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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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All I’ve wanted since the first time we met was to be the one to make you happy. You helped me through hell and a friendship grew. I’ve been sick for years, you made me want to heal. But I’m getting sick again. You can’t save me, you can’t help me. When I see you happy, I hurt. It’s unhealthy. I really don’t know what to do. I love you on some level but it intensifies when I’m around you. I disgust myself. If I was where I wanted to be, maybe you could love me. I will work harder and you will …view more

Stop trying to upstage me asshole 3132

You go greet my table knowing they are regular good tippers n start telling them things on the menu then coming over to me n telling me their drink order….fuck u douche u were cut over an hour ago I told mgr what u did n he backed me up n u deserved me fukin screamin @ u in the kitchen b/c when I went 2 the dr.s tbl they said oh I thought asseymcdouche was our server…u fuckin shitbag…we all hate u…seriously the day u get fired,and u will,I will buy everyone at work a shot n we will spit in yur …view more

Je suis tombeé 2532

People I love worry about me. They think I’m depressed, sick, suicidal even.
I tell them I’m fine.
I hate lying to them.
I lie so they won’t hate me for being so weak.
Why am I so pitiful, unable to tell someone to their face I might need help? I can only stand behind this mask, and yell it out to the unknown masses.
Do you think I’m weak?

Abnormal Daydreams 2532

I’m 17yo, female, pretty smart (IQ in the above average range), socially awkward, totally oblivious sometimes as to if someone is mocking me or actually being nice, and irritable, but non-violent.

Anyways, when I am bored, I daydream about how I might kill some random person (no one in particular, just a hypothetical person). I take into account factors such as victim specs (skills, habits, body type, relationships, reputation, hobbies, etc), location (distance from various geographic …view more

oy… 2732

ok…i have a crush on two seniors who are taken, a freshman whose taken, a guy in the eighth grade (whose friend has a crush on me), and my friend’s little brother. There are these two girls in my PE class who keep asking me who i like and i won’t tell them. it has gone on for at least a week. i’m kinda getting sick of it. idk if i should tell them who i like or tell them to kiss it. i’m leaning towards telling them to kiss it. they won’t give up and i got really close to cussing them out in the …view more

If I could, I would 2432

If I could top myself quietly, secretly and securely…I would. Life gives me nothing anymore.

Fat Piece of Shit 1932

I’ll admit, I’m not the only fat girl in the world, and by far not the US, which is full of fatards like me. But I am one of the few fatasses in California, which is why I’m such a loser. Literally all my friends and everyone I know looks nice, and ten there’s me, the worthless lump of lard. Whenever I see myself I’m reminded of that character Dudley from Harry Potter, Jabba the hut, or similar characters. I’m technically obese, but I am overweight, ugly and stupid.
I’d really like to be able …view more

fake ass bitches 1732

I hate fake ass bitches name courtney that rant onj a god damn blog saying all kinds of nasty shit bout u when they havnt even seen you in 3 years….mmmm…get a life hunny just cause u saw me dont mean u gotta go insulting my but really im flattered i mean i didnt even say anything to her and it had that much of an effect on her i think there was a little more to it then her just thinking im a whore lol but for real people need to get a life <3 muah! peace out homies

Really? Are you that pathetic? 2732

Seriously. First we talk about our feelings and I tell you I’m not interested in dating you or anyone else so you say you’ll drop it. Okay great. Then you have to go and be so pathetic later and ask me out in a juvenile note. Honestly…we’re almost at college ya dumbass. Show that you actually have courage and ask me out face to face if your going to ask me out again after you say your going to drop it. I know I can’t control feelings, but if I’m going to turn you down the first time and give …view more

Shut the fuck up. 2532

I don’t want to hear about your “perfect” life, how wonderful you are, how fantastic your kids are. I don’t want to see your baby’s pictures, or hear about how you did this and that. No ONE wants to know every fucking one of your secrets! Like I really give a flying fuck about what you do when you wake up! Why the *fuck* do you feel it necessary to give out every fucking detail of your life?!


Something to be ashamed of? 3632

‘So what do you do in your spare time?’

Well I like to write explicit gay porn…

It soothes me.

Pining for a guy 2932

I’ve convinced myself I’m in love with a guy who may actually like me, but he wont make a move, and I can’t because I’m afraid of rejection. Am I good enough for anyone, why is everyone afraid of me? Am I hopeless?

MEH 2632

Ive lost interest. Theres nothing that makes getting out of bed worthwhile, and ive been in love with my best friend for so long that now im exhausted and worn out and never want to fall in love again. Though of course, i still miss him every. single. fucking. day. I am SO TIRED of all this bullshit and feeling like some hollow non-character. Ive never felt so numb and lost and out of place and im completely out of hope and motivation.

I dont have the energy. tomorrow i am staying in …view more

Ex 2132

After years of him being out of my life he comes back and makes life hell again. It makes me so upset and no matter how hard i try to forget him…i see him everywhere i go and get reminded all the time. It’s a living nightmare.

Mobiles! Grrrrrr! 2432

I havnt done anything socially for 2 weeks. Had a major barney with the girlfriend and really needed a night out with my mates. I get home from work to find messages from my mates. They had last minute organised to all go out for some drinks and a laugh. At the place where my work is!!!!! I didnt get the call because my phone decided to go on silent by itself. And had driven an hour home before I got the message. Grrr!

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