Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Renting a house with your best friend is the worst idea in the whole world. This is a warning to everyone out there, DO NOT RENT A HOUSE WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND. She will throw you under the bus when your rent is late and your landlord comes beating on the door. She hides in her bedroom from the landlord as he comes to collect the rent. She doesn’t answer his phone calls or call him. In fact, I have to do pretty much F**KING thing. There are countless times when the landlord has come
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I’m a female; if this bitch were a man I would have punched her in the face and got her fired for sexual harassment. But no. Bitch is a woman. Bitch gets to hide behind “I’m a woman” - bitch gets to do things I would never let a man do/say to me. Because she’s a fucking bitch. Your pathetic level of authority over me does not make you morally superior. My behavior is not something you have a right to morally criticize. It’s just work, bitch. Your personal attacks are because you are A FUCKING
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You send me a text at 3 in the morning to bitch at me about taking out trash when you’ve been gone for a damn week and we’ve been working our asses off to get shipment done? That is ALL I left you to do after you left me a fucking laundry list of shit that I got done. Fuck you. You disrespectful asshole.
My life has always been pretty shitty. I’ve never been one of the cool kids, I’m pretty awkward and anxious and everything that should be easy is twice as hard for me to achieve. Sometimes something good happens and I start thinking I could finally be happy but it always gets taken away from me or somehow completely fucked up and it’s been happening over and over and over again and I’m so fucking tired. It’s not even regular ups and downs anymore, it’s just misfortune over the most trivial
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I have a disease that is getting progressively worse. Its a “hidden diease”, something people wont see when they look at me. all the doctors that i’ve seen say I will never be able to run or do anything I used to love doing ever again. Eventually I wont even be able to walk….. (That makes more than half the stuff on my bucketlist impossible.) Ive been trying soo hard to pretend like i am fine and nothing is wrong with me, but its so hard when people envite me to play active games that I
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I’m doing my best to live with you and keep the peace. I buy groceries and share them with you. I bought you a snack in town today. So why the hell do you have an attitude with me all the time? My husband and I actually pay rent to live here. We are paying our bills and buying groceries and trying to earn our way in this world. YOU? You sit on your fat, lazy ass under a roof that our MOTHER is paying for, watching Netflix on a wii that belongs to ME, on a TV that belongs to our MOTHER, eating
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People. Stop having babies. For the most part, they’re ugly as all get out and they make you look and act like a fool. A blind fool. Because you keep writing the words “cute” and “precious” under pictures of your progeny that would make a sane human scream “World War Z is real!!!”
Furthermore, do not post things that make you angry on facebook. They only make the rest of us angry. Instead, post them on Raging Bile Duct.
I made this friend at uni, but I’m really getting tired of being around her. She’s constantly negative and feels free to speak her mind and piss people off whenever she wants, but won’t take the same shit from anyone else. I always have to phrase what I say carefully because I might piss her off. She’s always shooting people down and being rude and I’m so over it.
We had an assignment that was due on Monday, and she offered to do most of the work and then decided to go to the movies instead.
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Where do I even start?
So my “best friend” since 4th fucking grade who supposed to be there for me hasn’t called me in a week! Even though I texted her that I needed to speak to her immediately because I’ve had a fight with my ex, not only did she not call me back but when she finally texted me she made fun of me and called me a stupid bitch because she never liked him anyway. Like are you kidding me bitch? My heart is breaking over here and you’re making fun of my decisions?
So then I call
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My boyfriend is the biggest control freak ever. I don’t have any say on any decisions that “we” make. We were looking for a new apartment together and he made up his mind about what he wanted and that was that. It didn’t matter what I wanted or had to say or that I am stuck with my name on the lease paying half of the rent and bills for a place I don’t even like. He never consults me about any decisions that affect both of our lives. I feel like he doesn’t care at all about what I want. He does
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I have so much to do in life and I feel like I have so little time. I have huge education loan on my head which I need to start paying as soon as I get a job. I am trying so hard for a job, all I got are rejects till now. It is really touch to manage 5 graduate classes and be involved in an active job search. I am lying here half dead on my bed as I write. I have 3 assignments to submit tomorrow but I am so tired. I hope god give me the strength to fight.
When my friend and I were at the dance we were in the cafeteria sitting down talking doing nothing wrong when a mother of an old friend of mine yelled at my friend to stay away from her daughter for no reason. (Actually there was a reason but it was dumb Her daughter was in love with my friend. And the mother thinks that my friend made her daughter a lesbian.) I said “well that was unnecessary” Under my breath while she was walking away. I thought she was out of earshot. But the mother got mad
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Twice this has fucking happened to me. Twice where guys have started the friendship. They said the first “hello” I can clearly remember, but a few months down the road they send you a horrible message because they’re fucking idiots. One lets his gf onto his facebook and lets her send me a horrible message to make me doubt myself and only apologises 3 months later and also lied to me whilst talking to me.
The other one is also calling my all these colourful names that any girl wants to hear.
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There are four houses near mine where kids live. Only one allows their sons to run about our street screaming, shouting and making a huge amount of noise. We have to crawl our cars down the street as the boys like to play chicken with any moving vehicle. We have eight houses that are all adult households. Three of these houses have garage conversions to make extra bedrooms and the boys try to spy through the blinds at the people inside getting changed.
All of us at one time or another have
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I’m fucking sick of this. They want me to go on a rampage. I want to just smash everything in the house. I can’t fucking deal with it. They tell me to do these things. People say they don’t hear the things I do. Probably why I’ve been in a psych ward three Times already. Probably going back again today if I can’t control my rage. They say I’m selfish for wanting to commit suicide but they’re the selfish ones who brought me into this world. I’m done with this shit. I’m fucking sick of it. I’m
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