Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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I am engaged to be married this summer. I am prolly having second thoughts and trying to ignore them. Nonrefundable deposits made, plus I have a STD now and no one else will want me. Don’t want to give my fucking family another reason to say I told you so. Both my partner and I work full time. All he does is sit on his fucking computer and do art. He works 9-6 and comes home to cook our dinner and washes the dishes. Oh, and he takes the garbage out once a week. Lots of fucking help there.
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Okay, I just have to express how icked out I am right now. At first, I was just looking for an online friend cause I dont have many, and this guy who found me seemed pretty normal and nice at first. but I guess theres just something about me that brings out the creepiness in guys cause then he started talking about dick pics, making secret plans to come surprise me and see me (when I gave him no reason to think I’d be into that) going on and on about how much he luurves me (yah, do you actually
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I have a friend who is poisonous. Whenever I talk with her in a group, she shuts me down as if I don’t count. The main group I talk to that she’s in is something that I only accidentally told her about, an online chatroom. In the chatroom she sticks out, too. She acts differently, and just tries to get attention.
But one on one online, I try to talk to her. I tell her that I’m hurt, and she calls me passive aggressive. I don’t want to bring it up in front of others, that would be drama
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My girlfriend missed our valentines day date because she went out with her friends. She came home really late and didn’t know it’d be that late. But she’s been avoiding the issue. I’ve been trying to talk to her about this, but she’s been ignoring and went out with her friends again last night. Her friends won’t let her text or use her phone because they think that’s rude. She got drunk and wouldn’t reply to my messages. She says that she doesn’t get to see her friends often but still, I’m her
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I’m fucking sick of my boss not listening to me and not even trying to get to know me. I know that the customers are always right, especially in a dance studio, but when they’re just being MEAN to me and I don’t have any say in what happened, IT PISSES ME OFF.
What makes everything worse is that I can’t quit, or I’ll basically be broke. I hate my career.
I feel terribly alone. I feel disconnected from everyone; cut-off. I feel like I don’t belong - here at work, at home, around family - everywhere. I feel unwanted; like a “lesser-than”. I feel people don’t want me around unless I do something useful, or am funny or smart - unless I earn my place.
I’m also angry and depressed; I screamed so loud yesterday that I hurt my throat and ears, but I cannot cry. The weight of these tow feelings are making me very tired and legarthic. I cannot rouse
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Okay, first of all I’m a good student. I get good grades, I’m polite, I never interrupt class. I try to be nice and patient with everyone and I don’t try to judge people, not ever….but I think my forensic science teacher is the devil. It’s not because she gave me a bad grade or anything dumb like that but she’s genuinely the worst person (if she’s even human) that I’ve ever met in my life. It honestly astounds me that someone like her even exists. It’s always been my belief that if you try to
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I am sick of my job because it is crap and my bosses put me on even after I have said I couldn’t work.(multiple times too!!!). My mother! Controlling cow that says I do nothing which is crap! I spend all day at uni and then work on weekends and never ask for any money or anything and pay board!!!! I even offer to help her with her work but noooo my sister can but I AM TOO FREAKEN DUMB TO EVEN CLEAN A HOUSE. My perfect sister that practically lies to my family barely studied in grade twelve and
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Drama in my life. I’m a girl 15 in high school, was at one point dating a girl. (I’m bisexual) then we broke up. She’s been my best friend for about a year. & we use to talk & tell each other everything. Then we dated and shit just fucked it all up. Were both socially awkward faggots at times (I don’t mean that literally). So our relationship was shitty. At least from my perspective. I think half of the reason was because I wasn’t use to a relationship with out compassion & intimacy. Like I
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I worked for a medium sized company, supplying to big box stores. The owner is such a full of crap. Seven months ago begged me to lend the company some money and pleading so that he can hold some of my pay to pay the company bills. I was the only one left in the company after he fired everyone, working 4 persons job alone. He promised me a raise which he did.
Lately the sales numbers are up and he’s bitching about my (so called bad) performance in handing my job which was handled by 3 person
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im so tired of feeling angry all the time, and being pissed of at people for no damn reason at all. im tired of people, especially my parents who work there deadend jobs day after day after day, pushing me to do something with my life when i just finished 13 years of school. im tired of feeling like im not good enough for any girl, because i feel like every time i put myself out there i get cut down, and because of that i dont have the courage to talk to the girl i like because i am honestly
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Ok, so I’m 30 and been single since feels like forever, and finally I meet a guy at my new job whom is just THE ONE prince charming, knight in shining armor riding in during the sunset and blah blah blah… oh — but it turns out he has three kids and a wife. Nice. So i’m just bumbling on, trying to resist from flirting, when the opportunity arises to meet said wife at the work party; now i’m imagining some baggy, mumsy type, maybe a bit fat and clingy. Well, turns out the lucky lady only looks
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I like how you made me admit I liked you first, yet you won’t admit you like me when it’s absolutely BLATANT. Several of my friends have seen you ogling me in the cafeteria. You can’t keep your hands off me, and you flirt excessively. What are you, a fucking saint? Can’t risk any of your pride and admit it? Fuck you.
So much to vent & gripe…
I love my job but despise my boss. It’s a fucking &%#@&! store, not a dictatorship! I HATE being a pawn in a fucking power play. it’s BULLSHIT. And I REALLY hate it when the fucking martyr card is pulled- its so fucking lame. I have a really hard time grasping the illogical psycho bullshit, when I’m a logical & reasonable person. Goddamn judgmental assholier than thou bitch. For fucks sake!! GET A GRIP!!
And why is it I always attract guys that want the bennies
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…IDK why, but we can make the STUPIDEST fucking decisions. My GF (I’ll call her Shannon) just recently got together w/ this guy that she’d met online. After meeting up w/ him for a night of humpy-pumpy, she got a phonecall from him saying that he was getting back together w/ his ex. Now…the smart thing to do would’ve been to cut losses, put his # on the Reject list, & never EVER call/text him again, right??? Well, she decided she’s gonna stay friends w/ him, & I had to hear what a GREAT person
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