Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I know no less than 6 couples who are engaged now, and I’ve only been out of college for less than a year. Maybe I’m a little jealous. Okay, maybe I’m a lot jealous because these people seem to have found a committed, fulfilling relationship so early in life, and I can’t seem to hang on to a decent guy for three dates. I KNOW, I know, that these people will probably all be divorced in five years, but I’m having a really hard time seeing that schadenfreude-based silver lining.
AND now that
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My sister-in-law got unexpectedly pregnant about a year and a half ago. She was and is not married or in any kind of steady relationship. She was in no position, financially or maturity-wise, to be having a child, but decided to keep it anyway. The guy she determined to be the father, who was likewise not financially stable enough or mature enough to be having a kid, was oh-so-excited that he was going to “be a daddy”. The in-laws immediately poured out overwhelming support for them, and
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There’s a girl who sits at my lunch table who barely eats lunch. She’s skinny, and she always says “Man, I really need to put meat on these bones, I mean look at me!”
I agree that she is probably underweight and needs to gain some. But she says it, like, every day.
And it makes me wonder if she’s insecure about it, so she makes fun of it, or if she’s drawing attention to it and bragging, passive aggressively, or somethin’ like that.
Yeah, I get that I’m not “supposed” to hate my father, but guess the fuck what? I do!
He has verbally abused me and my mother ever since I can fucking remember. He’s overly-religious, homophobic, and racist.
My parents got divorced last year, and it was the best thing that has ever fucking happened to me. But it was also the worst. Now my father wants to “restore our relationship.” But he doesn’t realize that we never fucking had one to begin with. Sometimes I just want to tell him that I’m
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Ya know, my life is going pretty well. I finally got out of an abusive 5 year relationship, I’m doing well at uni, I have two best friends whom I dote on and adore more than anything in the world (and I receive adoration and doting in return), I finally have a good relationship with my parents, I’m in a place where I’m happy being single and I’m more confident than I’ve ever been in my life. So why can’t I just enjoy it? It’s like I’m constantly waiting for the next fucking shitty thing to
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Okay, if in case you’re wondering why you’re not getting hired, let me illuminate you.
1) You rocked up at my counter in a tank top and tight jeans–oh that’s professional. And you’re fat anyway, I don’t wanna see any of that shit!
2) You CAME BACK to my counter for another application because the one I’d just given you “flew out the window”–if you’re that careless about a simple piece of paper, how much more irresponsible and clueless will you be about your job duties?
3) You asked for a
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I know that you have issues with depression, and I know that you like poking fun at yourself for it for God only knows what reason, but joking about dying in your goddamn sleep is -not- funny, and I’m getting sick and fucking -tired- of you -totally ignoring- any kind of concern I have for you. You make me -hate- you sometimes, even though you’re my best friend, and that just makes me hate -myself-. I’m not telling you to shut up, I’m just asking you to have even the -tiniest shred- of sympathy
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Am I angry? Am I mad? Am I pissed? You be your fucking ASS I’m pissed! To think I believed your bullshit for the second time in a row. You tricked me back then, and led me on and told me that you would leave her for me but instead you fucking sobbed and let her trick you into staying with her. And now just recently, you told me you genuinely wanted me and you DID break up with her, and we were together. For less then a week, though, of course. I should have known you’d take her back because you
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I’m in love with with him. I think about him day and night. Any time spent with him or texting him makes me smile form ear to ear.
He does not know any of this or I don’t think he does.
Every time I think about him which is a lot makes me super depressed cause I know that “we” will never happen.
I would never tell him this cause i would be devastated if our great friendship would end.
I wish i could get over him but it’s hard to do when we spent lunch time together.
I would love if there was
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Piece of fucking shit! He had to turn into the right lane just as i was! FUCKING SHIT!!!!! Apparently I was the one who hit his fucking car?! BULLSHIT! AND HE WANTS TO GO TO INSURANCE?!?!?! GREAT! My dad’s never going to let me fucking drive AGAIN! MY INSURANCE IS WAY TOO HIGH ALREADY I’M SO FUCKED FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dad’s going to blame me when i get home even though it wasn’t my fault. THE GUY HAS A TINY SCRATCH ON HIS CAR AND WILL BE LIKE A $5 FUCKING
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I hate my wife she ruined my life
I am in love with her best friend
I have just missed out on a 6 grand payrise because some cockend nicked the bloody job i had got lined up all ready for me.
The only good thing in my life at the moment is my car
In fact that lump of metal is about the only damn thing that makes my life worthwhile at the moment
Just about to hit 19 and still getting treated like a little child?
They piss me off. I’ve to handle 6 weeks of mum-nagging soon when she becomes bed-ridden after some surgery. Yeah it sounds insensitive, but I can’t handle the constant bitching.
i want to become a male prostitute. i’m thin, and have been told i’m boy-ishly cute. i want to whore myself to all those old perverts and do whatever they want, as long as i get a nice fat wad of cash for it. i love the idea of whoring myself out, and i want to get money for it. now if only my gf was cool with it…
I’m sure that almost everybody feels this way at some point, if not at all times. Why must the world be bubbling over with idiots? Why am I asked an innumerable amount of stupid questions each day? Why does it seem that I am the only person on the fucking planet that has any common sense?
It’s been a year since I first met you. We have such chemistry together. Sex with you is so damn good. AND, I know you are not the monogamous type….
You tell me im your favorite. You tell me you love this and that about me. Then you ask me what I love about you. I get it. you want to hear me say, “I love you”, don’t you? The truth is, I do, just that i won’t say it… cause that’s like me surrendering…pleading…to have you. And i know you like the chase. And i know Im not done with you yet…. BUT
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