Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Some ppl do not take kindly to criticisms. They can’t sing, but want to sing in some app and then have to ask - so , how do you think I did? Well, I think you don’t sound too good, and what happens? You go apeshit on me and reply - why? You think you are better? You think you got an angel’s voice? What makes you think you are better than me?!
So if you can’t take criticisms, DON”T ASK FOR MY OPINIONS. I am not going to lie to say you sound awesome. I will just say NO COMMENTS
I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to do anymore. My best friend and I are really close, but we can’t seem to go a day without arguing any more. I love him with all my heart and I don’t want to lose him.. but he just drives me up the wall.
I’m just so lost and broken right now. I want to make things better and move on, but something is telling me that eventually it’ll just go bad again. We’re very broken people and trying to hold each other up all the time is just so damn hard.
But I
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Please tell me I’m not alone when I say this, but isn’t it annoying when someone constantly just talk shit about someone you care about? Like what the hell, you know I love and care about this person, you telling me about them in a bad, no shit I’m going to tell them! Ex. so this one girl whom I’m sorta friends with keeps talking shit about someone I love and care for, constantly calling them an asshole and crap…… I’m so close to just pushing her into a fucking ditch, she won’t stop talking bad
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my mum says my best friend is making me depressed but she’s not she also says oh she’s so bad keep away from her it’s all fake but I have a completely different school life as to what my mum thinks, and she should fuck off and let me have my friends. She’s not helping.
Hey people. Sometimes, my parents make decisions and don’t ask us. I want to move out by my Aunt and Uncle because they have horses and everything. They have this one horse that I absolutely fell in love with. She is prefect. I wanted to move out there and have at least two acres. You have to have two acres to have one horse. I love riding and being out there but my dad would never let us move out there. I really want that horse. I really do. The moment I saw her was when I realized I wanted
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Back in January my mom got a Facebook request from an old boyfriend she had from back in the late 80’s. Ever since she has literally been texting or talking on the phone with him. I have never met him and I hate him. For my entire life it has just been me and her and I want her to be happy but I hate him. He’s not even in the same city, but he takes up her life. If we`re out shopping or anything she`ll stop what shes doing just to talk to him and just completely ignore me. The worst part is is
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I’ve been messing around and having sex with my hot older sister for years. Recently, we seem to be on an increase, as have been with her three of last four weekends, and stole one weekday last week. We’ve been trying new, wild, fetish-type things (her long nails, blindfolding, tying up), and may involve other people at some point. Mostly, we see it as “our thing” and can’t go more than a few days without having at each other. She stopped by my house on her way elsewhere two weekends ago, just
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Today my mom thought it would be an amazing idea to let my neighboor come and build a fucking closet in my room and my brother needs to use MY laptop for HIS work while Im never able to use his - like EVER (except for now). And I really, really wanna draw on my laptop because I just recieved a grafik tablet 2 days ago and am super excited to use it. But no. “There are too many people why dont u go do smthing else, hun??” and when I said that I wanted to take it to another room until its done
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First, you walk the dog on your already bum knee in flip flops and the SNOW? And them you are surprised you twisted it and this all the day before Thanksgiving?!?! So, I am taking care of everyone and the ungrateful neighbor’s fucking geriatric dogs and I have two teenagers who won’t brush their fucking teeth without needing reminding? I had to go MAKE a menorah in order to participate in Hanaukkah because $ is tight. AND THE 3 OF YOU TURN UP THE TV WHILE I PRAY?
Tomorrow, everyone will roll
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I skipped all my college classes this week and then saw one of my professors outside of class. He called me out and made me realize that I missed over two chapters worth of learning. But I still don’t care. I hate school. I hate pharmacy. I hate pharmacy school. I just want to quit! But I already paid over $80k for my first two years of tuition. . . FUCK THIS SHIT. I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO! FUCKITY FUCK FUCK
I’ve only met my cousin 3 or 4 times and each time he disgusts me more and more the last time he was here he pissed on my kitchen floor and pissed on the bathroom floor and my dad said that he wouldn’t let him stay with us again course he said that the first time he was here and the second time he was here the second time was understandable my grandfather had died and my father wasn’t going to leave him to bother my grandmom. But now this is ridiculous he’s in our house being lazy laying around
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I’m so tired. How does everyone else do it. How does Cristina do it. She is hurt but she is still happy. I’m not. I know I’m not. I don’t know why. I don’t know why I care so much now. I used to be happier. I mean I think I’m happy, but I’m not. I realize in the past I was happier. Now I feel like I’m boring. I used to be fun to hang out with. Now I don’t talk that much, and I don’t do outgoing stuff. I’m boring. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of always liking someone, and them not liking me. I’m
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My sister, being her lazy self is sprawled across the couch, she than whispers something, me being in a completely different room, I can’t even hear anything over how loud she has the television. She than, literally, screams my name as if she was in pain, I run into the room panicking, thinking the worst, and she, in the most attitude filled voice I’ve ever heard in at least a week, tells me that we are having pizza for dinner, than calls me a moron, dismiss’ me with a wave of her hand. I
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dude, i know you’re lying. i know you still talk to her, I saw you ask her for pictures. why dont you just man up and tell me the truth. you lie and you’re controlling and even though you drive me absolutely insane, i can’t imagine living my life without you in it. what am i going to do?
Okay. First off, I do admit that I’m lazy and my mother has a right to get annoyed at me from time to time because of that trait. And second, I am aware that I’m very lucky for the opportunities I’ve been given from living in a first-world country.
But in all honesty, I am sick of my mother BITCHING about me when she thinks I can’t hear her. Like today for example. I made one tiny, little complain about bring the washing in. I said nothing on the subject afterward and brought it all in. I
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