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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Most Condemned Posts

Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Novena 2933

Dear heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time I ask you for this very special one (mention favour). Take it dear jesus and place it within your broken heart where your holy Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour, not mine. Amen.

Say prayer for three days. Promise publication and the favour will be granted.

this boy 2833

I HAVE FEELINGS FOR MY CLOSEST GUY FRIEND AND ITS EATING ME ALIVE. And he’s into self injury and I HATE it and I keep trying to get him to stop, but he doesn’t get why i want him to. I can’t tell him. He has feelings for me too, I won’t ever forgive myself if I hurt him. I’m so afraid I’ll change my mind.

I know you’re cheating. Why won’t you just admit it? 3533

I’ve seen the way you look at that girl you work with. I’ve driven by on some of those late nights you were “working” and saw your car was nowhere to be found. I’ve seen the phone bills where you’ve been calling her and talking for hours. If that weren’t enough, last week I found a lacy red thong on our bedroom floor that doesn’t belong to me, and it smelled quite distinctly like pussy.

Why won’t you just admit that you’ve done me wrong so I can stop going crazy over this? I’ve confronted you …view more

Fuck you both. 3133

I’ve fucking had it with both of you.
You tease your friends, whisper like you two are a fucking couple and all that bullshit.
Whisper, giggle, whisper…is that all that you two fucking know?

Person #1: I’ve been trying to be nice to you..but you’ve changed. I mean keep your boobs in your shirt and chill…other people can talk to your boyfriend too…HE’S NOT THAT GREAT!! >:( He’s using you and the whole world sees it! But nooo….if I so much as glance at him, you try to take my head off…. …view more

too many men in my life 2033

I have two boyfriends. I love them both. I cannot possibly say that one is better, hotter, funnier, or in any way superior to the other because they’re both the best people i know who deserve so much better than me. I know I’m being selfish and I know that society says I have to choose one eventually. But I can’t bear the thought of hurting either of them. They’re both my better halves. I know that the only fair outcome is for them both to leave me to wallow in the loneliness i deserve. But …view more

Liars and Attention-Whores 2733

She honestly thought I wouldn’t care that she made my *little* sister cry. But why did I care? I stuck up for my sister, and I had to deal with insults and hatred because of it. I thought that was alright though- I could live with that, “as long as my sister is fine…”

Yet I hear today my sister- the very same sister!- condemning me and gossiping with HER. About *me*! She was helping spread lies and rumors about me, her older sister who, not even twelve hours before, was attacked for sticking …view more

Giving Up 3633

so long my hubby and i have been trying for a baby!
Seems everyone around me is pregnant and having babies every time someone else announces they are having a baby I die a little inside, it hurts so bad… I have to pretend to be okay with it all the time but it hurts, a lot!

when can it be our turn when can we have our own baby I dont want to lose another baby :(

You are way too high on yourself 2733

Sometimes I miss having a best friend, but most of the time I just want to go over to you and punch you in your ugly face. When we were friends there would be times when we were talking to our friends and I would tell them something that happened to me and you would interrupt and say “oh no one needs to hear this story again” when the only person I told was you, then you would start up your own story when I know for a fact that everyone had heard it more times than I can count, but you just …view more

Awkward. 2933

You’re a prick and put me down so much, some cases cry, whether you intend to or not. I’ve tried telling you multiple times what I feel but you push it aside and still find a way to patronise me. It’s like I can’t even face to talk to you any more but I can’t help it as I do have some feelings towards you. You just don’t get it do you? I want to let it all out instead of beating around the bush but I’m scared of what you will say in reply.

Damn Cougars 3133

My work takes me all over the states, meeting clients here there and everywhere. Recently a lot of the clients have been late 30s/early 40s and SMOKING HOT! Naughty thoughts have entered my head, especially since most of them have been trying their luck (I’m fairly good looking and in my 20s).
This makes me feel bad as I have a girlfriend of 7 years back home. She’s not keen on how my job has taken me out of state but understands we need the money. My fear is that at some point I’m gonna be …view more

just go die. 2333

can’t you take care of yourself?! QUIT BORROWING ALL MY FUCKING THINGS AND GET A LIFE YOU DIPSHIT. you’re just a little faggot. are you satisfied with what you’ve taken from me now? i hope you die while you have all this stuff of mine.

Stop…just fucking stop 2833

No matter what I say or do, you just have to belittle it. I say I don’t want to do something, you tell me it’s stupid them come up with a logical reason for why I should. Yes your reason makes fucking god damn sense, but guess what? IT’S MY DAMN LIFE AND IF I DON’T WANT TO DO IT IT’S MY DAMN CHOICE!

That’s why I hate talking to you now. And why I’ve stopped telling you what I’ve really been feeling and my real dreams and plans. You just do your best to shoot them down and keep me close to you. …view more


For God’s sake. Some people have the worst taste in men ever. Know I liked them and instead went for the one with questionable personal hygiene, riddled with STIs and acts like a complete tit the entire time. He’s even worse looking than me! Plus has never been momogamous to anyone and regularly sleeps with people with ‘friends’ are seeing! I concede his stomach is bit slimmer than mine but when that stomach is infested with scabies I consider that a moot point.

guys pfffft 2433

Why do guys always go for the sluts. The younger sluts too.
They say they want a real serious relationship and then bang some young honey.
I can’t tell, they say their girlfriend is an angel, virgin before they met them and doesn’t do drugs or smoke or doing anything of that nature.
Are guys really that stupid and naive ???
Or do they know and know care???
how can they honestly believe that bullshit !

what is the lure? 3333

gorgeous + snobby = don’t want
cute (or even notsocute) + genuinely sweet = wonderful
i do get so very sick of guys drooling over my gorgeous mean girlfriends and disrespecting my wonderful cool inner beauty sisters. Wake up guys. Those gorgeous girls who treat you like crap now (with you hoping it is just because they don’t know you) will ALWAYS treat you like crap.

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