Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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So I met this guy a few years ago but it didn’t go anywhere since he had a bf and I felt guilty cheating with him (even though he was on a sex app) Last year we ended up talking again, after he broke up with his boyfriend.
We have similar tastes, interests and things we like to do in bed.
Anyways, I grew to like him a lot after a while (after the sex and the friend talk we had. He helped me stay on after recent problems with my grandfather and a previous relationship).
We talked and
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My younger sister knows exactly how to irritate me and is not afraid to, often injuring me in the process. If I were to pretend it doesn’t bother me, she will continue or try something else until I say it does. Once I do speak up she will only keep on doing it until I can’t stand it any longer and yell at her, resulting in her saying things like “Okay, okay,”"Just calm down,” and “Don’t be such a spaz,” in such an annoying, sarcastic tone that makes me want to freak out. I cannot do anything
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Honestly, I think unless someone really pisses you off and you have a deep burning hatred for them, never tell someone what’s wrong with them. Never be that person who is known for putting someone down. What you may not like in someone might be someone else’s favourite trait in them. Never make anyone feel bad not even for a second, because that one second could destroy them. Don’t tell them that their finger tapping is annoying because someone else is waiting to listen to that beat. Don’t tell
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School Loop (a website to monitor high school grades) can eat a dick. My dad always goes off of the grading off of the website, rather than my own teachers; some of my teachers don’t upgrade a single assignment until the end of the year, so my grade always ends up looking shitty online. I explain this to my dad, but he still yells at me, and takes my computer/personal belongings away.
Before you call me a spoiled teenager, I’m taking 3 AP classes, with another 2 Honors Classes; I think I have
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as much as i am all for the movement for every women to love their body,no matter what size, im getting really sick of people saying things like what even is a size 0? why do they even make that size? THEY MAKE IT BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE ARE THAT SMALL. don’t get me wrong I’m not for the ridiculous tabloid stereo type and i believe that everyone should be comfortable with how they are, or be able to change their body how they want it to be without feeling weird about it or bashed by others. As a
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We used to be best friends…. Then we loved each other. Me more than you loved me. You know how I know this? After you left me on my own: broken, lost, and lifeless; I still loved you…unconditional love. You ignored me and then came back into my life pretending that everything from before never happened. You didn’t care about me anymore. You distanced yourself. What did I do to make you treat me so bad? Don’t you know that I love you? Don’t you know that you’re killing me? Do you know how much
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How is it that my wife gets mad when I barely bother her while she is doing homework and I’m watching the kids, but when I’m doing homework, the kids are all over my ass to the point I can’t concentrate while she sits on her fucking laptop looking at Pintrest or Facebook or watching E! News or the Kardashians for the 14th fucking time. If I say anything - which I have - she gets an attitude because she’s tired or doesn’t feel good and I need to be more supportive….which is rich considering she
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i just wanna rant about my best friend . she goes on my account alot on facebook and then messed thiaged people so she messaged this guy that this other guy who is my friend was talking shit about him and he was about to beat him up because he thought it was true but really she was just lying. then the next day the guy said that i told him and he wants to beat my friend up but i had no idea what he was talking about so then my bestie pulled me away and told me what she did. then she ran there
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So, I’ve realized just recently: I’m the biggest loser on the entire planet. I sit at my computer and watch people do stuff so I feel like I’ve accomplished something with my life… I really haven’t.
These plans I make for myself? They’ll never ever happen, even if I strive for them. I want to join the AF, but I’m a fatass who cries when someone talks about dead animals. I want to go to this great college, but I’d never be able to pay for it. I want to marry this guy, but he doesn’t know I
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When my former best friend and I became friends when we were 10, she was a very sweet, kind person, but she was terribly insecure and struggled with anxiety issues. This insecurity followed her throughout middle school, high school, and beyond. I always tried to encourage her, did what I could to foster confidence in her, but no matter what I did, her insecure nature always crept back up. In high school, I started noticing that whenever she started making a new friend, she’d always change her
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for like a split moment i am really happy.
its night and i just finished masturbating. im listening to some good music. roommate isnt here. ready to sleep and wake up early for my chemistry lab tmr.
sharing my happiness, my sweet sweet babies.<3
Daughter in law is a raging bitch — complete lack of morals, pre-attitude going into any conversation, room, or morning. 16 year old with near-zero respect for her mother. I can’t wait for the next big clash between them, in the meantime I CAN DO NOTHING RIGHT. Needless to say, I don’t engage in conversation because she is a rat trap set to go off on the slightest conversational turn which might step in to personal territory.
My father, 61 years of age is also my apartment roommate for the last 10 months. He told me Friday that I’m gonna need to cover the rent for both of us for next 2 months because he’s not employed and is running out of money.
He has only worked about 8 months in the last 3 years. Mostly living off welfare checks and the kindness of others. I would not have moved in with him if I had known this info.
Now, I come home from a full day of work (and will be going in on my day off tomorrow to work
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Don’t really know where to start with this rant. I guess really what’s pissed me off is a culmination of things trailing back six months at least, when my parents stopped talking completely. This is one of the few changes in my life that I handle pretty well because it happens a lot. But this time it’s totally different. Because this time, well it really is the end. My mum has said time and time again that she was going to leave my emotionally crippling father but she never seems to and I’ve
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I’m a lesbian and tired of being single. I’m just putting my desires out there into the universe & making them known. I heard that’s the first step to attracting & attaining the things you want….
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