Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I thought the point of being in a relationship was to be their for one another (romantically and otherwise) but it seems like the only time he wants to be my s/o is when he posts “romantic” things to Facebook about how much he loves me even when he hasn’t talked to me or gone on a date with me for over a month. To top it all off, because of the Facebook posts my family won’t leave me alone about trying to talk to him (every time I try he comes up with a new excuse i.e. this was last weeks
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I didn’t see it when I was little, but now I’m beginning to notice a pattern of behaviour with my mother.
Step 1. Mum: says cunty thing
Step 2. Other person: calls her out on cunty thing and/or cunty thing has invoked angry response
Step 3. Mum: pretends step 1 never happened and step 2 was totally unprovoked. Goes totally into victim mode. Extra points if the cunty thing she said invoked an angry response with bad language, because then that’s all she will focus on - ‘don’t use that language
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Why do people complain about burn marks on food? You need some type of fire or heat to cook something. Like what the hell else are you supposed to use? Its normal. What even will a burnt mark do? Like it wont taste too different or any different at all.
My mom just had quadruple bypass surgery and I honestly, with everything in me, wish she would have died during the procedure. Everything went fine except that she’s a different person and not one that we can live with. She NEEDS physical therapy and we had to spend THREE FUCKING DAYS fighting with her about entering Rehab. If that’s not bad enough, she’s now treating us like her personal enemy and trying to get out of everything the rehab people get her to do. She says she wants to go home,
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You’re not ten anymore. You don’t get to treat me like shit and then go act like an idiot and blame me for all your fucking problems. I’m sorry you’ve had a terrible life. I’m sorry you were bred from a line of inbreeding hillbilly fucks who have zero brain cells in their entire being. I’m sorry your parents are weird. But guess what? My life’s been terrible too, and my parents are just as weird, and my genes are shit too because I’m going to die from fucking Alzheimer’s after struggling with
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On the MADD website it says everyday about 300,000 Americans drink and drive, only about 4,000 are arrested. That’s about 1.33%. The average person will drink and drive 80 times before their first arrest. The total number of reported accidents in 2013 was 5,687,000 according to the National Highway Traffic Saftey Administration. Only 10,076 people were killed in drunk driving accidents (about .18%) and 290,000 were injured (5.1%). How exactly MADD came up with the number for “not caught drunk
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Okay, so for the last couple of days I’ve been completely fucking pissed. At what? Nothing obvious. I mean, I can’t even tell why I’m so goddamn angry this time. I want to just break every wall in this shithole of a house with my bare fists. I want to hit things and kick things and scream until my throat is bleeding.
It’s always like this. Anxiety, anger, anxiety, anger. How many shifts can the typical human being withstand?
Latest cycles have all been based around my parents. My rather
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Black Lives Matter. Then all lives matter. But let’s be honest, no one but the black and white people matter. I’m just saying it like it is. And the fact that no one, NO ONE, at all will admit this bothers me so much, because, why do only black and white people matter? This is America, yes it is my home, but it is not my home at all. White people claim that white privilege doesn’t exist, black people claim that their culture has been taken… but hasn’t everyone else’s culture been taken? We’re
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The title explains it. :’(
I’m fat, and no I don’t want your pity. I just don’t understand why I can’t even get a fat girl to fucking like me. Everyone is all about looks first, personality second. Even the fat ugly ass bitches that preach about the idea that people should accept you for who you are, are going around just landing desperate, decent looking men. It’s fucking outrageous how hypocritical and fucking stupid women truly are. I bust my ass every mother fucking day and night. I’ve dieted on and off for 2 years,
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I don’t know anymore. This is going to be very long. I am fucking angry. I’m angry at you, at myself, at existence. At being. I don’t know why, exactly. I can’t pinpoint it. There are myriad tiny, trivial things. I feel like my life has surpassed simple hilarity and moved into the realm of the pathetic. It’s not that I’m overweight. It’s not that I’m ugly. It’s not that I lack confidence. It’s that none of these things matter.
I see people post things online who complain they are fat, or
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Dear R:
I’m sorry that I won’t be able to make it to your pity party. I attended the last one, as you know, because I was trying to be a good friend. All I ended up with was severe anxiety and being cornered into listening to you exaggerate your problems for attention. I know you’re lying about how bad your finances are. I know that things aren’t that bad with your step son. You probably drove him to insanity. You spend more time online than with your husband. IS that because he’s awful or
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I have hated my father for a long time because he is the biggest jackass, hypocrite, controlling asshole ever. He verbally abuses myself, mum and sister but wouldn’t challenge my brother who would snap and go right off at him.
Recently, I was watching a video about people shipping these two guys who aren’t gay and it annoyed me and my dad was like ‘what’s your problem?’ and when I said ‘people just pissing me off.’ I was referring to the video and he goes off yelling and screaming making me
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I fucking hate him so fucking much! Words cannot describe the actual hatred I have towards him! The fuck does he think he is?! Why the fuck did I even see something remotely interesting in him in the first place! I just wish I could take all this shit back and I wish I never knew him. I will never regret saying that.
I literally hate everyone and everything at the moment. He’s the one to be calling me shit? He honestly cannot say shit because the shit he’s done. No, just, no.
He fucking started
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So, my housemate is the most entitled person I’ve ever met; comes from an incredibly wealthy background but has absolutely no issue living in a compete shithole of a house. She hasn’t ever cleaned anything in the two years she’s lived here, has to be pushed to do her dishes, and leaves massive shit stains in the toilet. She also constantly brags about being the smartest person around, and is all over a condescending bitch.
In fact, she’s so cocksure that she ended up failing her med school
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