex, drugs and rock n’ roll really seem awesome. I want to live that life.

betrayed disgusted and abandoned 3237

your stupid slim of a husband tried to sleep with me when i was a teenager.. more than 12 years ago. You gave me up long before that though. How could you accuse me of making it up? How could you stay married to a man who wanted to sleep with your daughter? How can you hate yourself so much that you’d stay with someone like that over doing the right thing and ripping his balls off??


Piece of fucking shit! He had to turn into the right lane just as i was! FUCKING SHIT!!!!! Apparently I was the one who hit his fucking car?! BULLSHIT! AND HE WANTS TO GO TO INSURANCE?!?!?! GREAT! My dad’s never going to let me fucking drive AGAIN! MY INSURANCE IS WAY TOO HIGH ALREADY I’M SO FUCKED FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dad’s going to blame me when i get home even though it wasn’t my fault. THE GUY HAS A TINY SCRATCH ON HIS CAR AND WILL BE LIKE A $5 FUCKING …view more

Waste of space. 2637

I’m sick of myself. I’ve become so tired of waking up every morning that I sleep through as much of the day as I can. I don’t want to face people. I feel like a complete, useless failure.
I’ve been looking for work for two years and still no success. I’m sick of being turned down for everything and sick of having no money.
My closest and oldest friend is going out to dinner for her birthday, to some buffet. I can’t go because I don’t have the $25 to pay for it. I feel awful about it.
I feel …view more

‘Are you okay?’ 4037

Sometimes life is a bitch, people get hurt, sad, or generally fucked over constantly. I see it all the time, I’m that go to girl, that tells them all that philliosophical bullshit to make them feel better. But it always get me thinking, how can I feed people this crap if I can’t actually bring myself to believe it? Shit happens for a reason, I know that. But it doesn’t mean that reason is justified. I find myself in turmoil thinking about all the things that have happened in my life, and how …view more

Marriage problems :( 4437

I have just found out my husband of 5 years has been stealing my underwear and secretly wearing it to work, i dont know how to feel about this or what to do :( plz help!

what the freaky thingy?! 2737

i just feel so RANDOM right now…i don’t know what to do…and i have this friend who acts like a bitch..she is just taking control of every person in her life..
i just got nothing to say…really…i wanted to use my time really wisely….


should i sleep?

oh …view more

tired of it part two 1736

When will you get it through your head?Im not responsible to take care of you.I am not your family friend or anything else.You have lied so long you believe your own lies.You were generous were you?How by not paying any of my bills and attempting to fuck me out of everything I own?
Listen up fucktard I wasn’t at that conference in Fla.I am not the one facing charges nor was I ever.Oh wait. you are a terrorist. so never.Non muslims. even insane ones .would have learned by now. not you though.So …view more

Problems with bf 2036

So I’ve been dating this guy for almost a year. We’ve been pretty happy for the most part, but sometimes he says things that tick me off. I don’t wanna make a big deal about what went down today, but I need to talk to someone in order to move past it. So for alittle background, I went through an experimental phase in my life. Like lots do. I found myself sexually attracted to women. I never been with a women but I find them so beautiful. Delicate and strong at the same time. I still feel …view more

self harm and lonelyness 1836

ive been wanted to self harm again and id tell one of my friends so they know but all of them ether dont care or they think im looking for attention when i tell them how i feel. I have no one to go to anymore. it really sucks. Im more lonely then ive been in a long time.

Society 2536

Dear Snake,

Stop dating every girl at once. Tell me your secrets, because you aren’t even that cute and you date at least 3 dif people a day.

Thank you,

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