Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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We’ve been together for 5 years, I love you and I love the life we have built for each other. That being said, please stop trashing the place and then making fun of me for getting annoyed when you put nothing away and even the furniture is no longer where it originally was. This is not me being “OCD”, this is me getting fucking tired of being a full-time maid that gets no help or thanks at all while working two other jobs.
Okay, I get that I’m not the best daughter. I make stupid mistakes that get me into trouble and put off what I need to do. But my mom? SHE IS BATSHIT INSANE. It started when my mom made a rule that I’m not allowed to wear jeans consecutively. Like, I get that she wants me to wear more of what’s in my wardrobe, but literally 85% of my closet consists of jeans, and the other 15% is full of these awful clothes that she THINKS look good. Uh, okay, mom, obviously nobody is going to look at me weird
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So, I’m dating this guy. He’s my first boyfriend and I absolutely love the shit outta this guy, for some reason. In fact we have very little in common and we don’t really do that much with each other. I feel like he doesn’t quite understand me either, or more like he doesn’t try to. He often belittles me and makes me feel like shit. The thing is, I’m a pretty strong person and I can handle stuff like this really well but hearing this day in and day out is getting really tiring. He doesn’t
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I hate the idea of sex and the boys in my class are horny af (some made jokes of my privates and one made a joke about touching my boobs???) Technically I hate being a female as well and can’t people accept that not every boy/girl wants and craves sex with them? Nobody gets that I would much rather be a boy, my mum constantly ensures I am not anything but straight, she was so irritated about me being asexual, what is wrong with society?
Ever since I was a child, I’ve absolutely hated hearing other people talk. Even when there are a few people in the room having fun by just chatting, I absolutely cannot stand it. I always have something to do, and noise does nothing but distract me.
So, naturally, I expect silence in the evening in my college dorm on a specifically designated “quiet floor”. I’ve got people a few doors down who get wasted every Saturday and try to convince their friend to get wasted with them. I’ve got people a
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I think I should let go of him. I think its been long enough that I’m no longer in love with him but rather the idea of him. I also think that he might be a dick, I don’t think he does it purposefully but if I think that he is then he’s obviously treated me like shit a few times. He just gives me mixed signals and makes me feel not good enough. I should let him go and move on.
I feel so sick of myself right now. I am always sad, depressed, or unhappy in general because of what I’ve done…the icon I chose for this post does not yet express a fraction of the helplessness and despair that I feel. If you’ll bother to read my story, then I’ll thank you beforehand for having the patience to put up with the sad, sad person I am right now.
First off I have two younger siblings. One who shares a father with me, the other who is my half-brother from my mom and my stepdad. The
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Oh my fucking lord. I have been dating this girl and I come to surprise her because she asked me to and I live out of state. I come to her house only to find my fucking brother hiding in her garage. The same asshole I talked to him specifically about her because he showed up at her house to help her hang her TV when I was away. She was the one who told me. Not that fucking bastard. I told him that if he had feelings for her to tell me and I’d break it off so some dumb bitch wouldn’t get in
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I know you’ll all condemn this given that you fall into the category yourselves, but I’ve come to realise that I’ve literally never met an American who doesn’t have a hyper-inflated ego, doesn’t have some witty comment about “Saving your Britfag ass during the war” (even though it was thanks to Russia, not you fucking Americunts), or thinks that we’re all somewhat related to the Queen. People always ago on about “not all Americans are the same” but guess what? You are! Even the nicest of
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I don’t fucking believe this! It’s just one lie after another. And now, after proclaiming your desire to stay single for life, you have hooked up again with another random bitch. I thought you said you “never want to get serious again”. WTF happened to that? Oh, but trust that this sham of a relationship wont last long when she finds out what a giant ho-bag of a man you are. But this time, I wont be around to give you another helping of rebound pussy. You’ll have to go back to fucking random
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My grandfather has recently died. While this is perfectly normal for the whole family (including myself) to grieve for his death, I’ve just now realized…
I hate talking to people, even moreso in public, and even more “even moreso” when all of this public happens to be the family! I’m not good at all at social occasions, and I’m torn between not being at the funeral and everyone in the family thinks I’m a selfish asshole, and actually
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I’m a Senior in high school, so this is very sad. About a majority of the kids in my class are all rude, annoying, condescending, idiotic, lazy, pieces of trash. There’s only about seven people in there who I don’t want to stab in the eye.
There’s one girl who never shuts the fuck up. She has such a goddamn attitude and always talks to this boy next to her, and they boy is the dumbest fucker I’ve ever met. They’ll talk all class long, and eventually the teacher will come over and tell her to
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I just feel like i am NEVER ever good enough. Whatever it is I do - whether it’s school work, running, how i look, how i present myself or just anything in general. I feel like i work so hard for many things and nothing good ever happens or i don’t get enough credit or people don’t realise how hard i am trying to be the best i can be. I just wish for once people would be thankful- especially in group projects and I’m just so stressed out right now.
I told you that i liked you and i was sorry it was going to be awkward.. You said it didn’t have to be.. it still is in a way. I’ve talked to you a little after but only like once or twice.. You’re in my last class and today i was by you because my friend sits by you and we were working together.. I see you in the hallway and i act like i don’t notice you but in reality i forget what im saying and start saying random things so you don’t notice. I smile and freak out when i see you. When i first
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So if YOUR life really sucks,
*Do you drink or use drugs to try to ease the pain?
*Do you single out and or just hold a life long grudge towards those who abused you?
*Do you cut yourself to punish yourself because everyone treats you like a loser?
*Do you have bipolar disorder, depression, OCD, ADD?
*Did you miss out on all the best in life that everyone else takes for granted?
*Did you never have anything you really wanted and sometimes only what you needed, or got bailed out of a situation
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