Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Dear lady and horrible daugther at starbucks:
You both are CUNT BAGS, like it is so hard to wait for a new drink, or wait for 5 minutes because the people behind the counter only have 3 people there and they are working as fast as they can. I hope you both reap what you sow, and I hope you both get in a HUGE car crash.
Dear guy at burrito place today:
All I have to say is you are a fucking asshole, douche, fucktard, ass-licker. Yes you did have a right to be mad, but you did not handle that
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Ok, what the fuck is wrong with my life…? First, I serious feel like my life is falling apart. My best friend is my crush, he’s flirting with my other best friend, who is a girl, I have cut, I feel like I’m dead inside honestly, and I just got a text from my best guy friend telling me that he doesn’t even see me as anything as just a friend. I swear, this year is gonna be the death of me-_-…
I’ve tried helping this girl with her problems. She acts like she wants help, but any time someone tries to help at all, she gets angry. I asked online how I can help her and she found out and flipped out at me. I didn’t share her real name and I don’t know how she found it. She post everything on tumblr. She post all the hate messages she gets but NEVER post positive messages she gets. It’s like she wants people to think all she gets is hate. Any time I try to lighten her mood she acts like I
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Okie hey, so there’s this guy.. well actually a few guys I am like crushing over. But there’s been a lot of drama and confusion with one in particular. Well he told me, he liked me & such. & I was shocked & confused. Then I told him I liked him & I did for a bit but then it past like I was just caught in the moment and now I believe he’s all pissed and stuff about that cause I’ve been ranting about another guy on twitter on how he’s amazingly cute and such. & it’s just so frustrating I’m stuck.
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I see at school every day, we have known each other for two years, we are good friends, and you still make fun of me. You are constantly making fun of my breast size, my art skills, my likes and dislikes, my outlook on life. I cant do shit about my breasts, I think my artwork is fine, I like what I like(so get over it), and I think I have a fairly positive outlook on life. At least I didn’t have sex at 15, switch between the same two relationships five times in one and a half years, and comment
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I hate people who think they’re young, want to be old, but still want to be young and then realize they need to do things once a month/week/year to make them think they are young. Like fuck off, stop thinking. Just be whoever you want to be in that moment. When you’re a father, be a father, when you’re kid is not around be whatever the fuck. When you’re wife/girlfriend is not around be whoever the fuck. Just stop thinking there is some rationalization to having these days when you can do what
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No, my husband does not want to “have lunch” with you and your boring family, no matter how many times you ask.
And in case you were wondering, it has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with how horribly you treated him. And yes, you DID treat him horribly, no matter how many times you try to tell yourself that nothing was ever your fault and you’re innocent of any wrongdoing.
He’s not one to hold onto grudges and ill-will, which is the only reason he even talks to you at all, but
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You needy little shit. I don’t speak to you for a week and now you’ve replaced me with several tarty bitches. Well done for cheapening yourself, you dick. I hope I never have to speak to you again. I wish I had never met you.
My mother got divorced 13 years ago. When she remarried she did so with an ASSHOLE. This ASSHOLE degraded my siblings and I along with my mother as well. A couple years into their marriage he started to abuse me verbally and borderline physically. My mother was to preoccupied by her own problems so she ignored mine and focused on her her own by trying to have the little girl that would fix there marriage.
They are still married and still looking for that little girl.
This ASSHOLE still
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Ya know, my life is going pretty well. I finally got out of an abusive 5 year relationship, I’m doing well at uni, I have two best friends whom I dote on and adore more than anything in the world (and I receive adoration and doting in return), I finally have a good relationship with my parents, I’m in a place where I’m happy being single and I’m more confident than I’ve ever been in my life. So why can’t I just enjoy it? It’s like I’m constantly waiting for the next fucking shitty thing to
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Okay, if in case you’re wondering why you’re not getting hired, let me illuminate you.
1) You rocked up at my counter in a tank top and tight jeans–oh that’s professional. And you’re fat anyway, I don’t wanna see any of that shit!
2) You CAME BACK to my counter for another application because the one I’d just given you “flew out the window”–if you’re that careless about a simple piece of paper, how much more irresponsible and clueless will you be about your job duties?
3) You asked for a
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My sisters are so shallow and horrible. They wasted the money my parents worked hard for for 17 years on shitty clothes and they dont give a toss. Shallow self centred bitches.
I’m afraid that I’ll be alone for the rest of my life. Perhaps some of us are meant to be alone, I feel like one of them. All I’ve ever wanted, was a family of my own, to gain the chance to have a loving wife, and a child that I will never neglect, like my father neglected me. I want a family more than anything, and everyday that passes, I feel more alone, seemingly punished…as I watch a world full of undeserving people throw away their gifts, I only wish I could have a gift of my own. :(
I’m in love with with him. I think about him day and night. Any time spent with him or texting him makes me smile form ear to ear.
He does not know any of this or I don’t think he does.
Every time I think about him which is a lot makes me super depressed cause I know that “we” will never happen.
I would never tell him this cause i would be devastated if our great friendship would end.
I wish i could get over him but it’s hard to do when we spent lunch time together.
I would love if there was
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I hate my wife she ruined my life
I am in love with her best friend
I have just missed out on a 6 grand payrise because some cockend nicked the bloody job i had got lined up all ready for me.
The only good thing in my life at the moment is my car
In fact that lump of metal is about the only damn thing that makes my life worthwhile at the moment
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