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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Secrets 3137

I told my best friend a secret that I haven’t told to anyone else. She promised me multiple times to never tell anyone about it. A few months later on my birthday me and a bunch of my friends are hanging out and she decides it’s okay to tell two of my close friends about it. When I confront her about it later she tells me that it’s no big deal and that they won’t think of me any differently. I try to tell her that that isn’t the point and that I”m hurt that she betrayed my trust but she won’t …view more

Little Brother 2537

I am actually so fucking upset right now because my little brother literally gets everything he wants and he is the rudest person I have ever met and he makes me want to kill myself LITERALLY I AM NOT JOKING I hate my life and I have for a long time now and all of that is because of him and I think that either he needs to die or I do because the hatred I feel for him is the most unhealthy feeling there is and I don’t want to exist in a word with him and I have so much more shit I could say but …view more

People are frustrating 2837

A friend of mine is going through a tough time, has been for over a year and I am there for her, as any friend would be, but the problem is no matter how much my friends and I try to help she isn’t going to do anything aout it for the fear of being “weak” for breaking down and it bothers me, I don’t want to be rude and heartless but I feel I am wasting my time supporting her. I just get angry when people don’t appreciate how lucky they are, and purely focus on the negatives. You can’t rely on …view more

I’ll dance while you die 3137

I want you to be miserable and to pray for the sweet relief of death. I want to post the audio clips I have of you abusing my daughter while the children slept merely yards away. I want everyone in your voting district to know how you live up to your campaign slogan: “Protect your family. Protect your property. Protect your community.” I want the babysitter you fucked (who was also married) in your marital bed while my daughter worked to bring home a nasty germ for you. I want your current …view more

Equality? HA. 2237

People go on and on about how women are treated so damn great in islam and all I have to say to that is YEAH RIGHT. The fuck a man has to do is feed me, clothe me, and not beat the crap outta me. Awesome, so I have basic human rights? I’M SO FUCKING BLESSED. Heavens knows what would happen if men had the right to murder women-oh, wait, they do. If a women sleeps with a man outside of wedlock. WELL, FUCK. Wait, don’t fuck, because that’s what gets you killed. Unless you’re married to the shit, …view more

Pity party 2137

I don’t ever talk about myself. I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me or pay any extra attention to me. But I honestly can’t take it anymore.

I am so unsatisfied with my life. Do my parents beat me? No. Do I live on the streets? No. Do I have a deathly illness? Did my family die in a car crash? Am I stranded in the middle of no where? No, no and no. My life is not shitty and I’m not claiming it to be. I know people have it a hell of a lot worse and I probably don’t even have a right to …view more

Pathetic Old Fart 2337

To that pathetic old fart sitting in the booth next to us at Denny’s: No one was looking for you or at you you self-absorbed piece of shit, the universe does not revolve around you decrepit bag of bones. We happened to be waiting for someone who was in the particular direction we were continually looking at and NOT AT YOU ASSHAT: someone we actually know and love and who was taking their eternal time in coming to meet our “starving” selves. Next time you open your stupid mouth, you better …view more

What a dickhead 2337

After weeks of beating myself up, constantly questioning if you even care about me anymore or not, I FINALLY call you out on your bullshit and say ‘Look, do you want me to put the effort in and continue contacting you, or do you want me to leave you alone?’
And you don’t even have the decency to respond to that?!
I’m not even upset - I’m just fucking pissed off. Why did you even bother puttin in the effort to begin with if you were always going to end it like this?
At least giving me some …view more

Me 2537

Sorry I’m not your dream child sorry I’m not one of my siblings who are just so perfect or emotionally stable sorry I’m depressed sorry I need surgery sorry for being me is that what you need to hear well that’s not what you are going to hear for all I care my friends stick by me for more shit than you ever will so no I’m not going to apologize or anything one of my most inspirational people once said never apologize for who you are so I will not apologize at all go FUCK YOURSELF NO ONE CARES …view more

Mooching Roommate 2237

Oh my fucking god. I swear the next time you say the word ‘flea’ I’m gonna roundhouse your nose into your brain. I’m obviously doing all that I can to get rid of my dogs fleas and they’re almost gone. One thing that always confuses me is how you say you have all these “flea bites” all over you and you’re tired of finding fleas on you. How is it that you have flea bites and you find fleas but my dog sleeps with me, lives in my rooms, rolls around in my laundry, and I haven’t found a flea or flea …view more

Fuck you life you foul dirty whore. 2037

I don’t know what I did. I’ve always been a good person. So what I don’t follow the most common trends of society. I’m myself and I like it that way. You don’t like that? Piss off. I have better things to do than worry about you and your cheating, lying, manipulative, dumb ass. I gave her everything and more and she turns around and fucks some other guy who is the biggest piece of shit on the planet. Not even 19 and you already have a criminal record? Can’t even stay in your own house without …view more

idk 2537

Life seems to difficult for me right now. i just dont know what to do anymore. I try to help ppl and they reject me, i try to be nice, and rejected. any thing i do i get rejected. FML
one day im going to help the world, all be it small probably, but somewhere and somehow i will.
Ty for whoever reads this
I just needed someone to talk to :(

And another thanks to the creator of this website. I feel improved emotions when i write out how i feel

Just trying to help 2737

I’ve tried helping this girl with her problems. She acts like she wants help, but any time someone tries to help at all, she gets angry. I asked online how I can help her and she found out and flipped out at me. I didn’t share her real name and I don’t know how she found it. She post everything on tumblr. She post all the hate messages she gets but NEVER post positive messages she gets. It’s like she wants people to think all she gets is hate. Any time I try to lighten her mood she acts like I …view more

You’re a Dick. 2237

I see at school every day, we have known each other for two years, we are good friends, and you still make fun of me. You are constantly making fun of my breast size, my art skills, my likes and dislikes, my outlook on life. I cant do shit about my breasts, I think my artwork is fine, I like what I like(so get over it), and I think I have a fairly positive outlook on life. At least I didn’t have sex at 15, switch between the same two relationships five times in one and a half years, and comment …view more

Why Are You ALWAYS There? 2537

I can’t take it. I am alright with being friends, but is it too much to ask to want to be alone every now and again. I see you all the time. Must you really attach yourself to the few things I do with out you. Must you really belittle me for trying to spend some time away from you. I work with you, I have class with you, and I live with you. Spending a few evenings a week somewhere else is quite the opposite of never seeing you. Why must you copy my class schedule, follow me everywhere, …view more

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