Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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My life is all kinds of stressful and hectic right now!! I wish it would just go back to the way it was! I want to be 16 again without a care in the world. Running around with friends, thinking we were invincible and the world was our oyster! But I know thats not going to happen so I must figure out how to deal with it the way it is. But its just so damn hard! I hate being tossed into the “grownup” world, they really don’t prepare you for anything!! I don’t feel like anything is secure in my
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Ok so I’ve had on hell of a year and a half and I’m just ready for it to be over! Over with the drama over with the new shit just over with everything! I have enough on my plate and I don’t want any more! One of the major things right now is why are guys soo stupid, I mean really, do you just not think or something!? To all the guys out there that keep calling me and I am not responding, there is a reason for it!! Think back to why we stopped talking in the first place….Really I’m not stupid
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Ok I met this amazing guy online. We talked on the phone and I felt myself really falling for him. There was just one problem - I didn’t know what he looked like. So of course I made sure not to commit before we met. We met today and I am not physically attracted to him. We had an argument about this before and he called me shallow for counting physical beauty. Ok, let me just say I do not put ALL the emphasis on looks. Though I will not be seeing him again because he completely turns me off.
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my mum died a few months ago really suddenly, i miss her so much, it hurts all of the time. i want to kill myself and follow her but i cant because i have a little brother, we have no other family so its just me and him. if i didnt have him, i would be free, im starting to resent his existance, how awful is that. i really dont know whatto do.
Shoot me, but I like Zinger Burgers and Hot Wings occasionally. I know it’s crap food, but sometimes it just hits the spot.
Anyway, I’ve travelled most of the country and been in KFC’s all over the land. What never fails to amaze me is how dumb the serving staff appear to be and how disorganised and scruffy are most of the restaurants.
There must be some good ones out there, surely? But so far I haven’t found one
My apologies if you work at KFC and have got your game together, but do find
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I’m starting to believe my open personality is getting the best of me. I used to be quiet and shy up until high school, but it all seriously started seeming like it was most out of hand when I went my own way in college. I’m just getting this feeling that I’m to honest with people or let things get to the best of me. I know everyone has their moments where they do stupid things or have bad judgment’s. I mean even I do myself, but in the end I think that my opinions and what I thought were
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I miss my ex, its been over a year since I broke it off, and I miss him. He calls to chat and make sure I’m doing good every once and awhile. I even see him drive by my house sometimes. I try not to act like I miss him when he calls or when I see him. But I miss him more when he doesn’t, call or when I don’t see him drive by for awhile.
Few things in this life annoy and anger me more than cheap stickers. You know, the ones on DVDs and books that never come off in one piece. The stickers that are so damn determined to leave a part of themselves behind, which you have to scrape, scrape, scrape off with your fingernails. It wouldn’t kill you vile, cheap-ass fiends to spend an extra few cents so your stickers don’t leave that crap behind. You stickers have pissed off more OCD people than fluorescent lights that constantly flicker
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There’s this dude that I go to school with. I never hung out with him until this year, but I only hung out with him because we were both with one of my friends (a girl). I always thought he was a pretty cool dude. But then after hanging out with him a few times I realized how much of a douche bag he is.
I just thought I didn’t like him because he was trying to get in my friend’s pants but no…he really is a douche. I went to the movies with my friend (dude) and my other friend that douche was
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Seriously when you are waiting for someone to pick up the phone be ready to talk to them! Dont carry on another fucking conversation while waiting because once that person picks up the phone they can hear you talking already. They might just hear something you dont want them to. Also if you havent made up you’re mind about what you were calling about, dont call. I dont want to hear you process everything out loud, its really boring for me and I dont fucking care. Call me back when you have an
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Common occurrence for me: Whenever I leave the house and go somewhere on my own, I always get this huge urge to either scream or burst out laughing right in the middle of the street 0_o I’ve never given in yet though, biting my tongue makes it go away.
Surely I’m not the only one?
I hate my bosses aka mangement there all asshole especially the GM he is a prick no people skills
I really hope he follows through on this economy strategy and also end this war in Iraq, it is costing the country Billions and lives of young people. The American public wonder why they are in a recession…Fucks sake open your eyes people and Obama do something good PLEASE
i feel shy
Fuck, fuck, fuck. How fucking liberating is this? A place where you can swearing your fucking arse off and no cunt’s gonna stop you or fucking censor you. Mutha Fucka!!!!
I’ll be back when I next need a rant.
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