Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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So I’ve been letting an old friend and her partner stay with me for the last month, as she had to leave her last place due to problems with her flatmates, and I’d pushed my own house-moving date back by three weeks in order to do so.
…It has been an actual nightmare, more than causing me untold amounts of stress, I’ve actually realised that I despise this person. I lend her money, cigarettes, food, shampoo… because she says she’s broke, but both her and her partner work and have loads of
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I just hate her.. she is reallly really really filthy, she never ever ever washes, she tells my sisters and i that she is filthy but she really is. it’s cuz she wants to be that wya. seh litterally has poop in her nails and she never washes her hands. she makes fun of my sisters adn i because we wash our hands because deep inside she knows she doesn’t and she wants to yell at us about it. she cooks really dirty food for us so my sisters adn i dont eat it and we starve. If we dont eat her food
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I love trying to help people with their depression or just listen to their problems overall; but this ONE GUY I met, he’s a waste of breath. I’m so damn tired of his whining! He hasn’t changed in 2 whole years! He dated this one girl for a month, and he was the happiest person ever, then she breaks up with him and he’s the worst guy on the planet!!!!
Sure, his life sucked, I don’t believe most of his stories but I just go along with it because that’s who I am. I tried calling him out once, and
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I fucking hate how whenever I’m away at college you can never spare 2 fucking minutes out of your day just to call me and say ”hi” or text me asking me how I am… BUT WHENEVER I’M BACK HOME YOUR FUCKING PHONE IS ATTACHED TO YOUR HIP 24/7… so I often wonder why you never answer when I call or text so it makes me really think that because I’m not close enough to be used for something (i.e giving you a ride somewhere or lending you money) YOU’RE NOT GONNA FUCKING TALK TO ME.
I guess it’s time that
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I’m sick and tired of this new wage of pushy anti-theists, or as they like to be called ‘atheists’. But it’s not atheism when you go around pushing your belief that religion has no place in society and makes everything wrong and horrible.
Let’s just start with that: not everything associated with religion is harmful, just like not everything associated with atheism is enlightened. Ever heard of a man called Mao Tsetung? He was an atheist by ideology, and his poor leadership led to 20 million
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Dear lady and horrible daugther at starbucks:
You both are CUNT BAGS, like it is so hard to wait for a new drink, or wait for 5 minutes because the people behind the counter only have 3 people there and they are working as fast as they can. I hope you both reap what you sow, and I hope you both get in a HUGE car crash.
Dear guy at burrito place today:
All I have to say is you are a fucking asshole, douche, fucktard, ass-licker. Yes you did have a right to be mad, but you did not handle that
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K well I’m a girl, who likes a girl told her I liked her & practically spilled my feelings for her out. & I feel like it hasn’t gotten any where.(We are both bisexual). Like I mean she’s told me she wants to date me, recently. But when I ask her if any time soon she acts like it’s a joke. I don’t know if she’s just playing with my emotions or what. She also likes this guy though but she can’t have him considering he has a girlfriend & he would never date her. But she always talks about him.
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I fucking hate my mom!!! She is so fake and thinks she has it so well put together!!! HELLO MOM!! WE CAN FUCKING SEE WHAT YOU’RE REALLY THINKING!!!
Yeah so you hate your husband and want to go fuck an old fame, well don’t lie about it!! Get real and throw away your damn fake religion while your at it. It’s helped you be even more fake, everyone with their fake smiles and doing god’s will.
Oh and don’t pretend like your available to care for me, you are so split you
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We lived together. You left me alone to go live with 2 guys you work with. You are so “scared” of things in life that you claim you have trouble sleeping and suicidal thoughts. I am a gigantic sucker (also still in love with you for some stupid reason), so I say, “Come back and stay with me for a few nights so you are not so scared.” You went to a conference in another city and let another guy fuck you; among other things I’m sure, but I didn’t want any details. You tell me it’s because you
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So tired of the Bullshit and Dramatics females bring into my life. My ex is BAD but my Wife is slowly catching up! Seriously considering switching to guys. Taking it in the ass would almost be a fair trade off. At least then I could get a decent blowjob!
every morning it’s the same fucking thing - i’ve told him it’s probably acid reflux, but no, he continues to sleep on his back and won’t take meds. by morning he claims there’s a “hair” in his throat & i have to listen to that disgusting hacking and spitting. really? hair in your throat EVERY morning???
i can’t stand to eat near him unless there’s music, or a tv, or something to drown out his food noises. chew with your fucking mouth closed! quit slurping every goddamn thing! and for the love
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No, my husband does not want to “have lunch” with you and your boring family, no matter how many times you ask.
And in case you were wondering, it has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with how horribly you treated him. And yes, you DID treat him horribly, no matter how many times you try to tell yourself that nothing was ever your fault and you’re innocent of any wrongdoing.
He’s not one to hold onto grudges and ill-will, which is the only reason he even talks to you at all, but
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People need to learn that what we mean to be insulting and what actually is insulting are aren?t mutually exclusive. If you accidentally insulted somebody, accept, apologize, rectify. Do not blame them. Do not go apeshitty ?OMG WHY ARE YOU GETTING INSULTED WHEN I DIDN?T EVEN MEAN IT THAT WAY YOU?RE JUST EMOTIONAL? Just because you didn?t mean it doesn?t mean you aren?t to blame. Also getting angry because somebody else is angry at you as a self defence mechanism makes you a petty, spoilt child.
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life fucking sucks. but what do i know, i’m manic depressive. but see this is why it sucks. I get one life to live and my brain is fucked up. I can’t be a normal fucking person. I get one chance to be a human on this planet and for some reason out of my control my mind is broken. I hate to say it but my country sucks, everyone is fucking greedy and stupid. The worst thing about my country is people don’t even realize they are greedy and stupid. They think they are the best and have reasons
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I’ve been with my husband for a couple of years now. I was so happy at the beginning of our relationship, and have never had anything to complain about. He makes me feel amazing, will do anything I ask, and he’s so loyal. But within the past year everything is feeling quite opposite from the fairy tail I remember. He started hanging out with his friends more, and I didn’t see anything wrong with it until the other night when we were on a DATE and he ditched me for his friends to go watch a
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