Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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My mom thinks I’m “self-centered” for making a history self-devised quiz. One of the questions was, “Which rabbi preserved Judaism?” and one of the answers was my full name (which, for security reasons, I won’t disclose in here). My mom said “How self-centered can you be!? You’re not an important historical figure!” I was just trying to be funny, because OBVIOUSLY I am not a rabbi and I did not preserve Judaism. My mom barely has any sense of humor, that’s why she has no social skills, and
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So it’s four days until christmas and we (my family) get a call that our food stamps are being taken away…
if it was any other time than now, i may care a tad bit less…
but a few months ago my dad was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and he cant work.
my mom had surgery on her knees and she hasn’t been able to work in years.
i’m seventeen and i cannot find a job in this bad economy why do people have to be so cruel?
we can send money and millions to other countries when we can barely give relief
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Just going too keep this quick, cause there are a lot of other rants on here that deserve more attention…
But recently my mom has been hurting me a lot lately. Nothing physical, and not hitting or anything, but ill be talking about how much it really hurt when my math teacher walked into my art class saying that I failed in front of everyone, and she’ll just say ”well, you never even try in math.” or ”well, she has a reason, you never even do your homework.”
Or ill tell her that my horrible
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You wanna fuck me. I let you. You want me to fuck your friends. I stupidly did that too. Now I’m fake because I want to start over and make a better life for myself? FUCK YOU! You worthless piece of shit. You and all those bitches who talk about me behind my back and rush to give me a hug in the streets. It’s sad that all of you are snitching on each other to me. Telling me to watch my back when I already know what you said. Thanks to the lot of you, I now have no trust. For anyone.
No one fucking reads poetry. I put a lot of fucking effort into reading, contemplating over, and writing poetry. Will that get me a job? Fuck no. Who gives a shit I know a bunch of theories of prosody? That I can recite Eliot like pop song? No one.
I guess I’ll just sit back and watch the business students drink a keg then send my kids to war…
No you actually don’t know. And I may not ever be able to let you know. I have come to take a liking on you. I just need to throw it out there because I feel like my heart is going to explode if I continue to keep this for myself. I think I’ve actually fallen for you… I love you Arlyn.
I’m tired of my friend and the people around me! Every time she speaks it’s about how her life ’sucks’ when truthfully it doesn’t. Then the people around me start talking about how their lives suck and I sit there thinking in my head “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” That’s the things I don’t get why people complain about how sucky things are when honestly I couldn’t give two shits. Wow you’re life sucks I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do for you. If you think you’re life is so sucky then CHANGE
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Sometimes it seems like a menial problem, other times it seems like a huge deal. I can’t do homework! I simply CANNOT. I have no idea why, other than the obvious facts; “It’s boring” or “It’s too much work”
No one else my age has this much problem with their fucking homework! It’s not that I’m bad at it its just that I can’t fucking do it!!
We facebooked all the time, you asked for my number, we’ve been talking day after day, and when we met up for the first time in a while, I’d already told you I liked you, but you didn’t even bring it up. You didn’t even have the common decency to reject me, you just pretended it didn’t even happen. I’d rather be rejected than just ignored. It’s like you don’t even think it’s worth your time to mention it.
Fuck you. I’m crazy about you but I won’t stand for this. Not after all this time.
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…sometimes i wann smash your face in. Both of you. You are mother and daughter, yes, but why not try thinking for yourselves or even getting your own f*cking personalities. One of you is enough, i dont need two condecending,arrogant,selfrighteous,hypocrite assholes in my life.
First of all, it is not okay to borrow something and then just to assume it is yours or you can keep it as long as you’d like. Even worse, its not okay to break or ruin something you borrowed from someone else! And it is
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Heya. Wasabi? Wazzup? What’s the dillio?
Sorry, I was just trying to talk like you.
So hey, um, I want to tell you something but I’m not sure how to. We’ve been hanging out quite a lot recently; and I say quite a lot because I have been either at home/the gym/driving OR hanging out with you. I barely see anyone of my friends anymore except for maybe four others. So yea, I feel like we’ve been chilling a lot. Did I just repeat myself there? I did.
Don’t get me wrong though, I absolutely love
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I’m considerably blessed.. Decent house, clothes, school, friends,etc. However, my parents split, my mom was cheating on him, and he has his shortfalls, which is the first thing that makes me pissed as hell. Then I have this disease that causes excessive hair growth, from resulting thyroid problems, weight issues, blah nlah. And no one really gets it. So woot more stress. Then because of all that, boys=yeah.right….and I realllly hate bitching like this, but some days all I want is someone to
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I’m a straight A student in my first year of a Radiography degree. I’m 22 and after 5 years of working entry level jobs since graduating High School, I decided I should find a career. I left my hometown to move 7 hours away. My girlfriend changed jobs and moved down here to this backwards town to join me.
All I want to do is go back to where I came from, be a career barista and play soccer. Soccer is all I care about and there’s not much soccer in this bumfuck place.
I get ostracized for
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Just leave me the fuck alone you fucking disgust me and I hope you all die in a fucking hell hole, and maybe rot there. You’re all damned bitches with no fucking life but to nag the hell out of me and for that I hope you all die, and maybe even more in hell. Why can’t you just fucking die? You’re all just fucktards anyways, nagging and nagging, and not knowing when to shut the fuck up and just shut the fuck up! Just shut your fucking ugly mouths and die because I’ve had enough of your fucking
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All I’ve wanted since the first time we met was to be the one to make you happy. You helped me through hell and a friendship grew. I’ve been sick for years, you made me want to heal. But I’m getting sick again. You can’t save me, you can’t help me. When I see you happy, I hurt. It’s unhealthy. I really don’t know what to do. I love you on some level but it intensifies when I’m around you. I disgust myself. If I was where I wanted to be, maybe you could love me. I will work harder and you will
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