Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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No matter what goes on with my ‘friends’ it is if they don’t notice I am even there. I am never spoken too but on the off chance I am spoken too it doesn’t last as some other person will start speaking to them or they speak to someone else and I get completely blanked. I really irritates me as all I want is to be sociable.
So one of my only friends I have pretty much told me how she’s tired of me. I have another friend that smokes weed everyday but I don’t do that anymore because weed doesn’t get me high, it just mantra me way more depressed. I’ve only been high once, and haven’t since then and nobody believes me. Iv’e actually completely stopped smoking for a while and Im planning on staying that way. My friend (the first one) blames it on anxiety. Then blames not having enough sleep is the reason. She gets way
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Every since I could hold a pencil, I’ve been drawing (well, if you consider scribbles “drawings”). All through school I would get in trouble for just drawing all the time. Seriously, in Pre-K, my mom was sent home a note saying how I “should be talked to because [I] was too busy drawing to socialize with the other kids.” My family’s always supported me on it, seeing as I was never good at music and I hated sports. Over the years they’ve bought me supplies, paid for a few classes, etc
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feel so trapped indoors like i’m wasting my summer/life. wish I lived alone so I could just walk somewhere foresty or field-y in the middle of the night without question. or wish I could drive. meh idk. anyone else?
Ever since I was little, I’ve had anxiety. I can’t socialize properly, talk to teachers, ect. I have two best friends who are the only people I can really relax and be myself around, (apart from my family). Last year, my friends started to go through phases, get into boys, and there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s normal! The problem is, they’ve started to drift away.. I had to change schools due to severe bullying and medical reasons, and my friends stopped communicating.. They have my phone
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I really hate when my crush, who knows I like her, goes out partying, and then later that night/ morning tells me about all of the guys she made out with. That’s exactly what I want to hear. Fuck everyone.
Hey, so this is my first time posting anything on this website or any website like this for that matter but I have no one to talk to about my recent convo with my ex. First et me start by saying that he and I had a long distance relationship and he was the one who pushed it, plus he knew that because of physical abuse I endured in my childhood I’m not too eager to have people touch me easily. Fast forward to the last couple of months of our relationship he went into a coma and I spent months
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I hate it here in Mississippi. They have no respect for animals and I get blamed for everything! Last night I got blamed for missing pellets. They just fell on the floor but it was still my fault, I didn’t like that fact about them shooting cats there for it’s all my fault. According to the people i’m stuck living with I ‘hid’ them so he wouldn’t shoot animals. My mom seems to be the only one that believes me because she knows that I didn’t even know that they were pellets. I’m getting blamed
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Because I seriously can’t stand when people want to kill themselves. I would go on, being a good girl saying how it’s not worth it, and life hasn’t been fully experienced yet, but none of that seems to be working.
So I’ll just put it this way.
Grow some fucking balls you cowards. That’s right, I just called you a coward. Why? Because that’s all you are. Running away and killing yourself will never solve anything, it’ll just make everything worse for everyone and it’ll be all your faults. Want
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You know it’s hard enough dealing with an abusive mother. It’s even harder when she puts on a charade and everyone thinks that I’M the bad kid, even going as far as sympathizing for her having to put up with me. All I want is the satisfaction of the truth emerging for all to see, an end to the senseless denial, and a fucking nap. And I was getting close to that - well, at least the first part…
Then she ends up with cancer. Metastasizing to the brain. Two to three months to live. I’m fine with
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Sometimes it’s like, what’s the point? What’s the point in my life anymore.
I don’t want to live anymore. I don’t wanna suffer this overwhelming pain in my heart, the headaches, the regrets, the sadness… I just can’t stand life or myself. And it’s the fact I’m so fucked up, depressed and suicidal that’s frustrating because I act like everything’s fine. I smile, laugh, make jokes, hangout at times… Act as if there’s NOTHING wrong at all. Then sometimes I just wonder what they’ll think of me when
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So i have been in love with this guy fro almost a year now and i have told him how i feel but i still don’t know how he feels about me and like he was dating this girl and they broke up so i was obviously happy until i talked to him and realized how much he cared about her but he sent me this message
“I just wish I could find some one that cared as much as i would about them…”
and like it was my chance to tell him how stupid and blind he was being i wanted to yell at him and make him feel
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Ican only try my fuckn best!
If he wants to go back to his mum
And abusive stepdad, what the fuck can i do?!
His mum is being a manipulative bitch, his step dad says he will change and make an effort if he does…
Why the fuck do they think they are gona change if they didnt change before, when they were having problems and wanted a change?!
Are they insane?
Cos they sure are making me go insane!
What am i supposed to do? It is killing me just the thought of him going back there!
Some introspection yesterday revealed that my fears and insecurities are specific to certain events and situations (ie marriage, work) but I’ve found that ultimately, I’m insecure (and hence afraid) of life. Life or reality, in my heart, is not something to be lived and enjoyed, but something to be borne or carried, something that’s a continual challenge, something that must be continual guarded against and prepped for. The insecurity seems to result in a defensive attitude towards life, that
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Ok, what the fuck is wrong with my life…? First, I serious feel like my life is falling apart. My best friend is my crush, he’s flirting with my other best friend, who is a girl, I have cut, I feel like I’m dead inside honestly, and I just got a text from my best guy friend telling me that he doesn’t even see me as anything as just a friend. I swear, this year is gonna be the death of me-_-…
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